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Opened 7 weeks ago

Last modified 3 weeks ago

#8559 new enhancement

Mutual Groups & friends Status Notification Feature

Reported by: gamicord Owned by:
Milestone: 10.0.0 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 9.1.1
Component: Groups Keywords: needs-patch


1.) Having Status Report of Friends Activities

I just started a BuddyPress website, and I can see how far BuddyPress has come. I want to suggest enhancement to the BuddyPress Notification Feature.

I am borrowing inspiration from the Facebook Status Feature-- where it happens in such a way that I can get notified of every activity that my friends do?

Can you Please do the same thing in BuddyPress? Can you Please add this Status Notification Feature?

So that I get notified of happenings around my friends?

2.) Mutual Groups on Profile Details
Can we have a Feature where if I click on a User, I can see the Groups that we have in Common?

This happens on WhatsApp as we can see here--

Can we have the same thing on BuddyPress?

Change History (5)

#1 @imath
6 weeks ago

  • Keywords dev-feedback added; needs-design removed
  • Priority changed from high to normal

Hi we've been discussing during our development meeting about the introduction of a new Relationship API which could help us create a follow component. This would probably help you to have 1. @sbrajesh can you confirm?

About 2, @dcavins what are you thoughts about it?

#2 @dcavins
6 weeks ago

Hi @imath,

Regarding point 2, it would be easy to do in BP core or in a plugin. This code sketch should generate the loop of groups that are shared:

$args = array(
        'is_admin' => null,
        'is_mod'   => null,
$displayed_user_groups    = bp_get_user_groups( bp_displayed_user_id(), $args );
$displayed_user_group_ids = array_keys( $displayed_user_groups );

// Loop through groups:
$loop_args = array(
        'user_id'     => bp_loggedin_user_id(),
        'include'     => $displayed_user_group_ids ? $displayed_user_group_ids : array(),
        'show_hidden' => true, // Since we're limiting to the logged-in user's groups, this is safe.
bp_has_groups( $loop_args );

I can create a patch to include this in core if that's of interest. If not, it would be doable in a plugin.

#3 @imath
5 weeks ago

  • Component changed from Core to Groups
  • Keywords needs-patch added; dev-feedback removed
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 10.0.0
  • Summary changed from Add Status Notification Feature to Mutual Groups & friends Status Notification Feature

Hi @dcavins

Thanks for your reply and for looking into it. Let's try this for 10.0.0 :

Displayed user's Group primary nav > no more count
3 new secondary nav :

  • All (count)
  • Common (count)
  • Different (count)

PS: we could probably do the same for Friends to develop 'becoming a friend of my friend's friend...) & blogs...

#4 @shawfactor
5 weeks ago

  1. Why would we want the mutual group functionslity in core (some people might want to disable it btw). it looks like it is a typical plugin feature
  1. What is the relationships API, is there more info? I ask as the activity table in a sense can already function as a relationships api. IE user_id, item_id, and secondary_item_id. The only missing piece is the site_id to allow relationships that may have site specific context E.G. user_1 tagged user _2 in post number 10 on site number 5.

Or is the new proposed api more focused on content visibility/subscription to or following content or users?

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #buddypress by imath. View the logs.

3 weeks ago

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