Este plugin non se actualizou en máis de 2 anos. É posible que xa non sexa compatible ou mantido por ninguén, ou podes ter problemas de compatibilidade cando se usa con novas versións de WordPress.

Search & Replace


With Search & Replace you can search for everything and replace this with everything but before you do this you can easily create a simple database backup and restore it.

For avoiding problem please keep in mind that this plugin search and replace strictly what is specified in “Replace With”.
Common error example:
Search For:
Replace With:
The url become something like:…

Correct “Replace with”:
Search For:
Replace With:
The url become something like:…

We have implemented special features!

The first one is “Replace a Domain / URL” that is useful for a quick and simple transfer or a migration of a WordPress site.
The second feature is full support for serialized data. There are a lot more features – check them out! 🙂

Our goal with this plugin is to give you a good solution for manipulating your data for both Developers and Users of WordPress.

Note: This plugin requires PHP 5.6 or higher to be activated.

Checkout our GitHub Repository


  • Search & replace data in your WordPress database
  • Change domain/URL of WordPress installation
  • Handle serialized data
  • Choose dry run or download SQL file
  • Change table prefix
  • Backup & restore your database
  • WordPress Multisite support
  • Localized and ready for your own language

Crafted by Inpsyde

The team at Inpsyde is engineering the web and WordPress since 2006.


You want to donate – we prefer a positive review, not more.


  • Search and Replace
  • Replace Domain/URL
  • Restore Database
  • Backup Database
  • Result screen after search or search and replace



  • WordPress 4.0 (Single and Multisite)
  • PHP 5.6, newer PHP versions will work faster.


4 de Febreiro, 2021
Es muy simple y siempre me ayuda a migrar limpia y correctamente
7 de Xaneiro, 2021
Switched my multi-site installation from sub-directory to subdomain which completely ruined all my links and images. "You know cause theme developers are not smart enough to store a single domain record entry for all links/images to reference like the one built into wordpress core." This was the only plugin I found that properly managed to deal with escaped url json string in the postmeta table.
2 de Decembro, 2020
Still working with WordPress 5.5.3.
Ler todas as 261 opinións

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

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Rexistro de cambios

3.2.1 (2019-06-06)

  • Update readme for tested up WP versions
  • Add check for replace function to get more solid replace for custom tables. #132
  • Fix small typos
  • Fix Throwable because we set as minimum php 5.6

3.2.0 (2019-01-17)

  • Added CSV format alternative for search/replace #82.
  • Improve code structure, preparation for more solid UnitTests.
  • Improve Modal Table UI.
  • Added Multiline searching #119.
  • Fix several issues to run always with php 5.6 to 7.2.

v3.1.2 (2016-12-31)

  • hotfix: prevent declaration error with Requisite

v3.1.1 (2016-12-24)

  • Refactor Plugin loading #67
  • Display error notice is the search value the current domain and save changes to Database selected

v3.1.0 (2016-02-07)

  • Improve codquality
  • Prepared for localization (GlotPress)
  • Prevent doing idle prozesses if search & replace pattern the same
  • Implement better BigData handling.
  • Implement better tab and adminpage handling #33
  • Prepare the Plugin for localization, change Text-Domain.#47
  • Remove difference in wordings for buttons between descriptions.#46

v3.0.1 (2016-02-09)

  • Add support for Searchpattern with quotes. #40
  • Basic travis support for travis was added. #38
  • Fix Unittest #37

v3.0.0 (2016-01-29)

  • Refactor the plugin, new requirements, goal and result.
  • Thanks to Sven Hinse for help to maintain the plugin
  • Changeable table prefix on replace site URL tab enhancement
  • Implement database backup & import tab
  • Implement dry Run: Keep for search and replace
  • Prevent self destroy
  • Multisite basic support – show only tables of current site
  • Add special tab for replace the URL
  • Supports serialized data
  • Refactor the whole codebase

v2.7.1 (2015-05-28)

  • Fix for changes on database collate since WordPress version 4.2
  • Fix to reduce backslashes in search and replace string

v2.7.0 (2014-09-14)

  • Exclude serialized data from replace function (maybe we reduce the support)
  • Add hint, if is serialized data on the result table
  • Fix to see also the result case sensitive

v2.6.6 (09/05/2014)

  • Thanks to Ron Guerin for help to maintain the plugin
  • Fix to use $wpdb object for all database access
  • Fix inability to search and replace quoted strings
  • Output changes to clarify when searching vs. searching and replacing
  • Some changes to English strings and string identifiers


  • Fix for change User-ID, add table comments


  • Fix capability check, if the constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT is defined

v2.6.3 (10/10/2011)

  • filter for return values, html-filter
  • add belarussian language
  • add romanian language files

v2.6.2 (09/11/2011)

  • change right object for use the plugin also on WP smaller 3.0, include 2.9
  • add function search and replace in all tables of the database – special care!

v2.6.1 (01/25/2011)

  • Feature: Add Signups-Table for WP MU
  • Maintenance: check for tables, PHP Warning fix

v2.6.0 (01/03/2011)

  • Feature: add an new search for find strings (maybe a new way for search strings)
  • Maintenance: small changes on source

v2.5.1 (07/07/2010)

  • small changes for use in WP 3.0
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