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    Eça de Queirós
    Nesse tempo Jesus ainda se não afastara da Galileia e das doces, luminosas margens do lago de Tiberíade – mas a nova dos seus milagres penetrara já até Enganim, cidade rica, de muralhas fortes, entre olivais e vinhedos, no país de Issacar. Uma tarde um homem de olhos ardentes e deslumbrados passou no fresco vale, e anunciou que um novo profeta, um rabi formoso, percorria os campos e as aldeias da Galileia, predizendo a chegada do Reino de Deus, curando todos os males humanos. E, enquanto descansava, sentado à beira da Fonte dos Vergéis, contou ainda que esse rabi, na estrada de Magdala, sarara da lepra o servo de um decurião romano, só com estender sobre ele a sombra das suas mãos; e que noutra manhã, atravessando numa barca para a terra dos Gerasenos, onde começava a colheita do bálsamo, ressuscitara a filha de Jairo, homem considerável e douto que comentava os livros na sinagoga. E como em redor, assombrados, seareiros, pastores, e as mulheres trigueiras com a bilha no ombro, lhe perguntassem se esse era, em verdade, o Messias da Judeia, e se diante dele refulgia a espada de fogo, e se o ladeavam, caminhando como as sombras de duas torres, as sombras de Gog e de Magog – o homem, sem mesmo beber daquela água tão fria de que bebera Josué, apanhou o cajado, sacudiu os cabelos, e meteu pensativamente por sob o aqueduto, logo sumido na espessura das amendoeiras em flor. Mas uma esperança, deliciosa como o orvalho nos meses em que canta a cigarra, refrescou as almas simples: logo, por toda a campina que verdeja até Áscalon, o arado pareceu mais brando de enterrar, mais leve de mover a pedra do lagar: as crianças, colhendo ramos de anémonas, espreitavam pelos caminhos se além da esquina do muro, ou de sob o sicômoro, não surgiria uma claridade, e nos bancos de pedra, às portas da cidade, os velhos, correndo os dedos pelos fios das barbas, já não desenrolavam, com tão sapiente certeza, os ditames antigos.
    Michael Easter
    “If you've been looking for something different to level up your health, fitness, and personal growth, this is it.”—Melissa Urban, Whole30 CEO and New York Times bestselling author

    Discover the evolutionary mind and body benefits of living at the edges of your comfort zone and reconnecting with the wild.

    In many ways, we’re more comfortable than ever before. But could our sheltered, temperature-controlled, overfed, underchallenged lives actually be the leading cause of many our most urgent physical and mental health issues? In this gripping investigation, award-winning journalist Michael Easter seeks out off-the-grid visionaries, disruptive genius researchers, and mind-body conditioning trailblazers who are unlocking the life-enhancing secrets of a counterintuitive solution: discomfort.
    Easter’s journey to understand our evolutionary need to be challenged takes him to meet the NBA’s top exercise scientist, who uses an ancient Japanese practice to build championship athletes; to the mystical country of Bhutan, where an Oxford economist and Buddhist leader are showing the world what death can teach us about happiness; to the outdoor lab of a young neuroscientist who’s found that nature tests our physical and mental endurance in ways that expand creativity while taming burnout and anxiety; to the remote Alaskan backcountry on a demanding thirty-three-day hunting expedition to experience the rewilding secrets of one of the last rugged places on Earth; and more.
    Along the way, Easter uncovers a blueprint for leveraging the power of discomfort that will dramatically improve our health and happiness, and perhaps even help us understand what it means to be human. The Comfort Crisis is a bold call to break out of your comfort zone and explore the wild within yourself.
    Scott Jurek
    From the author of the bestseller Eat and Run, a thrilling memoir about his grueling, exhilarating, and immensely inspiring 46-day run to break the speed record for the Appalachian Trail.

    Scott Jurek is one of the world's best known and most beloved ultrarunners. Renowned for his remarkable endurance and speed, accomplished on a vegan diet, he's finished first in nearly all of ultrarunning's elite events over the course of his career. But after two decades of racing, training, speaking, and touring, Jurek felt an urgent need to discover something new about himself. He embarked on a wholly unique challenge, one that would force him to grow as a person and as an athlete: breaking the speed record for the Appalachian Trail.

    North is the story of the 2,189-mile journey that nearly shattered him. When he set out in the spring of 2015, Jurek anticipated punishing terrain, forbidding weather, and inevitable injuries. He would have to run nearly 50 miles a day, every day, for almost seven weeks. He knew he would be pushing himself to the limit, that comfort and rest would be in short supply -- but he couldn't have imagined the physical and emotional toll the trip would exact, nor the rewards it would offer.

    With his wife, Jenny, friends, and the kindness of strangers supporting him, Jurek ran, hiked, and stumbled his way north, one white blaze at a time. A stunning narrative of perseverance and personal transformation, North is a portrait of a man stripped bare on the most demanding and transcendent effort of his life. It will inspire runners and non-runners alike to keep striving for their personal best.
    Tom Vitale
    Toby Harnden

    "Harnden skillfully interweaves dramatic action sequences with the backstories of the book’s central figures, and briskly highlights the failures of U.S. policy in Afghanistan. Readers will be swept up in this little-known chapter of America’s 'forever war.'" -Publishers Weekly

    This dramatic true story reveals the secret mission of the eight members of the CIA’s Team Alpha, the first Americans to be dropped behind enemy lines in Afghanistan after 9/11.

    America is reeling; Al-Qaeda has struck and thousands are dead. The country scrambles to respond, but the Pentagon has no plan for Afghanistan—where Osama bin Laden masterminded the attack and is protected by the Taliban. Instead, the CIA steps forward to spearhead the war. Eight CIA officers are dropped into the mountains of northern Afghanistan on October 17, 2001. They are Team Alpha, an eclectic band of linguists, tribal experts, and elite warriors: the first Americans to operate inside Taliban territory. Their covert mission is to track down Al- Qaeda and stop the terrorists from infiltrating the United States again.
    First Casualty places you with Team Alpha as the CIA rides into battle on horseback alongside the warlord Abdul Rashid Dostum. In Washington, DC, few trust that the CIA men, the Green Berets, and the Americans’ outnumbered Afghan allies can prevail before winter sets in. On the ground, Team Alpha is undeterred. The Taliban is routed but hatches a plot with Al-Qaeda to hit back. Hundreds of suicidal fighters, many hiding weapons, fake a surrender and are transported to Qala-i Jangi—the “Fort of War.”
    Team Alpha’s Mike Spann, an ex-Marine, and David Tyson, a polyglot former Central Asian studies academic, seize America’s initial opportunity to extract intelligence from men trained by bin Laden—among them a young Muslim convert from California. The prisoners revolt and one CIA officer falls—the first casualty in America’s longest war, which will last two decades. The other CIA man shoots dead the Al-Qaeda jihadists attacking his comrade. To survive, he must fight his way out against overwhelming odds.
    Award-winning author Toby Harnden gained unprecedented access to all living Team Alpha members and every level of the CIA. Superbly researched, First Casualty draws on extensive interviews, secret documents, and deep reporting inside Afghanistan. As gripping as any adventure novel, yet intimate and profoundly moving, it tells how America found a winning strategy only to abandon it. Harnden reveals that the lessons of early victory and the haunting foretelling it contained—unreliable allies, ethnic rivalries, suicide attacks, and errant US bombs—were ignored, tragically fueling a twenty-year conflict.
    Nathaniel Philbrick

    Travels With George…is quintessential Philbrick — a lively, courageous, and masterful achievement.”—Boston Globe

    Does George Washington still matter? Bestselling author Nathaniel Philbrick argues for Washington's unique contribution to the forging of America by retracing his journey as a new president through all thirteen former colonies, which were now an unsure nation. Travels with George marks a new first-person voice for Philbrick, weaving history and personal reflection into a single narrative.

    When George Washington became president in 1789, the United States of America was still a loose and quarrelsome confederation and a tentative political experiment. Washington undertook a tour of the ex-colonies to talk to ordinary citizens about his new government, and to imbue in them the idea of being one thing--Americans.

    In the fall of 2018, Nathaniel Philbrick embarked on his own journey into what Washington called "the infant woody country" to see for himself what America had become in the 229 years since. Writing in a thoughtful first person about his own adventures with his wife Melissa and their dog Dora, Philbrick follows Washington's presidential excursions: from Mount Vernon to the new capital in New York; a month-long tour of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island; a venture onto Long Island and eventually across Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. The narrative moves smoothly between the eighteenth and twenty-first centuries as we see the country through both Washington's and Philbrick's eyes.

    Written at a moment when America's founding figures are under increasing scrutiny, Travels with George grapples bluntly and honestly with Washington's legacy as a man of the people, a reluctant president, and a plantation owner who held people in slavery. At historic houses and landmarks, Philbrick reports on the reinterpretations at work as he meets reenactors, tour guides, and other keepers of history's flame. He paints a picture of eighteenth century America as divided and fraught as it is today, and he comes to understand how Washington compelled, enticed, stood up to, and listened to the many different people he met along the way--and how his all-consuming belief in the Union helped to forge a nation.
    Meghan O'Gieblyn
    A strikingly original exploration of what it might mean to be authentically human in the age of artificial intelligence, from the author of the critically-acclaimed Interior States.

    "Meghan O’Gieblyn is a brilliant and humble philosopher, and her book is an explosively thought-provoking, candidly personal ride I wished never to end. . .This book is such an original synthesis of ideas and disclosures. It introduces what will soon be called the O’Gieblyn genre of essay writing.” --Heidi Julavits, author of The Folded Clock

    For most of human history the world was a magical and enchanted place ruled by forces beyond our understanding. The rise of science and Descartes's division of mind from world made materialism our ruling paradigm, in the process asking whether our own consciousness--i.e., souls--might be illusions. Now the inexorable rise of technology, with artificial intelligences that surpass our comprehension and control, and the spread of digital metaphors for self-understanding, the core questions of existence--identity, knowledge, the very nature and purpose of life itself--urgently require rethinking.

    Meghan O'Gieblyn tackles this challenge with philosophical rigor, intellectual reach, essayistic verve, refreshing originality, and an ironic sense of contradiction. She draws deeply and sometimes humorously from her own personal experience as a formerly religious believer still haunted by questions of faith, and she serves as the best possible guide to navigating the territory we are all entering.
    Colin Thubron
    Paul Noble

    No books. No long lists of vocabulary. No chance of failure.

    Welcome to Learn with Paul Noble – a tried and tested language learning method that has been used by over 1 million people to speak fluently and confidently.

    With Paul Noble’s simple, relaxed approach you will learn in a way that suits you – without having to memorise long lists of words you won’t use; scribbling notes as you listen; or feeling frustrated. Instead, Paul will introduce you to the basics of Japanese and guide you through over 15 hours of everyday scenarios – from simple situations like asking for directions and eating out to talking about yourself and how to master the different tenses – that are practical, fun, and applicable. Just listen, interact, and learn wherever you are.

    Whatever your experience with languages, whether you’re an absolute beginner or someone with basic knowledge who wants to improve their ability, this is the course to get you speaking Japanese quickly and confidently.

    A native Japanese expert will help you to perfect your pronunciation as you progress through the course. You will learn a huge range of vocabulary in no time at all, and be able to quickly make your new knowledge work for you in a variety of everyday scenarios. A downloadable booklet is also included to use as a reference and revision tool.

    Paul Noble left school unable to speak a language – having found that the traditional learning methods left him feeling ‘confused, incapable and unable to really say anything’. Determined that there must be a better way to learn, Paul spent years devising his own unique method of learning languages which cuts out all the grammar, all the memorisation, and all the stress. He began using his method to teach in his Language Institute and, thousands of students later, he prides himself on never having had a student fail.

    This download contains the entire course – Parts 1, 2, and 3. To continue your language learning journey once you’ve completed this course, download Next Steps in Japanese with Paul Noble for Intermediate Learners – Complete Course.

    The accompanying booklet is also available here: http://collinsdictionary.com/resources.

    Acquire a Lot
    If you want to acquire Spanish naturally, then keep reading ...For several years, professors imposed traditional teaching techniques, teaching grammar, and endless pronunciation rules – and it's still a working method. Every effort is made to interpret the language correctly. But recent studies show that the average language student completely forgets grammar after a few weeks."It is easier to stop and explain a grammatical structure but it doesn’t help the students acquire the language." - Denise Cabanel-Bleuer. Professor of Spanish. Orange Coast College.

    The State Department of the United States has created a list of languages with their corresponding difficulty level and in the first level, we find the easiest language to acquire; it is Spanish. That's why we developed this book focusing on Spanish. The book focuses on three main fundamental pillars you will understand easily.

    Acquire Spanish with Short Stories Features:

    • In this book, you will discover how easy and entertaining it can be to acquire Spanish naturally with our unique techniques, the same way a child acquires his/her first language.
    • After the learning techniques section is the stories section. There are 20 fun and easy-to-read stories written in Spanish, in a way any adult or child can understand.
    • Each story has a corresponding summary, written in both languages, (Spanish/English), then there is a list of vocabularies and a series of simple questions.
    • Finally, you will find an activities section. It has entertaining games to solidify the words acquired while playing.

    This technique is so easy to follow you will succeed with it, even if you leave grammar aside!

    So, if you want to Acquire Spanish, then get your copy now!

    Eça de Queirós
    Nesse tempo Jesus ainda se não afastara da Galileia e das doces, luminosas margens do lago de Tiberíade – mas a nova dos seus milagres penetrara já até Enganim, cidade rica, de muralhas fortes, entre olivais e vinhedos, no país de Issacar. Uma tarde um homem de olhos ardentes e deslumbrados passou no fresco vale, e anunciou que um novo profeta, um rabi formoso, percorria os campos e as aldeias da Galileia, predizendo a chegada do Reino de Deus, curando todos os males humanos. E, enquanto descansava, sentado à beira da Fonte dos Vergéis, contou ainda que esse rabi, na estrada de Magdala, sarara da lepra o servo de um decurião romano, só com estender sobre ele a sombra das suas mãos; e que noutra manhã, atravessando numa barca para a terra dos Gerasenos, onde começava a colheita do bálsamo, ressuscitara a filha de Jairo, homem considerável e douto que comentava os livros na sinagoga. E como em redor, assombrados, seareiros, pastores, e as mulheres trigueiras com a bilha no ombro, lhe perguntassem se esse era, em verdade, o Messias da Judeia, e se diante dele refulgia a espada de fogo, e se o ladeavam, caminhando como as sombras de duas torres, as sombras de Gog e de Magog – o homem, sem mesmo beber daquela água tão fria de que bebera Josué, apanhou o cajado, sacudiu os cabelos, e meteu pensativamente por sob o aqueduto, logo sumido na espessura das amendoeiras em flor. Mas uma esperança, deliciosa como o orvalho nos meses em que canta a cigarra, refrescou as almas simples: logo, por toda a campina que verdeja até Áscalon, o arado pareceu mais brando de enterrar, mais leve de mover a pedra do lagar: as crianças, colhendo ramos de anémonas, espreitavam pelos caminhos se além da esquina do muro, ou de sob o sicômoro, não surgiria uma claridade, e nos bancos de pedra, às portas da cidade, os velhos, correndo os dedos pelos fios das barbas, já não desenrolavam, com tão sapiente certeza, os ditames antigos.
    Michael Easter
    “If you've been looking for something different to level up your health, fitness, and personal growth, this is it.”—Melissa Urban, Whole30 CEO and New York Times bestselling author

    Discover the evolutionary mind and body benefits of living at the edges of your comfort zone and reconnecting with the wild.

    In many ways, we’re more comfortable than ever before. But could our sheltered, temperature-controlled, overfed, underchallenged lives actually be the leading cause of many our most urgent physical and mental health issues? In this gripping investigation, award-winning journalist Michael Easter seeks out off-the-grid visionaries, disruptive genius researchers, and mind-body conditioning trailblazers who are unlocking the life-enhancing secrets of a counterintuitive solution: discomfort.
    Easter’s journey to understand our evolutionary need to be challenged takes him to meet the NBA’s top exercise scientist, who uses an ancient Japanese practice to build championship athletes; to the mystical country of Bhutan, where an Oxford economist and Buddhist leader are showing the world what death can teach us about happiness; to the outdoor lab of a young neuroscientist who’s found that nature tests our physical and mental endurance in ways that expand creativity while taming burnout and anxiety; to the remote Alaskan backcountry on a demanding thirty-three-day hunting expedition to experience the rewilding secrets of one of the last rugged places on Earth; and more.
    Along the way, Easter uncovers a blueprint for leveraging the power of discomfort that will dramatically improve our health and happiness, and perhaps even help us understand what it means to be human. The Comfort Crisis is a bold call to break out of your comfort zone and explore the wild within yourself.
    Scott Jurek
    From the author of the bestseller Eat and Run, a thrilling memoir about his grueling, exhilarating, and immensely inspiring 46-day run to break the speed record for the Appalachian Trail.

    Scott Jurek is one of the world's best known and most beloved ultrarunners. Renowned for his remarkable endurance and speed, accomplished on a vegan diet, he's finished first in nearly all of ultrarunning's elite events over the course of his career. But after two decades of racing, training, speaking, and touring, Jurek felt an urgent need to discover something new about himself. He embarked on a wholly unique challenge, one that would force him to grow as a person and as an athlete: breaking the speed record for the Appalachian Trail.

    North is the story of the 2,189-mile journey that nearly shattered him. When he set out in the spring of 2015, Jurek anticipated punishing terrain, forbidding weather, and inevitable injuries. He would have to run nearly 50 miles a day, every day, for almost seven weeks. He knew he would be pushing himself to the limit, that comfort and rest would be in short supply -- but he couldn't have imagined the physical and emotional toll the trip would exact, nor the rewards it would offer.

    With his wife, Jenny, friends, and the kindness of strangers supporting him, Jurek ran, hiked, and stumbled his way north, one white blaze at a time. A stunning narrative of perseverance and personal transformation, North is a portrait of a man stripped bare on the most demanding and transcendent effort of his life. It will inspire runners and non-runners alike to keep striving for their personal best.
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