BP Dev Chat Summary : september 1st, 2021

10.0.0 Progress

  • Shortly before the dev chat started @dcavins shared his progress about the Site Membership Requests feature: he did preparative work needed for the feature by improving the BP Signup Class and fixed 2 tickets (#8540, #7938).
  • Thanks to a discussion between @vapvarun & @im4th about 2 BP plugins @vapvarun will soon make available on the WP plugins directory (about global BP Search and using the big G reCaptcha service to secure some parts of BuddyPress), @im4th will explore the possibility to add 2 new BP Blocks: 1 to perform global search, the other to display a member’s community statistics.
  • To help @sbrajesh organize the BP Relationships API, @johnjamesjacoby created the corresponding repository on BuddyPress’s GH.
  • @espellcaste asked for a dev review about his approach on adding pagination to message threads (#8508) and thanked @im4th for the one he provided about #7614.
  • @espellcaste also introduced some very interesting functions to get a Group object, making it possible to use template functions outside of the Groups loop. You should have a look to this commit.

10.0.0 first schedule

  • 10.0.0-beta 1: ~ november 20, 2021,
  • 10.0.0 stable: ~ december 24, 2021 🎄

BP Rewrites feature as a plugin

Although @im4th only said he was making good progress about the feature during the dev chat, let’s warmly thank the first contributors who joined the adventure of using the WP Rewrite API to replace our legacy URL parser: @shanebp @boonebgorges & @rayisme 🥰.

@im4th strongly encourages all BP Plugin/theme developers to give a test to this feature as a plugin to contribute to the next way BuddyPress will parse URLs.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on September 15 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#10-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary: June 30/July 7, 2021

June 30 improvised dev-chat

Following the discussion we had during June 23 meeting about the frequently requested Follow feature, and a very interesting discussion between @sbrajesh, @espellcastewe and @johnjamesjacoby, we decided to improvise a new Dev Chat about a possible larger scope about it. We shared our views about building a wider vision for “relationship types” in BuddyPress. A new API that would firstly be used for the Follow feature, but could also be used for potential other needs: user likes, improved user favorites, blocking users, what may come to our mind in the future!

@sbrajesh will lead this new project using the “feature as a plugin” model like WordPress does from a BuddyPress GitHub repository. If you’re interested in contributing to this project, please “raise your hand” commenting this summary.

July 7 regular dev-chat

@im4th starts with an apology: unlike what was scheduled (July 8), we were not able to release the 9.0.0 first beta so far. Sorry about it.

9.0.0 🎯

We’ve migrated 90% of Widgets as Block Widgets from the GitHub repository we use to build BuddyPress blocks. We also improved some BP REST API endpoints and we’re on our way to include a new endpoint to deal with Sitewide Notices. BP Block Widgets have been built on 2 principles: use the BP REST API every time it’s possible and use Modern JavaScript on front-end and the Widget/Post Block Editor’s APIs (mainly built on top of React.JS) on back-end.

@dcavins has made great progress about the Sitewide Notices Block Widget (👉 the last one to reach 100%) and about the corresponding REST API Endpoints. @espellcaste gave great advices about the BP REST API to speed up the process.

We also talked about directly packaging a Release Candidate without doing a Beta release. As the 9.0.0 development cycle is focused on migrating Widgets as Blocks, we have a very limited risk of messing with other parts of BuddyPress. @im4th said he’ll work on merging the BP Blocks code into BuddyPress core and will try to find the time to quickly build a Beta Release and some time after the Release Candidate (he hates when he doesn’t do what he has written he would do).

We finally talked about the great work @vapvarun has done building a test drive to host the BuddyPress code reference. The goal is to make it available asap and before the end of the year here. The main difficulty is to generate the documentation using the WP CLI parser command directly from the server (10 minutes). @im4th wondered if this could be achieved using the WP import/export tool (the documentation plugin is using custom post types). This is an approach we’ll try to test to avoid possible downtimes of the BuddyPress.org network.

9.0.0 schedule

  • Beta: July ? 🤔
  • RC: July 12 to 14.
  • Final: July 16 to 19.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on July 21 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

Additional note about meetings during 9.0.0 development cycle

As we are running a short development cycle, @im4th will be available every Wednesday at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress for an hour or more time if needed. Don’t hesitate to ping him (@imath) for help or inputs about contributing to this version of BuddyPress.

#9-0-0, #dev-chat, #relationship-api, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary: june 23, 2021

9.0.0 🎯

During yesterday’s development meeting we’ve discussed about @im4th‘s proposal to run the 9.0.0 development cycle very shortly targeting a release date before WordPress 5.8 final release is made available to the planet (~ July 20, 2021)!

@im4th was a bit worried about being too much directive and/or too ambitious, so he specified it was ok to disagree with this proposal. We quickly agreed, but here are some opinions we shared about this idea:

  • “Sounds great.” @sbrajesh
  • “I’m OK with your short cycle just for blocks to support the WP release” @dcavins
  • “I like the idea of very targeted releases” @dcavins
  • “the short release cycle is fine. The reason is good and makes total sense to me” @espellcaste

So we are going to try to do it!

9.0.0 Focus


As WordPress 5.8 is introducing the Widgets Block Editor, we are going to start migrating our legacy widgets. We actually already started the process from the GitHub plugin we use to develop BuddyPress Blocks. The first step is building a block for every BP Widgets and making it possible to transform existing BP Widgets to their corresponding BP Block. BP Widgets won’t disappear in 9.0.0 yet (no worries), but they’ll get a well deserved retirement progressively 😁. You can expect (at least) 10 new BuddyPress Blocks to be introduced in BuddyPress core.

A new follow component (if it’s ready for 9.0.0 release date)

@sbrajesh volunteered to satisfy a frequent request about this feature and he’s very welcome to contribute and lead this effort to make it happen! We talked about the “Followers” plugin @rayisme built which can be a source of inspiration. We’ll organize it from another specific GitHub repository. After the dev-chat, we had a complementary discussion about it, you can have a look at it for more information about early directions about the feature.

And of course, we’ll fix issues related to our latest major release (8.0.0) that may be found.

9.0.0 schedule

  • Beta: July 8.
  • RC: July 12.
  • Final: July 16.

8.0.0 issue “monitoring”

During the dev-chat, we also discussed about the feedbacks we got from the support forums about 8.0.0. We shared our surprise that plugins that appear to rely on BP aren’t tested in the beta window. This is something we need to carry on trying to improve. Working on documentation could be a way. On this topic, @vapvarun informed us he would prepare a list about which documentation resources need updates & then update them one by one 😍. Many thanks to him: it’s a very important work that will benefit to us all.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on July 7 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

Additional note about meetings during 9.0.0 development cycle

As we are running a short development cycle, @im4th will be available every Wednesday at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress for an hour or more time if needed. Don’t hesitate to ping him (@imath) for help or inputs about contributing to this version of BuddyPress.

#9-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat summary: May 12, 2021

8.0.0-beta1 feedbacks

@vapvarun checked our support forum and hasn’t found concerning feedbacks relative to this release.

@im4th replied to one of the comments that was posted on the announcement post about the next WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE) & Widgets Block Editor features. He tested the first one before our meeting and told us about his concerns during the chat. In short it’s a breaking change for the BuddyPress Theme Compat API. A pretty long discussion took place between @johnjamesjacoby @im4th and @vapvarun about it. We finally decided to open a very important ticket on our Trac to decide whether it’s on BuddyPress or FSE to adapt. If you have an opinion about it, please take a few minutes to share it with us.

8.0.0 tickets needing attention

  • About the bp_core_new_nav_default()function ticket (#8471), we decided we were too close to release date to do the necessary tests to be sure the patch doesn’t introduce some regression
  • About the BP Directory pages ticket (#8470), we think it’s best to split the ticket in 2 and deal with admin information on the Registration/Activation page during 8.0.0
  • @im4th wants to finish his audit regarding #8459 before packaging a new beta release.
  • @espellcaste reminded us about the GitHub Actions ticket (#8421). He agreed with @im4th about only committing the PHP Unit tests part.
  • We also punted the ticket about including PHPCS to our build tools (#7228) to leave us the time to discuss more about it as we don’t agree all about when to check WP PHP code standards (before committing or as soon as patching). The latter could possibly discourage people to submit patches in @im4th‘s opinion. Feel free to give us your opinion about it, commenting on the ticket.
  • Finally about the remaining release tasks (#8468). @vapvarun will take care of the changelog and @im4th will prepare the credits update.

8.0.0 updated schedule

We agreed to build a new beta release before our release candidate. @im4th will take care of it next week.

  • ✅ 8.0.0-beta1: April 29,
  • 8.0.0-beta2: ~ May 19,
  • 8.0.0 stable release: June 2.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on May 26 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

PS: we count on you to test the 8.0.0 beta release!

#8-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat summary: April 14, 2021

7.3.0 Maintenance & Security release

We started our development meeting talking about this security release by checking eventual reported issues on our support forums and on this support topic in particular.

NB: If you haven’t upgraded yet, please do so. If you are using a clone of the BP REST or the WP CLI BuddyPress GitHub repositories, please do fetch/merge upstream branches as fixes were about these 2 repositories we’re including when packaging the BuddyPress plugin.

8.0.0 progress

  • Now the Acceptance Checkbox Field (#4747) ticket has been committed to trunk, @vapvarun will write a post to explain how the field works and it will be published into these development notes.
  • @vapvarun will update the patch on the ticket about sending a BP Email when a user has successfully validated their account (#8428). The goal is to provide a default content to this welcome message like the one @im4th shared in Slack.
  • The ticket about improving the signup form customization has been committed (#6347), @im4th will also post a development note about it soon.
  • New interesting progress were made about the Network invites ticket (#8139): @im4th gave @dcavins some help about the BP Nouveau Template Pack integration. As we’re almost ready about the feature @im4th suggested, one last time, we update the initial 8.0.0 schedule to give us 1 extra week (4 more than the initial schedule) to include the feature into the 8.0.0 milestone. We agreed to udpate the schedule this way and now @dcavins is Under High Pressure about it 😱 😉.
  • @espellcaste submitted a patch on the ticket about migrating BP Core builds to GitHub Actions (#8421). Feedbacks are very welcome.

Updated 8.0.0 schedule

  • 8.0.0-beta1: April 29
  • 8.0.0 stable release: June 2.

Open Floor

@vapvarun shared a support topic about a potential feature for the future of the BP Groups component. We’ve discussed about it and we came to the conclusion migrating our custom URI parser in favor of WP Rewrites would be necessary. @im4th had a POC working a while ago and believes the best way to progress about this topic is working on a feature as plugin repository on BuddyPress’ GitHub. If you’re interested about this topic and would like to help & contribute to it, please tell us about it commenting this post 😉.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on April 28 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#7-3-0, #8-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat summary: March 31, 2021

8.0.0 progress

  • @dcavins made interesting progress about the Network invites ticket (#8139) working on a new patch to manage optouts (see #8448). He was happy to get feedbacks from @boonebgorges and @im4th about it. As it would be really great to have this feature added to Core for the 8.0.0 milestone @im4th has offered his help with the BP Nouveau Template pack JS/PHP parts needed to be improved to welcome the feature. @dcavins will update the main ticket with directions about this area.
  • @vapvarun will submit new patches about these two tickets:
    • Acceptance Checkbox Field (#4747)
    • new BP Email when a user has successfully validated their account (#8428)
  • @im4th added some patches about improving the signup form customization (#6347), feedbacks are very welcome, there’s a demo of the first patch after this bullet list.
  • @im4th suggested, once again, we update the initial 8.0.0 schedule to give us 1 extra week (3 more than the initial schedule) to try to have the Network Invites feature ready for 8.0.0 and finally decide about its inclusion in 8.0.0 during next dev-chat.
  • @espellcaste did a great job about caching the item schemas to improve the BP REST API performance (#GH386). He will try to work on the ticket about migrating BP Core builds to GitHub Actions (#8421) in the coming weeks.
Demo of the first patch on #6347

Updated 8.0.0 schedule

  • 8.0.0-beta1: April 22
  • 8.0.0 stable release: May 26.

Open Floor

@vapvarun shared the latest plugin he submitted to w.org Plugins Directory. If you’re looking for a nice way to preview any links into your activities, give it a try 😉

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on April 14 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#8-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat summary: March 17, 2021

8.0.0 progress

  • @dcavins made interesting progress about the Network invites ticket (#8139). He asked for a review by @im4th about the patch he added on #8444 and still hopes to have it ready for 8.0.0. Some work still has to be done for the BP Nouveau template pack.
  • @im4th suggested we update the initial 8.0.0 schedule to give us 2 extra weeks as we’ve been pretty busy working on the 7.2.1 security release lately. The team agreed to this suggestion.
  • To help @vapvarun to carry on progressing about the Acceptance Checkbox Field (#4747) @im4th will start committing – asap – the parts he needs from the ticket about updating WordPress fields from the xProfile fields API (#7162).
  • @im4th thinks we should use the Acceptance Checkbox Field to manage the GDPR consent checkbox we’re including into the signup form since BuddyPress 4.0.0 and believes users would really enjoy all these new field types if we could fix #6347 (Let admins pick signup fields).
  • @espellcaste did a great job with starting the migration process from Travis to GitHub actions about BP REST API unit tests (#GH383).
  • @vapvarun posted a first patch about adding a new BP Email when a user has successfully validated their account (#8428).

Updated 8.0.0 schedule

  • 8.0.0-beta1: April 15
  • 8.0.0 stable release: May 19.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on March 31 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#8-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary: September 23, 2020

First, here’s a clarification regarding the context in which this meeting took place : @im4th thought we were a week before 7.0.0-beta1 release 😆 and urge BuddyPress contributors to review the remaining tickets scheduled for the 7.0.0 milestone! We’re now (October 3rd) 2 weeks away from this beta release 😇.

Postponed features

Due to lack of time, we’ve decided to work on the following features during the 8.0.0 development cycle:

  • Attachments for BuddyPress (#8022)
  • BP Members Invitations (#8139)
  • Block based Activity post form (#8319) *
  • Activity Scheduling (#7953) *

* FYI: the BP Blocks plugin used to develop BP Blocks is also used to develop these two features. You can early play with the Block Based Activity post form and the activity scheduling feature, thanks to this plugin, on a testing site. Contributions are always welcome!

7.0.0 updates

  • BP Types UI have been included into Core. It’s now possible to manage Group & Member types from the WordPress administration. More information about it here.
  • The BP REST API now includes a new endpoint to let logged in users to create new blogs (if the network settings allow it). See this GitHub PR.

7.0.0 remaining tickets

7.0.0 BP Blocks

There will be a new block to embed an activity into a post. During the dev chat we agreed it was important to add 2 more blocks : BP Members & BP Groups blocks. See #8369. (The members one has since been built!)

Some great code improvements has been added by @espellcaste into the BP Blocks plugin. He also suggested we start having regular meetings specific to BuddyPress blocks. So here’s a poll to see if you’re interested about it.

Here are some topics we could discuss about during these specific meetings:

  • How to attract WP Block developers to have fun with BP ones?
  • How to smoothly prepare the Block Based Activity post form merge into Core so that BuddyPress Plugins developer can start working on migrating the feature they add to the legacy post form into the block based one?
  • How BuddyPress could benefit from React, WP React components + BP REST API to improve the user experience?
  • What about a “Block ready” Template pack or a BuddyPress standalone theme?

7.0.0 release schedule

  • 7.0.0-beta1: October 15 💆🏻
  • 7.0.0 : December 1st

Open floor

We’ve been discussing about how to improve the way we communicate towards contributors about features/code improvements added to upcoming BuddyPress releases. @im4th suggested to use this blog to post these kind of updates making sure to use the “Development notes” a sub-category of it for the version number. For instance you can quickly read important changes to expect in BuddyPress 7.0.0 from there: Development notes/7.0.

@IAmTheWebb asked us about how he could update some BP Codex pages. Regular contributors we trust like him can ping me @imath on WP Slack or request an access during our Core dev-chats to make this happen! We are very interested into welcoming new Documentation contributors 🙌 🤝.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on October 7 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#7-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary: September 9, 2020

BuddyPress.org redesign project

This project will now have its own development meeting every other Tuesday in #BuddyPress at 19:00 UTC. We’ll start this coming Tuesday: September 15. If you want to help us build the next BuddyPress.org‘s appearance, you are very welcome to join us.

6.3.0 maintenance release

Get ready to update your BuddyPress! We’ll publish this maintenance release early this coming Monday: September 14. An announcement post and a release note on our official site will explain the 3 fixes that will contain the 6.3.0 version of BuddyPress.

7.0.0 release cycle updates

@im4th raised attention on the #8355 ticket. We have an important decision to take about how we’re adding the bp_moderate cap to site Administrators. Me, @boonebgorges and @johnjamesjacoby have been working on this ticket recently and I believe it’s important other Core Developers give this ticket a look and eventually add their feedback to it.

@im4th also shared his decision to start working on adding the BP Types UI (Groups: #7179, Members: #7181) into BuddyPress trunk: expect to see a bunch of commits within the next 2 weeks!

@vapvarun shared his feedbacks about the @wordpress/env module we’ve added last week. He tested it using Microsoft Windows (Many thinks to him 😍 ) and find out it requires 2 other Node development dependencies:

@im4th will look for a way to include these dependencies only when BuddyPress is used on a Microsoft Windows platform.

@dcavins will post the Members Invitations updated patch next week. For 7.0.0 he plans to include the basic features making sure to have hooks at the right place to let plugin developers easily extend them.

After the dev-chat, @espellcaste wrote some updates about his latest contributions to the BP REST API and the BP WP CLI plugins:

    • He added improvements to the Travis config
    • We now have support for PHP 7.4
    • He’ll be working on the blog’s create_item endpoint soon and thinks it’ll be ready for the 7.0.0 release :doigts_croisés::couleur_de_peau-5:
    • He added a new command to scaffold BuddyPress tests to a plugin: wp bp scaffold tests
    • He also added improvements to the Travis config.

7.0.0 release schedule

  • 7.0.0-beta1: October 15 😬
  • 7.0.0 : December 1st

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on September 23 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#6-3-0, #7-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary: August 26, 2020

7.0.0 release cycle updates

Everyone was pretty busy during the two weeks preceding this meeting. @espellcaste still have to work on the tickets/issues he shared about the BP REST API & the BP WP CLI during the previous dev-chat.

@im4th informed he decided to commit the patch about adding @wordpress/env to the BuddyPress repository (see #8317): here’s the commit message, it contains some informations about how to install and launch the BuddyPress development environment. He will write a documentation page on the BuddyPress codex. @vapvarun will copy-review this page.

About Members Invitations #8139 @dcavins will update the patch soon to rename some function and variable names according to the conversation he had with @im4th on the Trac ticket.

7.0.0 release schedule

  • 7.0.0-beta1: October 15
  • 7.0.0 : December 1st

BuddyPress.org redesign project

For this part of the dev-chat, we decided to postpone it to August 31st. With @mercime, @vapvarun & @im4th we mainly talked about organizing our development environment (WP Multisite just like the BuddyPress.org network). It is now almost ready. A GitHub repo will house both themes (parent & child) and we now have first wireframes about the main site’s pages 🙌. Here they are!

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on September 9 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#7-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary