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    Top ebooks in programming languages

    LAST UPDATE: 09. June 2021

    If you are looking for a comprehensive and pragmatic yet concise and up-to-date React.js feat. Hooks book, the Road to React is for you.

    What you will learn.

    In "The Road to React" you will learn about all the fundamentals of React.js with Hooks while building a full-blown React application step by step. While you create the React application, every chapter will introduce you to a new React key feature. However, there is more than only the fundamentals: The book dives into related topics (e.g. React with TypeScript, Testing, Performance Optimizations) and advanced feature implementations like client- and server-side searching. At the end of the book, you will have a fully working deployed React application.

    Is it up to date?

    Programming books are usually outdated soon after their release, but since this book is self- published, I can update it as needed whenever a new version of something related to this book gets released.

    I am a beginner. Is this book for me?

    Yes. The book starts from zero and takes you through the learning experience step by step. Every chapter builds up on the learnings from the previous chapter. In addition, at the end of every chapter, exercises fortify your lessons learned. If you got stuck in a chapter, you will always find a reference URL to the status quo of the actual code.

    Core Concepts

    Pragmatic: Master React while building a complete application step by step.

    Problems Solving: You need to experience a problem first before solving it.

    The Why: Readers like how the book answers the Why, not only the How.

    Table of Contents

    Fundamentals of React

    Hello React


    Setting up a React Project

    Meet the React Component

    React JSX

    Lists in React

    Meet another React Component

    React Component Instantiation


    React Component Definition (Advanced)

    Handler Function in JSX

    React Props

    React State

    Callback Handlers in JSX

    Lifting State in React

    React Controlled Components

    Props Handling (Advanced)

    React Side-Effects

    React Custom Hooks (Advanced)

    React Fragments

    Reusable React Component

    React Component Composition

    Imperative React

    Inline Handler in JSX

    React Asynchronous Data

    React Conditional Rendering

    React Advanced State

    React Impossible States

    Data Fetching with React

    Data Re-Fetching in React

    Memoized Handler in React (Advanced)

    Explicit Data Fetching with React

    Third-Party Libraries in React

    Async/Await in React (Advanced)

    Forms in React

    React's Legacy

    React Class Components

    React Class Components: State

    Imperative React

    Styling in React

    CSS in React

    CSS Modules in React

    Styled Components in React

    SVGs in React

    React Maintenance

    Performance in React (Advanced)

    TypeScript in React

    Unit Testing to Integration Testing

    React Project Structure

    Real World React (Advanced)


    Reverse Sort

    Remember Last Searches

    Paginated Fetch

    Deploying a React Application

    Build Process

    Deploy to Firebase

    Unleash the true power of JavaScript by mastering Object-Oriented programming principles and patternsAbout This Book
    • Covering all the new Object-Oriented features introduced in ES6, this book shows you how to build large-scale web apps
    • Build apps that promote scalability, maintainability, and reusability
    • Learn popular Object-Oriented programming (OOP) principles and design patterns to build robust apps
    • Implement Object-Oriented concepts in a wide range of front-end architectures
    Who This Book Is For

    This book is ideal for you if you are a JavaScript developers who wants to gain expertise in OOP with JavaScript to improve your web development skills and build professional quality web applications.

    What You Will Learn
    • Master JavaScript's OOP features, including the one's provided by ES6 specification
    • Identify and apply the most common design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, Observer, Model-View-Controller, and Mediator Patterns
    • Understand the SOLID principles and their benefits
    • Use the acquired OOP knowledge to build robust and maintainable code
    • Design applications using a modular architecture based on SOLID principles
    In Detail

    ECMAScript 6 introduces several new Object-Oriented features that drastically change the way developers structure their projects. Web developers now have some advanced OOP functionality at their disposal to build large-scale applications in JavaScript.

    With this book, we'll provide you with a comprehensive overview of OOP principles in JavaScript and how they can be implemented to build sophisticated web applications. Kicking off with a subtle refresher on objects, we'll show you how easy it is to define objects with the new ES6 classes. From there, we'll fly you through some essential OOP principles, forming a base for you to get hands-on with encapsulation.

    You'll get to work with the different methods of inheritance and we'll show you how to avoid using inheritance with Duck Typing. From there, we'll move on to some advanced patterns for object creation and you'll get a strong idea of how to use interesting patterns to present data to users and to bind data. We'll use the famous promises to work with asynchronous processes and will give you some tips on how to organize your code effectively.

    You'll find out how to create robust code using SOLID principles and finally, we'll show you how to clearly define the goals of your application architecture to get better, smarter, and more effective coding. This book is your one-way ticket to becoming a JavaScript Jedi who can be counted on to deliver flexible and maintainable code.

    Style and approach

    This comprehensive guide on advanced OOP principles and patterns in JavaScript is packed with real-world use cases, and shows you how to implement advanced OOP features to build sophisticated web applications that promote scalability and reusability.

     C++ Programming in easy steps, 5th Edition shows you how to program in the powerful C++ language. Now, in its fifth edition, this guide gives complete examples that illustrate each aspect with colourized source code.

    C++ Programming in easy steps, 5th Edition begins by explaining how to install a free C++ compiler so you can quickly begin to create your own executable programs by copying the book’s examples. It demonstrates all the C++ language basics before moving on to provide examples of Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

    C++ is not platform-dependent, so programs can be created on any operating system. Most illustrations in this book depict output on the Windows operating system purely because it is the most widely used desktop platform. The examples can also be created on other platforms such as Linux or macOS.

    The book concludes by demonstrating how you can use your acquired knowledge to create programs graphically using a modern C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE), such as Microsoft’s Visual Studio Community Edition.

    C++ Programming in easy steps, 5th Edition has an easy-to-follow style that will appeal to:

    anyone who wants to begin programming in C++ programmers moving from another programming language students who are studying C++ Programming at school or college those seeking a career in computing who need a fundamental understanding of object oriented programming

    This book makes no assumption that you have previous knowledge of any programming language so it is suitable for the beginner to programming in C++, whether you know C or not.




    Getting started Performing operations Making statements Handling strings Reading and writing files Pointing to data Creating classes and objects Harnessing polymorphism Processing macros Programming visually
        This C++ Programming book gives a good start and complete introduction for C++ Programming for Beginner’s. It has been comprehensively updated for the long-awaited C++Beginner’s from the Best selling Programming Author Harry H Chaudhary. The primary aim of this book is to help the reader understand how the facilities offered by C++ support key programming techniques. The aim is to take the reader far beyond the point where he or she gets code running primarily by copying examples and emulating programming styles from other languages.  Anyone can learn C++ Programming through This Book I promise. Most Imp. Feature of this book is--

    1) Learn C++ without fear,

    2) This book is for everyone,

    3) 160 End of book examples,

    4) 200 Practical Codes, 

    5) At last it goes to Expert level topics such as: *Software Design & Development Using C++*,

    6) 101 Rules, for Software Design & Development using C++ @ the end of this book.

    7) Very Easy Definitions for each topic with code examples and output.

    While reading this book it is fun and easy to read it. This book is best suitable for first time C++ readers, Covers all fast track topics of C++ for all Computer Science students and Professionals.

    This book introduces standard C++ and the key programming and design techniques supported by C++. Standard C++ is a far more powerful and polished language than the version of C++ introduced by the first edition of this book.

    This book presents every major C++ language feature and the standard library. It is organized around language and library facilities. However, features are presented in the context of their use. That is, the focus is on the language as the tool for design and programming rather than on the language in itself.

    This book demonstrates key techniques that make C++ effective and teaches the fundamental concepts necessary for mastery. As everyone knows that Author Harry is basically known for his Easy way- Programming without fear technique. His book presents world’s easiest definitions and codes for beginners.

    ||  Inside Chapters. ||

    1 (Introduction To C++ Programming)

    2 (Inside The C++ Language)

    3 (Pointers & References)

    4 (Understanding Functions)

    5 (Structure-Unions-Enumerated Data Types)

    6 (Object Oriented Programming Concept)

    7 (C++ Classes and Objects)

    8 (Constructors and Destructors)

    9 (Operator Overloading)

    10 (Console Input / Output Streams)

    11 (Inheritance Concept in C++)

    12 (Virtual Functions-Polymorphism Concept)

    13 (Templates Concept In C++)

    14 (Exception Handling In C++)

    15 (New Features of ANSI C++ Standard)

    16 (Working With Files)

    17 (String Classes’)

    18 (Your Brain On C++ ( 160 Multiple Choice Questions))

    19 (Your Brain On C++ (100 Practical Programming Questions))

    20 (Software Design & Development Using C++)

    Get started with Godot and game programming fast without the headaches

    Godot is a great software to create video games; however, it includes so many options and features that getting started can feel overwhelming.

    Without my book, most people spend too long trying to learn how to use Godot the hard way. This book is the only one that will get you to learn Godot fast without wasting so much time. This book is the first book in the series “Godot from Zero to Proficiency” where you will learn to code fast and be able to create your own video games with Godot in no time.

    What you will learn

    After completing this book, you will be able to:

    - Know and master the features that you need to create 3D environments for your games.

    - Quickly create (and navigate through) realistic 3D indoors and outdoors environments.

    - Create a 3D Maze with lights, walls, and textures.

    - Create an island with sandy beaches, mountains, and water.

    - Include and control a car.

    - Export your games for Mac or PC.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for:

    - Hobbyists who need a book that gets them started with Godot and game development easily.

    - Parents looking for a book that introduces their children to game programming painlessly.

    - Teachers looking for a complete and clear resource on programming through the creation of games.

    - Aspiring indie game developers.

    How this book is different

    This is the only book that you need to get started with Godot fast and to enjoy the journey without the frustration. This book includes six chapters that painlessly guide you through the necessary skills to master Godot’s interface, use its core features, and create and navigate through realistic 3D environments. It assumes no prior knowledge on your part and ensures that you have all the information and explanations that you need every step of the way.

    What this book offers

    This book includes all the features that you need to get started with Godot and game development:

    - Learn without the headaches: This book assumes that you can’t be expected to learn everything at once; this is why you will build all your skills incrementally.

    - Make your dream of creating your own games come true: This book ensures that you stay motivated by giving you the right amount of information and challenge in each chapter; we all know that it’s hard to keep motivated when learning a new skill, so this book always contextualizes the knowledge with an example (so that you feel it’s relevant), and also makes sure that you get to challenge yourself, if you need to, with optional challenges present at the end of each chapter.

    - Progress and feel confident in your skills: You will have the opportunity to learn and to use Godot at your own pace and to become comfortable with its interface. This is because every single new concept introduced will be explained in great detail so that you never feel lost. All the concepts are introduced progressively so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.

    - Create your own games and feel awesome: With this book, you will build your 3D environments and you will spend more time creating than reading, to ensure that you can apply the concepts covered in each section. All chapters include step-by-step instructions with examples that you can use straight-away.

    If you want to get started with Godot today, then buy this book now

    Newly Edited and Updated Version (Third Edition) for Unity 2019

    Get started with C# programming and Unity without the headaches

    Without my book, most people spend too long trying to learn C# with Unity the hard way. This book is the only one that will get you to learn Unity fast without wasting so much time. It includes nine chapters that painlessly teach you the necessary skills to master C# with Unity and to create both 2D and 3D interactive games.

    What you will learn

    After completing this book, you will be able to:

    - Code in C#.

    - Understand and apply C# concepts.

    - Create a 3D adventure game with the main character, a timer, and a mini-map.

    - Display and update a user interface with text and images.

    - Create and use C# variables and methods for your game.

    - Include intelligent NPCs that chase the player.

    - Create a 2D word-guessing games and an infinite runner.

    - Load new scenes from the code, based on events in your games.

    Content and structure of this book

    The content of each chapter is as follows:

    - Chapter 1 introduces some core programming and C# principles.

    - Chapter 2 helps you to code your first script in C#.

    - Chapter 3 gets you to improve your scripting skills, enhance your game and add more interaction with a scoring system, collisions detection, and access to new levels.

    - Chapter 4 shows you how to create and update the user interface of your game with text and images.

    - In Chapter 5 you will add a splash-screen, a simple inventory system, and sound effects, as well as a mini-map.

    - Chapter 6 explains how to add Non-Player Characters (NPCs) that will chase the player.

    - Chapter 7 explains how to create a 2D word-guessing game.

    - Chapter 8 will show you how to create an entertaining 2D infinite runner where the player can control a character that needs to jump over randomly generated obstacles.

    - Chapter 9 provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (e.g., scripting, audio, AI, or user interface).

    If you want to start coding in C# and create your own game with Unity using a tried-and-tested method: download this book now.

    The Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc) is an open-source library of advanced data structures and methods for solving linear and nonlinear equations and for managing discretizations. This book uses these modern numerical tools to demonstrate how to solve nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) in parallel. It starts from key mathematical concepts, such as Krylov space methods, preconditioning, multigrid, and Newton’s method. In PETSc these components are composed at run time into fast solvers.

    Discretizations are introduced from the beginning, with an emphasis on finite difference and finite element methodologies. The example C programs of the first 12 chapters, listed on the inside front cover, solve (mostly) elliptic and parabolic PDE problems. Discretization leads to large, sparse, and generally nonlinear systems of algebraic equations. For such problems, mathematical solver concepts are explained and illustrated through the examples, with sufficient context to speed further development.

    PETSc for Partial Differential Equations addresses both discretizations and fast solvers for PDEs, emphasizing practice more than theory. Well-structured examples lead to run-time choices that result in high solver performance and parallel scalability. The last two chapters build on the reader’s understanding of fast solver concepts when applying the Firedrake Python finite element solver library.

    This textbook, the first to cover PETSc programming for nonlinear PDEs, provides an on-ramp for graduate students and researchers to a major area of high-performance computing for science and engineering. It is suitable as a supplement for courses in scientific computing or numerical methods for differential equations.

    Create a high-quality first person shooter game using the Unity game engine and the popular UFPS and Probuilder frameworksAbout This Book
    • Learn how to use Unity in conjunction with UFPS and ProBuilder to create a high-quality game quickly
    • Create both interior and exterior environments
    • A step-by step guide to building a project with clear examples and instructions to create a number of interesting scenarios
    Who This Book Is For

    This book is for those who want to create an FPS game in Unity and gain knowledge on how to customize it to be their very own. If you are familiar with the basics of Unity, you will have an easier time, but it should make it possible for someone with no prior experience to learn Unity at an accelerated pace.

    What You Will Learn
    • Use UFPS to build custom weapons with custom meshes and behaviors
    • Explore level design as you prototype levels, making use of Prototype to build levels out quickly
    • Build environments that are realistic as possible while keeping peak performance and repetitiveness down
    • Review tips and tricks on how to create environments using both terrain for outdoor areas and a modular workflow for interiors
    • Develop a number of different encounters that your players can fight against, from a simple turret enemy to complex AI characters from Shooter AI
    • Discover how to create unique objects such as exploding barrels and objects you can interact with
    • Create a custom GUI to help your game stand out from the crowd
    • Package your game for release, create an installer, and get your game out into the world
    In Detail

    Unity, available in free and pro versions, is one of the most popular third-party game engines available. It is a cross-platform game engine, making it easy to write your game once and then port it to PC, consoles, and even the web, making it a great choice for both indie and AAA developers.

    Building an FPS Game in Unity takes readers on an exploration of how to use Unity to create a 3D first person shooter (FPS) title, leveraging the powerful UFPS framework by VisionPunk and Prototype/ProBuilder 2.0 by ProCore3D.

    After some setting up, you will start by learning how to create custom weapons, prototype levels, create exterior and interior environments, and breathe life into our levels. We will then add polish to the levels. Finally, we will create a custom GUI and menus for our title to create a complete package.

    Style and approach

    An easy-to-follow guide with each project containing step-by-step explanations, diagrams, screenshots, and downloadable material. Concepts in Unity and C# are explained as they are used and for the more inquisitive, there are more details on the concepts used with additional external resources to learn from.

    Accelerate your development process using Drupal 8 Views with this advanced, practical guideAbout This Book
    • A practical, step-by-step guide with illustrative examples to give you a clear understanding of Drupal 8 views
    • Get the only book on the market that talks about Drupal 8 views and their importance for developers
    • Get an understanding of how views work and how they help to create modular applications
    Who This Book Is For

    This book is for web developers, web designers, and website administrators who use Drupal 8, have some basic knowledge of managing and developing apps with Drupal, and who want to get an advanced, practical knowledge of views and how to leverage them in Drupal 8 applications.

    What You Will Learn
    • Create displays of content that are automatically updated when you add new content
    • Show maps and rotating image carousels on your site
    • Combine content to create composite displays using the same data in different ways
    • Use fields from more than one content type to create powerful views of multi-table data
    • Modify the field data being displayed, combining it in different ways or changing the HTML that might be normally generated
    • Add headers and footers above and below a views display
    • Make the output of your view look exactly like the designer specifies
    • Change the order in which a list of content is displayed, limit the content shown to only certain content types or values
    • Filter content using values passed to the view in the URL, making a single view work different ways
    In Detail

    Learn how to build complex displays of content—all without programming.

    Views were used on more than 80% of all Drupal 7 sites; now they are part of the Drupal 8 core. While most site builders and site owners are aware of views, they don't understand how to take full advantage of their power to create many amazing pages and blocks. If they use views, they might build 10 different view displays with different filters, without knowing that a contextual filter would require only a single display.

    Using our sample company, we'll take its existing content and evolve an ever more complex and powerful website for that company, starting with adapting the administration the user sees and moving on to making complex pages of information for site visitors.

    While the book is written for Drupal 8, the similarities between Views in Drupal 7 and 8 make this a useful reference for Drupal 7 site builders also.

    Style and approach

    This is the only advanced resource that will show you how to create, customize, and manage views in the Drupal 8 development environment. This has become more important since Drupal 8 has made views part of its core architecture.

    Over 80 recipes that will take your PHP 7 web development skills to the next level!About This Book
    • This is the most up-to-date book in the market on PHP
    • It covers the new features of version 7.x, best practices for server-side programming, and MVC frameworks
    • The recipe-based approach will allow you to explore the unique capabilities that PHP offers to web programmers
    Who This Book Is For

    If you are an aspiring web developer, mobile developer, or backend programmer, then this book is for you as it will take your PHP programming skills to next level. Basic knowledge of PHP programming is assumed.

    What You Will Learn
    • Use advanced PHP 7 features, such as the Abstract Syntax Tree, Uniform Variable Syntax, Scalar Type Hints, Generator Delegation, Anonymous Classes, and the Context Sensitive Lexer
    • Discover where and when PHP 5 code needs to be re-written to avoid backwards-compatibility breaks
    • Improve the overall application security and error handling by taking advantage of classes that implement the new throwable interface
    • Solve practical real-world programming problems using PHP 7
    • Develop middle-wareclasses that allow PHP developers to gluedifferent open source libraries together seamlessly
    • Define and Implement PSR-7 classes
    • Create custom middleware using PSR-7 compliant classes
    • Test and debug your code, and get to know the best practices
    In Detail

    PHP 7 comes with a myriad of new features and great tools to optimize your code and make your code perform faster than in previous versions. Most importantly, it allows you to maintain high traffic on your websites with low-cost hardware and servers through a multithreading web server.

    This book demonstrates intermediate to advanced PHP techniques with a focus on PHP 7. Each recipe is designed to solve practical, real-world problems faced by PHP developers like yourself every day. We also cover new ways of writing PHP code made possible only in version 7. In addition, we discuss backward-compatibility breaks and give you plenty of guidance on when and where PHP 5 code needs to be changed to produce the correct results when running under PHP 7. This book also incorporates the latest PHP 7.x features.

    By the end of the book, you will be equipped with the tools and skills required to deliver efficient applications for your websites and enterprises.

    Style and approach

    This book takes a recipe-based approach, with real-world examples that can serve as building blocks for a larger application. Each recipe is self-contained with no external dependencies. This book follows a problem-solution strategy so you understand how to deal with various scenarios you may encounter while using PHP 7 in your daily activities.

    An advanced guide to creating powerful high-performance GUIs for modern, media-rich applications in various domains such as business and game developmentKey Features
    • Gain comprehensive knowledge of Python GUI development using PyQt 5.12
    • Explore advanced topics including multithreaded programming, 3D animation, and SQL databases
    • Build cross-platform GUIs for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Raspberry Pi
    Book Description

    PyQt5 has long been the most powerful and comprehensive GUI framework available for Python, yet there is a lack of cohesive resources available to teach Python programmers how to use it. This book aims to remedy the problem by providing comprehensive coverage of GUI development with PyQt5.

    You will get started with an introduction to PyQt5, before going on to develop stunning GUIs with modern features. You will then learn how to build forms using QWidgets and learn about important aspects of GUI development such as layouts, size policies, and event-driven programming. Moving ahead, you’ll discover PyQt5’s most powerful features through chapters on audio-visual programming with QtMultimedia, database-driven software with QtSQL, and web browsing with QtWebEngine. Next, in-depth coverage of multithreading and asynchronous programming will help you run tasks asynchronously and build high-concurrency processes with ease. In later chapters, you’ll gain insights into QOpenGLWidget, along with mastering techniques for creating 2D graphics with QPainter. You’ll also explore PyQt on a Raspberry Pi and interface it with remote systems using QtNetwork. Finally, you will learn how to distribute your applications using setuptools and PyInstaller.

    By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to develop robust GUI applications using PyQt.

    What you will learn
    • Get to grips with the inner workings of PyQt5
    • Learn how elements in a GUI application communicate with signals and slots
    • Learn techniques for styling an application
    • Explore database-driven applications with the QtSQL module
    • Create 2D graphics with QPainter
    • Delve into 3D graphics with QOpenGLWidget
    • Build network and web-aware applications with QtNetwork and QtWebEngine
    Who this book is for

    This book is for programmers who want to create attractive, functional, and powerful GUIs using the Python language. You’ll also find this book useful if you are a student, professional, or anyone who wants to start exploring GUIs or take your skills to the next level. Although prior knowledge of the Python language is assumed, experience with PyQt, Qt, or GUI programming is not required.

    Newly Edited and Updated Version (Third Edition) for Unity 2019

    Learn C# with Unity, and create a full FPS game without the headaches

    Without this book, most people spend too long trying to learn C# with Unity the hard way. This book is the only one that will get you to learn Unity fast without wasting so much time. It includes twelve chapters that painlessly teach you the necessary skills to create an FPS game and to learn intermediate C# and Unity techniques.

    What you will learn

    After completing this book, you will be able to:

    - Use Unity's built-in methods.

    - Use Rigidbody physics to propel airborne objects.

    - Use a Finite State Machine to create intelligent NPCs.

    - Manage 3D animations for the NPCs.

    - Create NPCs who can chase the player.

    - Create and manage weapons and ammunition for the player.

    - Create a 2D scrolling shooter.

    - Create a card-guessing game.

    - Create a 2D puzzle game.

    Content and structure of this book

    The content of the books is as follows:

    - In Chapter 1, you will learn key C# programming concepts such as variables, variable types, polymorphism, or constructors.

    - In Chapter 2, you will code and compile your first script in C#.

    - In Chapter 3, you will create a simple 3D game where the user has to reach the end of the level by avoiding projectiles from intelligent robots.

    - In Chapter 4, you will create a gun and a grenade launcher that the player can use to defeat enemies.

    - In Chapter 5, you will start to use Mecanim and NavMesh navigation to control an animated character that detects, follows, or attacks the player.

    - In Chapter 6, you will combine the skills that you have acquired in the previous chapters to create a fully functional level where the player needs to escape a level full of armed NPCs. You will also learn how to generate a game level dynamically from your code.

    - In Chapter 7, you will create a simple 2D scrolling shooter.

    - In Chapter 8, you will improve your game by adding explosions and a scrolling background.

    - In Chapter 9, you will add intelligent spaceships that attack the player.

    - In Chapter 10, you will include a shield to the player's spaceship, along with other interesting features (e.g., sound FX, a scoring system, etc).

    - In Chapter 11, you will create a card-guessing game.

    - In Chapter 12, you will create a 2D puzzle game.

    - Chapter 13 summarizes the topics covered in the book.

    If you want to create FPS games, 2D Shooters, Card Games and Puzzles with Unity using a tried-and-tested method: download this book now!

    This book introduces students to the basics of computers, software and internet along with how to program computers using the C language. It is intended for an introductory course that gives beginning engineering and science students a firm rooting in the fundamental principles of computers and information technology, and also provides invaluable insights into key concepts of computing through development of skills in programming and problem solving using C language. To this end, the book is eminently suitable for the first-year engineering students of all branches and MCA students, as per the prescribed syllabus of several universities. C is a difficult language to learn if it is not methodically introduced. The book explains C and its basic programming techniques in a way suitable for beginning students. It begins by giving students a solid foundation in algorithms to help them grasp the overall concepts of programming a computer as a problem-solving tool. Simple aspects of C are introduced first to enable students to quickly start writing programs. More difficult concepts in the latter parts of the book, such as pointers and their use, have been presented in an accessible manner making the learning of C an exciting and interesting experience. The methodology used is to illustrate each new concept with a program and emphasize a good style in programming to allow students to gain sufficient skills in problem solving. KEY FEATURES Self-contained introduction to both computers and programming for beginners All important features of C illustrated with over 100 examples Good style in programming emphasized Laboratory exercises on applications of MS Office, namely, Word processing, Spreadsheet, PowerPoint are included.
    Newly Edited and Updated Version (Third Edition) for Unity 2019

    Create multiplayer games and procedural levels and boost game performances without the headaches

    Without this book, most people spend too long trying to develop and optimize their game the hard way. This book is the only one that will get you to create entertaining games and optimize your code without wasting so much time. It includes six chapters that painlessly teach you the necessary skills to automatise the creation of multiple game levels using only a few lines of code; you will create multiplayer games, and also make it possible for players to save their score (and other features) between games, even if they play on different devices; finally, you will learn to create fast and responsive games by optimizing your code.

    What you will learn

    - After completing this book, you will be able to:

    - Create levels procedurally with C#, save yourself time, and speed-up the level design process.

    - Create levels randomly so that they are different every time the scene is loaded and add re-playability to your game.

    - Read XML files using C# and use the data within to create levels.

    - Create a space simulation using XML and C# and make your scene customizable.

    - Connect to a database from Unity to save and retrieve the player's score.

    - Create a simple network tank game with projectiles and explosions.

    - Create a Simon game.

    - Optimize your code and your project's structure

    Content and structure of this book

    The content of the books is as follows:

    - In Chapter 1, you will learn to create multiple scenes using a few lines of codes and see how it can save you a lot of time and also provide new and fresh levels to the player every time they play your game; along the way you will also create automatic 3D indoor and outdoor environments, a complete solar system simulation, and a randomly generated maze that you can use for your RPGs.

    - In Chapter 2, you will learn how to save data from your game to a database so that players' score can be saved between games, even if they play on different devices; along the way you will also learn to set-up your own database and combine C#, PHP, and MySQL (even if you have never used these before) to transfer data between Unity and your online database.

    - In Chapter 3, you will create a simple (but fun) network tank game and gain skills that will make it possible to create and deploy your own networked multi-player game.

    - In Chapter 4, you will design and implement your version of the Simon game, a very popular memory game in 1970s whereby the player has to memorize an increasing sequence of colors and sounds; along the way, you will learn how to create and use a finite state machine, a very important concept in computer science, to manage your game and the player's entries.

    - In Chapter 5, you will learn how to optimize your code so that your game is always fast and responsive and so that players enjoy their experience and want to play it again; along the way, you will also learn how to organize your project and use the best approach to develop your game.

    - Chapter 6 provides answers to frequently asked questions.

    If you want to start creating multi-player games and procedural levels using a tried-and-tested method: download this book now!

    Python in easy steps, 2nd edition instructs you how to program in the powerful Python language, giving complete examples that illustrate each aspect with colorized source code.

    Python in easy steps, 2nd edition begins by explaining how to install the free Python interpreter so you can quickly begin to create your own executable programs by copying the book's examples. It demonstrates all the Python language basics before moving on to provide examples of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and CGI scripting to handle web form data. The book concludes by demonstrating how you can use your acquired knowledge to create and deploy graphical windowed applications.

    Python in easy steps, 2nd edition makes no assumption you have previous knowledge of any programming language so it's ideal for the newcomer to computer programming. It has an easy-to-follow style that will appeal to programmers moving from another programming language, and to the student who is studying Python programming at school or college, and to those seeking a career in computing who need a fundamental understanding of computer programming.

    The Python 3.x language is under active development so frequent new releases are made available as small improvements are added to the language and Python in easy steps, 2nd edition features the very latest versions of Python at the time of publication. Python development is one of evolution, rather than revolution, so the examples provided in the book can be used in subsequent releases – simply download the latest version of Python then follow the easy steps.

    Python is the language used to program the Raspberry Pi - covered by Raspberry Pi in easy steps and Raspberry Pi 3 in easy steps.

    This second edition is updated to cover Python 3.10.

     C++11 has arrived: thoroughly master it, with the definitive new guide from C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition! The brand-new edition of the world's most trusted and widely read guide to C++, it has been comprehensively updated for the long-awaited C++11 standard. Extensively rewritten to present the C++11 language, standard library, and key design techniques as an integrated whole, Stroustrup thoroughly addresses changes that make C++11 feel like a whole new language, offering definitive guidance for leveraging its improvements in performance, reliability, and clarity. C++ programmers around the world recognize Bjarne Stoustrup as the go-to expert for the absolutely authoritative and exceptionally useful information they need to write outstanding C++ programs. Now, as C++11 compilers arrive and development organizations migrate to the new standard, they know exactly where to turn once more: Stoustrup's C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition. 
    Inside Content: 
    1 Revision of Functions in C. 
    2 Revision of Functions in C. 
    3 Revision of Pointers in C. 
    4 Revision of Pointers in C. 
    5 Revision of Structure, Union, Enum in C. 
    6 C++ Introduction & Difference between C & C++. 
    7 Difference between C & C++ (continued). First C++ Program (Average of 2 numbers), Scope Resolution Operator. 
    8 Difference between Pointers & Reference. Program to Swap two numbers using Call by Value, by Address & by Reference. 
    9 Generic Pointers, Rules of Reference, Constant (Value, Variable, Pointer, Reference), Constant Argument, Returning Constant Values, Return by Reference. 
    10 Dynamic Memory Allocation (One, Multi Dimensional Array) using New & Delete Operators. 
    11 Function Overloading, Function Calling Steps, Default Arguments. 
    12 Inline Functions 
    13 Operator Overloading, Program to Add & Multiply Two Complex Numbers. 
    14 Program to Add & Multiply Two Matrices. 
    15 Revision of Class 4 to 12. 
    16 Classes & Objects, Difference between Structure & Class. 
    17 “this” Pointer, Functions defined outside the Class v/s Inline Function, Structure of C++ Program. 
    18 Constructors & Destructors 
    19 Static & Constant members 
    20 Operator Overloading Unary(++/--), Rules, Operators that cannot be Overloaded. 
    21 Binary Operator Overloading (Add & Multiply Two Complex Numbers). 
    22 Binary Operator Overloading (Add & Multiply Two Matrices). 
    23 Copy Constructor, Equal Operator Overloading 
    24 Friend Function, <<, >> Operator Overloading 
    25 Overloaded Type Conversion Operator (Basic to Object & Object to Basic). 
    26 Overloaded Type Conversion Operator (Object of One Class to Object of another Class). 
    27 Data Structure through C++ (Stack & Queue) 
    28 Console Input/ Output Streams. 
    29 Revision of Class 14 to 26 
    30 Inheritance 
    31 Inheritance 
    32 Virtual Functions (Polymorphism) 
    33 Templates 
    34 Exception Handling 
    35 File Handling 
    36 File Handling 
    37 Nested Classes(Kind of Relationship using Inheritance, has a Relationship using Composition & Containership) 
    38 New Features of ANSI C++(bool, wchar_t, new cast operators, typeid, mutable, explicit, namespace) 
    39 Revision of Class 28 to 36 
    40 Design and Development Using C++ (Bonus Chapters)
    Newly Edited and Updated Version (Fourth Edition) for Unity 2019.

    Get started with Unity and game programming fast without the headaches

    Unity is a great software to create video games; however, it includes so many options and features that getting started can feel overwhelming. Without my book, most people spend too long trying to learn how to use Unity the hard way. This book is the only one that will get you to learn Unity fast without wasting so much time. This book is the first book in the series "Unity from Zero to Proficiency" where you will learn to code fast and be able to create your own video games with Unity in no time.

    What you will learn

    - After completing this book, you will be able to:

    - Know and master the features that you need to create 2D and 3D environments for your games.

    - Quickly create (and navigate through) realistic 3D indoors and outdoors environments.

    - Create a 3D Maze with lights, walls, and textures.

    - Use ProBuilder to create a house.

    - Create an island with trees, sandy beaches, mountains, and water.

    - Include and control a car and a plane.

    - Create a 2D platform game (with no scripting needed).

    - Export your games to the web.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for:

    - Hobbyists who need a book that gets them started with Unity and game development easily.

    - Parents looking for a book that introduces their children to game programming painlessly.

    - Teachers looking for a complete and clear resource on programming through the creation of games.

    - Aspiring indie game developers.

    How this book is different

    This is the only book that you need to get started with Unity fast and to enjoy the journey without the frustration. This book includes six chapters that painlessly guide you through the necessary skills to master Unity's interface, use its core features, and create and navigate through realistic 2D and 3D environments. It assumes no prior knowledge on your part and ensures that you have all the information and explanations that you need every step of the way.

    What this book offers

    This book includes all the features that you need to get started with Unity and game development:

    Learn without the headaches: This book assumes that you can't be expected to learn everything at once; this is why you will build all your skills incrementally. In addition, if you are more of a visual learner, you will gain access to a FREE video training that covers all the topics and features introduced in the book so that you can see how it is done.

    Make your dream of creating your own games come true: This book ensures that you stay motivated by giving you the right amount of information and challenge in each chapter; we all know that it's hard to keep motivated when learning a new skill, so this book always contextualizes the knowledge with an example (so that you feel it's relevant), and also makes sure that you get to challenge yourself, if you need to, with optional challenges present at the end of each chapter.

    Progress and feel confident in your skills: You will have the opportunity to learn and to use Unity at your own pace and to become comfortable with its interface. This is because every single new concept introduced will be explained in great detail so that you never feel lost. All the concepts are introduced progressively so that you don't feel overwhelmed.

    Create your own games and feel awesome: With this book, you will build your own 2D and 3D environments and you will spend more time creating than reading, to ensure that you can apply the concepts covered in each section. All chapters include step-by-step instructions with examples that you can use straight-away.

    If you want to get started with Unity today, then buy this book now.

    The book teaches the basics of the Oracle database from a beginner’s perspective to the advanced concepts using a hands-on approach. Each and every concept has been elaborated with suitable practical examples along with code for clear and precise understanding of the topic.

    Using a practical approach, this new edition of the book covers the detailed introspection of pluggable databases and explains practically the various new features incorporated in the new 12c version. It also explains how to retrieve, add, update and delete data in the Oracle database using SQL, SQL*PLUS and PL/SQL. In the process, it discusses the various data types and built-in functions of Oracle, as well as the sorting of records and the table operations. The text also includes coverage of advanced queries using special operators, Oracle security, indexing, and stored functions and procedures.

    The book is suitable for undergraduate engineering students of Computer Science and Information Technology, B.Sc. (Computer Science/IT), M.Sc. (Computer Science/IT) and students of Computer Applications (BCA, MCA, PGDCA, and DCA). Besides, the book can be used as a reference by professionals pursuing short-term courses on Oracle Database and students of Oracle Certified Courses.


    • Based on latest Oracle Database 12c: It explains the various features introduced with the new Oracle Database 12c software.
    • Hands-on methodology: Its objective is to impart practical skills using hands-on methodology.
    • Elaborate Practical Examples: Each topic begins with appropriate theory and concept followed by relevant examples for better understanding of the concepts.
    • Commands tested and executed on Oracle Database software: All the programming examples have been tested on actual Oracle Database software.
    Get started with Godot and game programming fast without the headaches

    Godot is a great software to create video games; however, it includes so many options and features that getting started can feel overwhelming.

    Without my book, most people spend too long trying to learn how to use Godot and GDScript the hard way. This book is the only one that will get you to learn GDScript fast without wasting so much time. This book is the second book in the series “Godot from Zero to Proficiency” where you will learn to code fast and be able to create your own video games with Godot in no time.

    What you will learn

    After completing this book, you will be able to:

    - Code in GDScript.

    - Understand and apply GDScript concepts.

    - Create a 3D adventure game with the main character, a timer, and a mini-map.

    - Display and update a user interface with text and images.

    - Create and use variables and methods for your game.

    - Load new scenes from the code, based on events in your games.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for:

    - Hobbyists who need a book that gets them started with GDScript and game development easily.

    - Parents looking for a book that introduces their children to game programming painlessly.

    - Teachers looking for a complete and clear resource on programming through the creation of games.

    - Aspiring indie game developers.

    How this book is different

    This is the only book that you need to get started with Godot fast and to enjoy the journey without frustration. This book includes six chapters that painlessly guide you through the necessary skills to master GDScript, use Godot’s core features, and create key game mechanics through GDScript (collisions, user interface, etc). It assumes no prior knowledge on your part and ensures that you have all the information and explanations that you need every step of the way.

    Content of the book

    - Chapter 1 introduces some core programming and GDScript principles.

    - Chapter 2 helps you to code your first script in GDScript.

    - Chapter 3 gets you to improve your scripting skills, enhance your game and add more interaction with a scoring system, collision detection, and access to new levels.

    - Chapter 4 shows you how to create and update the user interface of your game with text and images.

    - Chapter 5 shows you how to enhance your game with a splash-screen, a simple inventory system, and sound effects, as well as a mini-map.

    What this book offers

    - Learn without the headaches: This book assumes that you can’t be expected to learn everything at once; this is why you will build all your skills incrementally.

    - Make your dream of creating your own games come true: This book ensures that you stay motivated by giving you the right amount of information and challenge in each chapter; we all know that it’s hard to keep motivated when learning a new skill, so this book always contextualizes the knowledge with an example (so that you feel it’s relevant), and also makes sure that you get to challenge yourself, if you need to, with optional challenges present at the end of each chapter.

    - Progress and feel confident in your skills: You will have the opportunity to learn and to use Godot at your own pace and to become comfortable with its interface. This is because every single new concept introduced will be explained in great detail so that you never feel lost. All the concepts are introduced progressively so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.

    If you want to get started with Godot today, then buy this book now

    First Edition, Published in September 2019

    Content and structure of this book

    In this book, the fifth book in the series, you will become comfortable with creating your own RPG. If you were ever interested in creating systems for your game to speed-up your coding and create and maintain levels easily, then this book is for you.

    The book includes a list of the learning objectives at the start of each chapter, step-by-step activities, and quizzes to test your knowledge, and the content of each chapter is as follows:

    - Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the RPG genre. You will learn the design principles that will help you to speed-up your development process.

    - Chapter 2 helps you to create and animate your main 3D character, add a camera that will follow this character as well as a mini-map. You will also learn to use ProBuilder to create a village.

    - Chapter 3 explains how to create a dialogue system from an XML file, and how to integrate it seamlessly into your game.

    - Chapter 4 explains how you can create a simple inventory system and use it to collect, store, and use items that you will find in your quest.

    - Chapter 5 shows you how to create a shop where the player can buy items that will then be added to the inventory.

    - Chapter 6 explains how you can create different types of animated and intelligent NPCs that will challenge the player.

    - Chapter 7 explains how you can create a quest system based on an XML file to manage the objectives for each of your levels. You will learn to read, and use this file for your game.

    - Chapter 8 explains how you can create an XP attribution system where the player can use the Xps gained in the previous level to increase his/her skills (e.g., accuracy, power, etc.)

    - Chapter 9 shows you how you can create a maze randomly using a procedural method so that the maze is different every time the game is played.

    - Chapter 10 combines the skills that you have learned so far to create a final level where the player needs to eliminate guards, collect gold, and also defeat the boss.

    After reading this book you will become a better game programmer, improve your knowledge of coding and unity, understand how to make a more complex product, learn some techniques to make an RPG game more modular, especially the quest system, use reusable code/assets that you can employ in your own game, create an inventory for your characters and much more...

    If you want to get started with your first RPG in Unity and learn reusable systems for your other games, using a tried-and-tested method: buy this book now!

    Complete classroom training manual for HTML 5 and CSS. 190 pages and 125 individual topics. Includes practice exercises and keyboard shortcuts. You will learn how to create a website from scratch, while exploring all of the techniques to add the various elements of a website – text, links, images, CSS and much more.

    Topics Covered:

    Getting Acquainted with HTML

    1. Introduction to the Internet

    2. Introduction to HTML Terminology

    3. Options for Writing HTML

    4. Unicode Transformation Format (UTF)

    5. HTML5 Resources

    New for HTML5

    1. What's different in HTML5?

    2. !DOCTYPE in HTML5

    Designing a Webpage

    1. Design Considerations and Planning

    2. Basic Tags and Document Structure

    3. HTML Tags

    4. Head Tags

    5. Title Tags

    6. Body Tags

    7. Metadata

    8. Saving an HTML Page

    Page Formatting

    1. Adding a New Paragraph

    2. Adding a Line Break

    3. Inserting Blank Space

    4. Preformatted Text

    5. Changing a Pages's Background Color

    6. Div Element

    Text Items and Objects

    1. Headings


    3. Block Quotes

    4. Horizontal Lines

    5. Special Characters

    Creating Lists

    1. Numbered (Ordered) Lists

    2. Bulleted (Unordered) Lists

    3. Nested Lists

    4. Definition Lists


    1. What are Links?

    2. Text Links

    3. Image Links

    4. Opening a Page in a New Window or Tab

    5. Setting All Links on a Page to Open in a New Window or Tab

    6. Linking to an Area on the Same Page (Bookmarks)

    7. Linking to an E-mail Address

    8. Linking to Other Types of Files


    1. Introduction to Images for Webpages

    2. Adding Images to Webpages

    3. Re-Sizing an Image

    4. Alternative (ALT) Text

    5. Image Labels

    Basic Tables

    1. Inserting a Table

    2. Table Borders

    3. Table Headers


    1. What is an Iframe?

    2. Inserting Iframes

    3. Setting Height and Width

    4. Using an Iframe for a Link Target


    1. About Forms

    2. Sending to E-mail

    3. Text Boxes

    4. Text Areas

    5. Check Boxes

    6. Menu Lists

    7. Radio Buttons

    8. Submit Button

    9. Reset Button

    10. Changing the Tab Order

    Video and Audio

    1. About Video and Audio Files

    2. Linking to Video and Audio Files

    3. Adding Video

    4. Adding Audio

    5. Using YouTube to Display Video


    1. Troubleshooting

    Cascading Style Sheets

    1. What are Cascading Style Sheets?

    2. CSS Syntax

    3. Creating an Internal CSS

    4. Linking to a CSS

    5. Adding Comments and Notes to a CSS

    6. Creating an Internal Style Sheet

    7. ID and Class

    8. Inline Styling

    Working With Text in CSS

    1. Emphasizing Text (Bold and Italic)

    2. Decoration

    3. Indentation

    4. Transformation

    5. Text Alignment

    6. Fonts

    7. Font Sizes

    8. Letter Spacing (Kerning)

    9. Line Spacing (Leading)

    10. Text Color

    11. Margins

    12. Padding

    13. Borders

    14. Styling Links

    15. Number and Bullet Styles

    16. Sizing Elements

    17. Text Wrapping

    18. Shadowing

    Creating Backgrounds in CSS

    1. Colors

    2. Images

    3. Fixed Images

    Images in CSS

    1. Opacity

    2. Floating Images

    3. Image Galleries

    4. Image Sprites

    Box Model in CSS

    1. What is a box model?

    2. Margin

    3. Padding

    4. Border

    5. Outline

    Working With Elements in CSS

    1. Display and Visibility

    2. Grouping and Nesting

    3. Dimensions and Elements

    4. Positioning

    5. Floating

    6. Pseudo-Classes/Pseudo-Elements

    Adding a Navigation Bar in CSS

    1. Vertical Navigation Bar

    2. Horizontal Navigation Bar - Inline

    3. Horizontal Navigation Bar - Floating

    CSS Tables

    1. Borders

    2. Collapsed Borders

    3. Table Width and Cell Height

    4. Table Color

    5. Table Text Alignment

    6. Table Padding

    Working With Transforms in CSS

    1. What are transforms?

    2. 2D Transforms

    3. 3D Transforms

    Transitions and Animations in CSS

    1. Transitions

    2. Animations

    CSS Shorthand

    1. Shorthand Properties

    Complete classroom training manual for JavaScript. 283 pages and 128 individual topics. Includes practice exercises and keyboard shortcuts. The purpose of this course is to educate the student in the basic language skills necessary to use JavaScript. There are many resources available on the Internet that allow you to download code and place it into your HTML document or JavaScript code file. However, it is important to first understand the underlying language and components of JavaScript to be able to alter the code to work in your desired application, and easily troubleshoot any errors that may occur. Whether you are looking to add interactivity to your website, control how a browser acts or alter your HTML document’s content, it is important to have a firm grasp of the basics of JavaScript. We begin this course by discussing the basic components and structure of JavaScript as well as learning the terminology. Then, we’ll advance through topics to cover some more advanced concepts and uses for JavaScript.

    Topics Covered:

    Getting Acquainted with JavaScript

    1. Introduction to JavaScript

    2. JavaScript vs. Java

    3. The Tag

    4. External JavaScript

    5. Uses for JavaScript

    The Makeup of JavaScript

    1. JavaScript Statements

    2. Code and Code Blocks

    3. Whitespace

    4. Case Sensitivity

    5. Breaking Up a Line of Code

    JavaScript Comments

    1. Single Line Comments

    2. Multi-Line Comments

    3. End of Line Comments

    4. Using Comments to Stop Execution

    JavaScript Variables

    1. What are JavaScript Variables?

    2. Syntax for Text and Numerical Values

    3. Creating (Declaring) Variables

    4. Re-Declaring Variables

    5. Undefined Value

    6. Using One Statement for Multiple Variables

    7. Local Variables and Global Variables

    Exploring JavaScript Data Types

    1. Dynamic Data Types in JavaScript

    2. Null

    3. Number

    4. String

    5. Boolean

    6. Array

    7. Object

    JavaScript Objects

    1. Creating Objects

    2. Accessing Object Properties

    3. Accessing Object Methods

    JavaScript Functions

    1. JavaScript Function Definition and Syntax

    2. Functions with a Return Value

    3. Calling a Function with Arguments

    4. Assigning Values to Undeclared Variables

    JavaScript Operators

    1. Arithmetic Operators

    2. Assignment Operators

    3. Adding Strings and Numbers

    4. Comparison Operators

    5. Logical Operators

    6. Conditional Operators

    JavaScript Conditions

    1. If Statements

    2. The Switch Statement

    JavaScript Loops

    1. The FOR Loop

    2. The FOR…IN Loop

    3. The WHILE Loop

    4. The DO…WHILE Loop

    JavaScript Break and Continue

    1. The Break Statement

    2. The Continue Statement

    3. JavaScript Labels

    JavaScript Errors

    1. The Try…Catch Statement

    2. The Throw Statement

    JavaScript Form Validation

    1. Form Validation

    2. E-Mail Validation

    JavaScript RegExp Object

    1. RegExp Definition and Modifiers

    2. RegExp Special Characters

    3. RegExp Methods

    JavaScript Hoisting

    1. Declarations

    2. Initializations

    JavaScript USE STRICT Directive

    1. What is the USE STRICT Directive and Why Use It?

    2. What’s Not Allows in STRICT Mode?

    JavaScript HTML DOM

    1. What is HTML DOM?

    2. HTML DOM Methods and Properties

    3. HTML DOM Document

    4. Finding HTML Elements

    5. Changing the Output Stream

    6. Changing the Value of an Attribute

    7. Changing CSS

    HTML DOM Events

    1. Using Events

    2. The ONCHANGE Event

    HTML DOM Navigation

    1. DOM Nodes

    2. Node Relationships

    3. Child Nodes and Values

    4. NODE…Properties

    5. HTML DOM Nodelist

    6. Root Nodes

    Adding and Removing DOM Nodes

    1. Creating New HTML Elements (Nodes)

    2. Removing Existing HTML Elements (Nodes)

    3. Replacing HTML Elements (Nodes)

    JavaScript Browser Object Model (BOM)

    1. What is the Browser Object Model (BOM)?

    2. The Window Object

    3. Window Size Properties

    4. Other Window Methods and Properties

    Window Screen Object

    1. What does the Window Screen Object Do?

    2. Window Screen Object Properties.

    Window Location Object

    1. What does the Window Location Object Do?

    2. Window Location HREF Property

    3. Window Location PATHNAME Property

    4. Window Location ASSIGN() Method

    Window History Object

    1. What does the Window History Object Do?

    2. Window History Back and Forward Methods

    Window Navigator Object

    1. What does the Window Navigator Object Do?

    JavaScript Popup Boxes

    1. The Alert Box

    2. The Confirm Box

    3. The Prompt Box

    JavaScript Timing Events

    1. What are JavaScript Timing Events?


    3. SETTIMEOUT() and CLEARTIMEOUT() Methods

    4. Creating a Clock

    JavaScript Cookies

    1. What are Cookies?

    2. Working with Cookies

    The JavaScript Console Object

    1. The Console Object

    2. Inline Grouping

    3. Timers

    4. String Substitution

    Advanced JavaScript Objects

    1. The Object Literal and the Keyword New

    2. Using an Object Constructor

    3. JavaScript Prototype

    4. Mutable Objects and Immutable Primitive Values

    5. JavaScript Object Properties

    6. Adding New Properties and Deleting Properties

    Number Object

    1. What is a Number Object?

    2. Hexadecimal Numbers

    3. NaN – Not a Number

    4. Infinity

    String Object

    1. Using the String Object

    2. String Properties and Methods

    3. Special Characters

    Date Object

    1. The Date Object

    2. Set and Compare Dates

    3. Convert the Date to a String

    Array Object

    1. Create and Access an Array Object

    2. Joining Arrays

    3. Working with Arrays

    Math Object

    1. The Math Object and Mathematical Constants

    2. Math Object Methods

    JavaScript Libraries (Frameworks)

    1. JavaScript Libraries or Frameworks

    2. Testing jQuery

    Do you need to learn computer programming skills for your job or want to start it as a hobby? Is this something that is alien to you and leaves you scratching your head in confusion? Do you need something simple, like Linux, to get started?

    This book will provide the answers you need.

     Millions of us own computers for a variety of reasons. Some use them for gaming and fun while others are engaged in the serious business of making money. But many simply do not get true value from their computer as they struggle to understand programming and fail to grasp how it could improve their usage in many ways.

    Inside this book, Linux: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Learn Linux Operating System, Command Line and Linux Programming Step by Step, you will learn a valuable skill that will improve your computing expertise, leading you to discover the basics of Linux through chapters that cover:

    •  How to get started with Linux

    •  Installation and troubleshooting tips and advice

    •  Installing new and exciting software

    •  System administration tasks

    •  Keeping your system secure and building firewalls

    •  An introduction to Cloud computing and technology

    •  And lots more…

    Learning a computer language need not be a confusing and lengthy process. The basics of it can be learned quickly and with minimal effort and Linux is the book that will lay the foundations for you to become a skilled and proficient programmer, faster than you could have imagined.

    Get a copy now and start learning Linux today!

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