
Point 72 Beta 1 Available

Posted August 24, 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Development, Releases.

Please try it out and give us some feedback in the forums. Enjoy!

Abbreviated upgrade instructions for the impatient:

Upgrading from 0.71

  1. Overwrite your old .71 files, backing up most likely your index.php and any other files you customized.
  2. Open up wp-config.sample.php and edit the database information. Then rename that file wp-config.php.
  3. Do a happy dance because that’s probably the last time you’ll ever have to manually edit a configuration file.,
  4. Run wp-admin/upgrade-071-to-072.php
  5. Login and double check all of the options transferred successfully. That should be it!

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  1. Worked awesome. I really like the new default style, and I’ll probably keep it as such for a while. Is there a way to organize the way links are listed, like order?

    Comment from jeremy on August 24, 2003

  2. Tagged in CVS with WordPress-Ver-0_7_2-beta-1-20030824

    Comment from mike on August 25, 2003

  3. Thanks Mike!

    Comment from Matt on August 25, 2003

  4. I’m WordPress 0.71 Gold. Backed up my index.php and one of the CSS files that I customized, backed up my database, configured the wp-config-sample.php file, renamed it, ran the upgrade script, and got multiple errors about this that and the other table not existing:

    There are some changes we need to make to the links tables with this version, so lets get those out of the way.

    [snip —editor.]

    Does this mean I should create this table in the MySQL database? Why wasn’t the table there in 0.71 if this is an upgrade script?

    Would appreciate an e-mail reply from one of the developers ASAP.

    Thanks guys (and any girls working on WordPress development). 🙂

    Comment from David Mattison on August 25, 2003

  5. Congrats on the new beta release chaps,

    Just out of curiosity, is there a list of changes/additions that make up the new release from 0.71? Or is it just a general code-fix release? Since I am very happy with the way 0.71 is working for me I want to justify the upgrade.

    Comment from Mike on August 25, 2003

  6. David, the upgrade script uses the same tables as from your previous set up – I was hoping it would change the tables from b2post -> dev_post automatically – but it didn’t… just keep the old prefix, presumably “b2” on your set up…. or you could rename the tables if you want…

    Comment from Totally on August 25, 2003

  7. Mike, this is a major feature new release, and today or tomorrow I’ll be writing up some of the new things.

    Comment from Matt on August 25, 2003

  8. And yes, most people upgrading from b2 and older versions of wp should have the table prefix be “b2” . David, I would recommend checking double-checking things in something like phpMyAdmin to see what your settings are. Of course as always, back up.

    Comment from Matt on August 25, 2003

  9. Bummer. Slept on this. Couldn’t ruin it more, so I tried running the plain old wp-install.php, which did ruin it more. Will go back to previous version or try b2evolution. I think one change you might want to think about is to not install on top of existing files, but to install in a new directory. Then when things are working in the new installation, which reads from and converts the existing database, delete the existing installation. This won’t allow you to rollback your database, but by backing up the data first, at least you’d preserve your original site in its own directory. This is the method I use for Tiki.

    Comment from David Mattison on August 25, 2003

  10. Me again. Ignore the b2evolution theory. I want to give WordPress 0.72 a crack. The old tables are still there. I’ll delete the dev_* tables that were added when I ran wp-install.php and rename the b2* tables, and try running the upgrade script again. Can’t get any worse than this. If worse goes to catastrophic failure, since I haven’t had the pleasure of importing a saved SQL zipped file to an existing DB, any tips if I reinstall 0.71 and need to import the SQL zipped file? I saved both the Structure and Data and just the Data as zipped files. Thanks people!

    Comment from David Mattison on August 25, 2003

  11. Wow! Renamed all b2* tables with phpMyAdmin to dev_*. Only complaint upgrade script had was about missing b2settings table. Everything else rolled over ok. Check it out at http://www.davidmattison.ca/wordpress

    Need to move around some stuff, tweak it, etc. At least no data conversion delirium tremors!

    Comment from David Mattison on August 25, 2003

  12. Glad to hear things worked out David. Next time it might be better to start a forum thread rather than use the comments here.

    Comment from Matt on August 25, 2003

  13. please make default charset of meta-tag of index.php,comment.popup.php
    to $admin_area_charset.then,we can change easily the chaset of our site.
    or make another variable something like $site_charset.
    but in almost all case, charset of admin and index.php is same.

    the change is important in CJK users.

    Comment from jouno on August 26, 2003

  14. I received an error after running the upgrade 0.71 script. I realised that the start and end motor of the blog syntaxes were different, changed them… but got this error instead:

    1. SQL/DB Error —
    2. [Unknown column ‘post_status’ in ‘where clause’]

    Eh? Can anybody help?

    Comment from Zaaba on August 27, 2003

  15. FYI, Zaaba’s problem was resolved in the forums.

    Comment from Matt on August 27, 2003

  16. it super nice…i juss did a clean install worked fine got couple errors from upgrade so i juss did clean install on a new db thanks again

    Comment from tsanghan on August 30, 2003

  17. Any place where I can see the new default style?

    Comment from Rakhesh Sasidharan on August 31, 2003

  18. No matter what I do I can’t log into this thing, the password it game me doesn’t work. It keeps going to back the login page without any error. I even tried rubbish text for the user name and password and there isn’t even a error.

    Why is this so? If I can’t log in, how am I supposed to post?

    Comment from Phil on September 7, 2003

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