
Forum Fixups

Posted August 28, 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Meta.

I fixed the forums so that now instead of the threads being unsemantic tables they are ordered lists, styled a little different than they were before. This should mean faster load times for everyone. The thread lists and such I’m inclined to leave because it really is representing tabular information, just the thread itself wasn’t.

I also fixed up the character handling for the forum. It now allows a few tags (listed by the post box) and encodes everything else. This should make posting code and such much easier. Enjoy!

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  1. Aargh it’s encoding dollar signs!!! Pasting code is even harder now!

    Comment from mike on August 28, 2003

  2. And automatic links now want to be relative!

    Comment from mike on August 29, 2003

  3. Nor do the links to “last topics posted” in the user profiles. e.g.


    …I get 404’s.

    Comment from Mike on August 29, 2003

  4. Fixed, fixed, and fixed. Thank you Mikes.

    Comment from Matt on August 29, 2003

  5. Probably wrong spot for this, but I think your RSS feed for this still isn’t making URLs correctly.
    In NetNewsWire on Mac OS X, the URL shows up as:
    (extra /development)

    Comment from Ben on August 29, 2003

  6. Kickass!

    Comment from Michael on August 29, 2003

  7. Is BBcode dead in the forums now? I used bbcode in a couple of posts, and it looks like it converted it to HTML, then encoded it.

    Comment from Dougal Campbell on August 29, 2003

  8. Dougal, yes.

    Comment from Matt on August 31, 2003

  9. Very accessible on my PDA – nicely done. Now if you could just get that darn onclick event off the TR so I can open topics in new tabs like I want to…

    Comment from alex on September 12, 2003

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