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    Hillary Rodham Clinton

    Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is a former United States Secretary of State, U.S. Senator, and First Lady of the United States. From 2009 to 2013, she was the 67th Secretary of State, serving under President Barack Obama. She previously represented New York in the U.S. Senate. Before that, as the wife of President Bill Clinton, she was First Lady from 1993 to 2001. In the 2008 election, Clinton was a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination.
    A native of Illinois, Hillary Rodham was the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley College in 1969 and earned a J.D. from Yale Law School in 1973. After a brief stint as a Congressional legal counsel, she moved to Arkansas and married Bill Clinton in 1975. Rodham cofounded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families in 1977. In 1978, she became the first female chair of the Legal Services Corporation, and in 1979 the first female partner at Rose Law Firm. The National Law Journal twice listed her as one of the hundred most influential lawyers in America. As First Lady of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and 1983 to 1992 with husband Bill as Governor, she led a task force that reformed Arkansas's education system.
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    Hillary Rodham Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea, share the stories of the gutsy women who have inspired them—women with the courage to stand up to the status quo, ask hard questions, and get the job done.

    She couldn’t have been more than seven or eight years old. “Go ahead, ask your question,” her father urged, nudging her forward. She smiled shyly and said, “You’re my hero. Who’s yours?”

    Many people—especially girls—have asked us that same question over the years. It’s one of our favorite topics.

    HILLARY: Growing up, I knew hardly any women who worked outside the home. So I looked to my mother, my teachers, and the pages of Life magazine for inspiration. After learning that Amelia Earhart kept a scrapbook with newspaper articles about successful women in male-dominated jobs, I started a scrapbook of my own. Long after I stopped clipping articles, I continued to seek out stories of women who seemed to be redefining what was possible.

    CHELSEA: This book is the continuation of a conversation the two of us have been having since I was little. For me, too, my mom was a hero; so were my grandmothers. My early teachers were also women. But I grew up in a world very different from theirs. My pediatrician was a woman, and so was the first mayor of Little Rock who I remember from my childhood. Most of my close friends’ moms worked outside the home as nurses, doctors, teachers, professors, and in business. And women were going into space and breaking records here on Earth.

    Ensuring the rights and opportunities of women and girls remains a big piece of the unfinished business of the twenty-first century. While there’s a lot of work to do, we know that throughout history and around the globe women have overcome the toughest resistance imaginable to win victories that have made progress possible for all of us. That is the achievement of each of the women in this book.

    So how did they do it? The answers are as unique as the women themselves. Civil rights activist Dorothy Height, LGBTQ trailblazer Edie Windsor, and swimmer Diana Nyad kept pushing forward, no matter what. Writers like Rachel Carson and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie named something no one had dared talk about before. Historian Mary Beard used wit to open doors that were once closed, and Wangari Maathai, who sparked a movement to plant trees, understood the power of role modeling. Harriet Tubman and Malala Yousafzai looked fear in the face and persevered. Nearly every single one of these women was fiercely optimistic—they had faith that their actions could make a difference. And they were right.

    To us, they are all gutsy women—leaders with the courage to stand up to the status quo, ask hard questions, and get the job done. So in the moments when the long haul seems awfully long, we hope you will draw strength from these stories. We do. Because if history shows one thing, it’s that the world needs gutsy women.
    “An engaging, beautifully synthesized page-turner” (Slate). The #1 New York Times bestseller and Time #1 Nonfiction Book of the Year: Hillary Rodham Clinton’s most personal memoir yet, about the 2016 presidential election.

    In this “candid and blackly funny” (The New York Times) memoir, Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals what she was thinking and feeling during one of the most controversial and unpredictable presidential elections in history. She takes us inside the intense personal experience of becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major party in an election marked by rage, sexism, exhilarating highs and infuriating lows, stranger-than-fiction twists, Russian interference, and an opponent who broke all the rules.

    “At her most emotionally raw” (People), Hillary describes what it was like to run against Donald Trump, the mistakes she made, how she has coped with a shocking and devastating loss, and how she found the strength to pick herself back up afterward. She tells readers what it took to get back on her feet—the rituals, relationships, and reading that got her through, and what the experience has taught her about life. In this “feminist manifesto” (The New York Times), she speaks to the challenges of being a strong woman in the public eye, the criticism over her voice, age, and appearance, and the double standard confronting women in politics.

    Offering a “bracing... guide to our political arena” (The Washington Post), What Happened lays out how the 2016 election was marked by an unprecedented assault on our democracy by a foreign adversary. By analyzing the evidence and connecting the dots, Hillary shows just how dangerous the forces are that shaped the outcome, and why Americans need to understand them to protect our values and our democracy in the future.

    The election of 2016 was unprecedented and historic. What Happened is the story of that campaign, now with a new epilogue showing how Hillary grappled with many of her worst fears coming true in the Trump Era, while finding new hope in a surge of civic activism, women running for office, and young people marching in the streets.
    Hillary Rodham Clinton’s inside account of the crises, choices, and challenges she faced during her four years as America’s 67th Secretary of State, and how those experiences drive her view of the future.

    “All of us face hard choices in our lives,” Hillary Rodham Clinton writes at the start of this personal chronicle of years at the center of world events. “Life is about making such choices. Our choices and how we handle them shape the people we become.”

    In the aftermath of her 2008 presidential run, she expected to return to representing New York in the United States Senate. To her surprise, her former rival for the Democratic Party nomination, newly elected President Barack Obama, asked her to serve in his administration as Secretary of State. This memoir is the story of the four extraordinary and historic years that followed, and the hard choices that she and her colleagues confronted.

    Secretary Clinton and President Obama had to decide how to repair fractured alliances, wind down two wars, and address a global financial crisis. They faced a rising competitor in China, growing threats from Iran and North Korea, and revolutions across the Middle East. Along the way, they grappled with some of the toughest dilemmas of US foreign policy, especially the decision to send Americans into harm’s way, from Afghanistan to Libya to the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

    By the end of her tenure, Secretary Clinton had visited 112 countries, traveled nearly one million miles, and gained a truly global perspective on many of the major trends reshaping the landscape of the twenty-first century, from economic inequality to climate change to revolutions in energy, communications, and health. Drawing on conversations with numerous leaders and experts, Secretary Clinton offers her views on what it will take for the United States to compete and thrive in an interdependent world. She makes a passionate case for human rights and the full participation in society of women, youth, and LGBT people. An astute eyewitness to decades of social change, she distinguishes the trendlines from the headlines and describes the progress occurring throughout the world, day after day.

    Secretary Clinton’s descriptions of diplomatic conversations at the highest levels offer readers a master class in international relations, as does her analysis of how we can best use “smart power” to deliver security and prosperity in a rapidly changing world—one in which America remains the indispensable nation.
    Author of the Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller What Happened

    The Phenomenal #1 Worldwide Bestseller—With a New Afterword
    Hillary Rodham Clinton is known to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Yet few beyond her close friends and family have ever heard her account of her extraordinary journey. She writes with candor, humor and passion about her upbringing in suburban, middle-class America in the 1950s and her transformation from Goldwater Girl to student activist to controversial First Lady.

    Living History is her revealing memoir of life through the White House years. It is also her chronicle of living history with Bill Clinton, a thirty-year adventure in love and politics that survives personal betrayal, relentless partisan investigations and constant public scrutiny.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton came of age during a time of tumultuous social and political change in America. Like many women of her generation, she grew up with choices and opportunities unknown to her mother or grandmother. She charted her own course through unexplored terrain -- responding to the changing times and her own internal compass -- and became an emblem for some and a lightning rod for others. Wife, mother, lawyer, advocate and international icon, she has lived through America's great political wars, from Watergate to Whitewater.

    The only First Lady to play a major role in shaping domestic legislation, Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled tirelessly around the country to champion health care, expand economic and educational opportunity and promote the needs of children and families, and she crisscrossed the globe on behalf of women's rights, human rights and democracy. She redefined the position of First Lady and helped save the presidency from an unconstitutional, politically motivated impeachment. Intimate, powerful and inspiring, Living History captures the essence of one of the most remarkable women of our time and the challenging process by which she came to define herself and find her own voice -- as a woman and as a formidable figure in American politics.
    In celebration of the tenth anniversary of It Takes a Village, this splendid edition includes photographs and a new Introduction by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    A decade ago, then First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton chronicled her quest -- both deeply personal and, in the truest sense, public -- to help make our society into the kind of village that enables children to become smart, able, resilient adults. It Takes a Village is "a textbook for caring.... Filled with truths that are worth a read, and a reread" (The Dallas Morning News).

    For more than thirty-five years, Senator Clinton has made children her passion and her cause. Her long experience -- not only through her roles as mother, daughter, sister, and wife but also as advocate, legal expert, and public servant -- has strengthened her conviction that how children develop and what they need to succeed are inextricably entwined with the society in which they live and how well it sustains and supports its families and individuals. In other words, it takes a village to raise a child.

    In her new Introduction, Senator Clinton reflects on how our village has changed over the last decade -- from the impact of the Internet to new research in early child development and education. She discusses issues of increasing concern -- security, the environment, the national debt -- and looks at where we have made progress and where there is still work to be done.

    It Takes a Village has become a classic. As relevant as ever, this anniversary edition makes it abundantly clear that the choices we make today about how we raise our children and how we support families will determine how our nation will face the challenges of this century.
    La historia íntima de las crisis, decisiones y retos que enfrentó Hillary Rodham Clinton durante sus cuatro años como sexagésima séptima Secretaria de Estado de América, y de cómo esas experiencias motivan su visión del futuro.

    “Todos afrontamos decisiones difíciles en la vida,” escribe Hillary Rodham Clinton en las primeras páginas de esta crónica personal de sus años en el epicentro de los eventos mundiales. “La vida consiste en tomar ese tipo de decisiones. Nuestras decisiones y la forma en que las manejamos moldean la persona en la cual nos convertimos.”

    En el período que siguió a su campaña electoral de 2008, ella esperaba volver a representar el estado de Nueva York en el Senado de los Estados Unidos. Para sorpresa suya, su antiguo rival por la nominación del Partido Demócrata, el recién elegido Presidente Barack Obama, le solicitó trabajar en su administración como Secretaria de Estado. Estas memorias constituyen el recuento de los cuatro extraordinarios e históricos años que siguieron y las decisiones difíciles a las que se enfrentaron ella y sus colegas.

    La Secretaria Clinton y el Presidente Obama tuvieron que decidir cómo restaurar alianzas resquebrajadas, reducir paulatinamente dos guerras y lidiar con una crisis financiera a nivel mundial. Hicieron frente al creciente competidor que es China, a las crecientes amenazas de Irán y Corea del Norte y también a revoluciones en el Medio Oriente. Por el camino, lidiaron con algunos de los más difíciles dilemas de la política exterior de los Estados Unidos, en particular con la decisión de enviar estadounidenses a situaciones de peligro, desde Afganistán hasta Libia y a la caza de Osama bin Laden.

    Al finalizar su ejercicio en el cargo, la Secretaria Clinton había visitado 112 países, viajado casi un millón de millas y obtenido una verdadera perspectiva global de muchas de las principales tendencias que estaban remodelando el panorama del siglo veintiuno, las cuales abarcaban desde la desigualdad económica hasta el cambio climático y a la revolución en energía, comunicaciones y salud. Valiéndose de sus conversaciones con numerosos líderes y expertos, la Secretaria Clinton ofrece sus puntos de vista sobre lo que los Estados Unidos necesitará para competir con éxito en un mundo interdependiente. Defensora acérrima de los derechos humanos y de la participación total de mujeres, niñas y jóvenes, así como de la comunidad LGBT en las sociedades, la Secretaria Clinton ha sido testigo presencial de décadas de cambio social, conoce la diferencia entre tendencias y titulares, y describe los avances que están teniendo lugar en todo el mundo, día tras día.

    Sus descripciones de conversaciones diplomáticas a los más altos niveles ofrecen al lector una clase magistral de relaciones internacionales, al igual que su análisis de un mejor uso del “poder inteligente” para generar seguridad y prosperidad en un mundo tan rápidamente cambiante—uno en el cual los Estados Unidos de América sigue siendo la nación indispensable.
    Après sa participation à l’élection présidentielle de 2008, Hillary Rodham Clinton s’attendait à reprendre son siège de sénatrice de New York. À sa grande surprise, son ancien rival dans la course à l’investiture démocrate, Barack Obama, lui a demandé de devenir sa secrétaire d’État. Dans ce livre, elle raconte les quatre années qui ont suivi, extraordinaires et historiques, les décisions qu’elle et ses collègues ont dû prendre, et nous explique en quoi cette expérience a façonné sa vision de l’avenir. Hillary Rodham Clinton et Barack Obama ont dû renouer des alliances rompues, mettre un terme à deux guerres et affronter une crise économique mondiale. Ils ont assisté à la montée en puissance de la Chine, aux menaces grandissantes de l’Iran et de la Corée du Nord et aux révolutions du Moyen-Orient. Ils ont été confrontés à quelques-uns des plus grands dilemmes de la politique étrangère américaine, en choisissant par exemple d’envoyer des Américains en Afghanistan, en Libye, ou encore de traquer Oussama Ben Laden. Au cours de son mandat, Hillary Rodham Clinton a visité 112 pays, parcouru plusieurs milliers de kilomètres et acquis un point de vue mondial sur les tendances majeures qui redéfinissent le paysage du XXIe siècle, des inégalités économiques au changement climatique en passant par les révolutions de l’énergie, des communications et de la santé. S’appuyant sur des échanges avec de nombreux leaders et experts, elle expose les défis que les États-Unis devront relever pour rester compétitifs et continuer de prospérer dans un monde interdépendant. Défendant passionnément les droits de l’homme, elle se bat pour une plus grande participation dans la société des femmes, des jeunes et des LGBT. Témoin attentif du changement social de ces dernières décennies, elle sait distinguer les tendances profondes et décrire les progrès visibles chaque jour dans le monde. Elle propose ici aux lecteurs une véritable leçon de politique internationale dans un monde en mutation rapide – un monde qui ne peut pas se passer de l’Amérique.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton a occupé la fonction de secrétaire d’État de 2009 à 2013, après presque quarante ans passés au service de l’État en tant qu’avocate, juriste, première dame et sénatrice. Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs livres à succès, dont Il faut tout un village pour élever un enfant (Denoël, 1996) et son autobiographie, Mon histoire (Fayard, 2003).

    Elle n’a plus rien à perdre. Elle peut enfin baisser la garde et raconter, plus libre que jamais, ce qui s’est passé lors de l’incroyable campagne électorale américaine de 2016. Hillary Rodham Clinton a été la première femme à être investie candidate aux présidentielles américaines par un grand parti. Après une campagne particulièrement tumultueuse, celle que la plupart pensait imbattable et dont tant de personnes à travers le monde espéraient la victoire a pourtant échoué.
    Dans ces mémoires, à n’en pas douter son livre le plus personnel, elle raconte de l’intérieur les coulisses d’une campagne marquée par la violence, la colère, le sexisme. Mais aussi des retournements spectaculaires, les manipulations d’une puissance étrangère et, face à elle, un adversaire qui ne respecte aucune règle.
    Quelles erreurs reconnaît-elle avoir commises ? Comment se remet-on d’une bataille si violente, d’une telle exposition et d’une défaite cinglante ? Qu’a-t-elle à dire sur Donald Trump ? Quel est le vrai rôle joué par la Russie dans cette élection ? Comment l’Amérique a-t-elle pu laisser une puissance ennemie manipuler une élection de la sorte ? Comment la première puissance mondiale a-t-elle pu faire entrer à la Maison-Blanche un homme aussi dangereux que Donald Trump ?
    Riche en révélations, le livre d’Hillary Clinton offre un récit inattendu, féroce, parfois drôle et souvent touchant d’un épisode décisif pour les États-Unis et pour le monde.
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