Changes in WordPress 2.0.5

Here are some of the changes coming in WordPress 2.0.5:

  • is_feed() status is preserved when handling 404s #3019 [4227]
  • manually entering pages greater than the number of pages for a given post now shows the highest numbered page #3039 [4228]
  • improved security in wp-db-backup plugin [4226]
  • user description is no longer HTML-entity converted going into the database #3069 [4230]
  • fix for rel="nofollow nofollow" repetition #2995 [4233]
  • default category is no longer checked by default #2938 [4310] (Saving this one for 2.1… won’t be in 2.0.5 final)
  • plugins are sorted by plugin name, instead of filename #2412 [4323] [4324]
  • multi-line options in /wp-admin/options.php are preserved #2456 [4331]
  • the authors dropdown is now sorted by display_name #2370 [4365]
  • the_meta() properly ignores keys that start with an underscore #2478 [4368]
  • post meta keys and data are escaped properly on the post screen [4376]
  • users are prevented from entering strings that will be interpreted as serialized data when coming out of the database #2591 [4384] [4395]
  • make_clickable() no longer adds links within links #3228 [4385] [4387]
  • error suppression #2331 [4341], #2745 [4328], #1999 [4315], #2759 [4287], #3179 [4280]
  • i18n fixes #3109 [4239]

This is not an exhaustive list… just the important ones, or the ones I thought people would care about.

Testers, check the wp-testers list. There is a release candidate for you to try out.

Update: WordPress 2.0.5 has been released! I’ve created a set of unofficial 2.0.4-to-2.0.5 upgrade files (changed-files-only ZIP, diff, list of changed files) as I have with the previous two 2.0.x releases.

Update 2: Anyone experiencing Server 500 errors (or anything related to 302) in the admin screen should see this post for more details.

304 thoughts on “Changes in WordPress 2.0.5

  1. Looks like we can expect wordpress 2.1 very soon.
    Mark one question? do you think changing parmalink structure might cause missing link?

  2. feretris,

    This is unrelated to 2.1 … most of these fixes were backported from fixes already in 2.1

    As for permalink structures, yeah, your links will break if you change your structure, unless you’re going from a ?p=N structure to something else. ?p=N will always work.

  3. Will we see a better editor because Tiny MCE is a piece of S8*T. Excuse my vulgar language 🙂

  4. Pingback: WordPress 2.0.5
  5. Chris, you can help make TinyMCE better by filing repeatable bug reports that we can fix.

    Wouldn’t filing bug reports involve having to use the thing? No thank you. 😉

  6. Still no Atom 1.0?

    2.0.5 is a security and bugfix release. Atom 1.0 support is more of a feature, so when that gets added, it’ll get added to Trunk first.

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  8. #
    Roy Schestowitz
    Posted October 22, 2006 at 4:17 am | Permalink

    Tiny MCE is /fine/. Don’t like it? You needn’t use it. *smile*

    Ummm yeah- what a comedian…Good one Roy **rolling eyes**~

    Tiny MCE has a major tendency to add a lot of extra tags and html in posts at random times which creates some issues so it drives you to not want to use it at all. I submitted the bugs but will a patched version be shipped with the 2.0.5?

  9. Chris,

    TinyMCE suffers the same issue as most ‘gui’ based embedded HTML editors – it does it’s best to write clean code, but it will often inject far more than needed, to be on the safe side.

    If clean code is important to you, don’t use TinyMCE – stick with the basic editor (or use a good offline editor). You then have as much control over code as you like.

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  12. I wish someone in the WP dev team would take over EditorMonkey (which has been abandoned) and make it an optional editor built into WP. I loved it, but stopped using it when WP development outpaced EM (resulting in annoying bugs).

  13. #
    Posted October 27, 2006 at 10:44 pm | Permalink


    TinyMCE suffers the same issue as most ‘gui’ based embedded HTML editors – it does it’s best to write clean code, but it will often inject far more than needed, to be on the safe side.

    If clean code is important to you, don’t use TinyMCE – stick with the basic editor (or use a good offline editor). You then have as much control over code as you like.


    Your definetly right on that and clean code is always best. What I don’t get though is why WordPress developers don’t enchance the usuability of its editor for folks that may not be able to write clean mark-up. I enjoy doing but some just don’t have the capacity to do so. That is the main tool that bloggers use within WordPress right? Just a thought. I think this may be the major reason why some of the desktop clients are favored more than the editor within WordPress itself. We should have the “WordPress Desktop Editor”…nice ring to it yes?

  14. Not sure if related to new release but when I browse for and upload and insert an image in real size it shows up thumbnail size but at a very bad resolution.

  15. …works ok when uploading in Firefox but not in Explorer. I know this isn’t a support arena, but I thought I’d mention it. If I upload and edit in Firefox it will show in original size in Explorer, but not if I attempt to edit in Explorer.

  16. total newbie here. hey there this might have been asked before, worse, could be a stupid question, but does it natively support the wp-cache plugin already, or is there any plans of having it in the future? thanks and i appreciate the value of work you put into this project.

  17. does it natively support the wp-cache plugin already

    The WP-Cache plugin (latest version) continues to function in WordPress, but its functionality has not been integrated into WordPress core, if that’s what you’re asking.

  18. What’s the story on autosave? I have 2.0.4–will upgrading to 2.0.5 get me autosave? What do I need to do to get autosave? I didn’t see it listed among the features for 2.0.5.

  19. Pingback: Security Watch
  20. Oh god Tiny MCE adding tags until posts aren’t very tiny or TIDY is sooo obnoxious. Half the time now I just write all my posts in Dreamweaver (ha ha ha) to avoid any issues and then paste in the HTML.

  21. I’ve had problems with the write post editor in IE 7. I don’t know if anyone else has, but when I write a blog entry in IE 7, when I type characters on my keyboard, it takes about 5-10 seconds for those characters to appear on the page inside the editor. This seems to be IE 7 specific. Its almost as if, the ajax text-to-HTML conversion thingy is too slow in IE 7 for some reason. personally I never liked that whole “on the fly” text to html thing anyway, would rather have a plain old text editor. Most of the time, I have to click on the “HTML” tab in quicktags anyway for links that I add, which takes me longer to post a blog entry then it would without it, so I agree with the above comment about the MCE editor. I say we should just get rid of it altogether. or at least a way to disable it, that would really help.

  22. another suggestion I have, is to pick a admin color scheme that is more pleasing to the eye for people with visual disabilities.. People like me who are visually impaired, have trouble seeing text on white backgrounds.. Usually on webpages I prefer a black background on white letters, instead of the other way around. I am suggesting an alternate stylesheet be created for the WP admin area with darker backgrounds for those of us with visual impairments.


  23. when I write a blog entry in IE 7, when I type characters on my keyboard, it takes about 5-10 seconds for those characters to appear on the page inside the editor

    You should report this issue.

    Its almost as if, the ajax text-to-HTML conversion thingy is too slow in IE 7

    It’s not done via AJAX… TinyMCE does it locally using JS.

    I agree with the above comment about the MCE editor. I say we should just get rid of it altogether. or at least a way to disable it, that would really help.

    It can be disabled in your user’s profile. Also, starting in 2.1, you’ll be able to disable it globally just by deleting the /wp-includes/js/tinymce/ directory.

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  25. My theme uses serialized information to store changes in the style, so that users don’t have to edit any hard files.

    This update seems to break this functionality.

    Does this update prevent any and all serialized data from being saved to the database or is there something that I have to add to my theme’s code in order for it to be saved properly. As it stands, this change in WordPress has proven to be a bit of a setback, but I’ll withhold any finger pointing until I can get all the details. 😛

  26. Jonathan,

    There were indeed security-related changes to code that deals with serialization. Please file a bug report if something is not working correctly.

    You shouldn’t be manually serializing your data before putting it in the database. That was the security issue that is blocked by the update. If you use the built-in update_option() and get_option(), you don’t have to (and now with 2.0.5 can’t) pass serialized data. Just pass the original data (like the array or the object) and WP will take care of it as always, and deliver the original object or array for you on the way out.

  27. Well, that was almost too simple. I was indeed manually serializing the data. Removed that bit everything works peachy.

    I see white spots there for a bit.

    Thanks for the clarification and now that I understand the specifics of the bugfix, thanks for further increasing WordPress’ security. Kudos.

  28. Glad to help, Jonathan.

    I’m planning on writing a post soon about serialization, how it works in WordPress, how to use it, and why the changes happened — so keep your eyes open for that!

  29. I am knew to blogging and not to familiar with HTML, just enough to get by.

    Before I upgraded to 2.0.5 I could add color to my page title, in the left hand column, using HTML in the title on the edit page. This feature helped my readers to know when I had added new material to this page. Since I upgraded I am no longer able to add HTML to my page title without the HTML code showing up on the left side column page title.



  30. chan, lo siento, si quieres la verdad, ahí va
    es cierto como ya intuías que tu eres el tren, los vagones, el maquinista, todos los pasajeros, pero tambien los railes, la dirección y el horizonte
    encantados de viajar contigo
    (miralos a la cara uno a uno y desapareceran, y es sencillo, ellos simplemente no son)

  31. All this talk about the post editing… I hope that you continue to keep the non-visual rich editor. I only use the basic editor because it allows me to customize the code behind the posts. Just my 2 cents.

  32. Hi,

    Thank you for all your efforts!

    Will this update prevent hackers from being able to hack my blog? This has happened two or three times now! My web host told me that WordPress is easily hacked. It is driving me nuts!

  33. I am using WordPress on my web site and I find it quite good.

    I have to spend some time on it though as it is much more complicated that the Blogger one, but obviously much more powerful.

    I am looking forward to being a pro in the near future.

    When I am, then I will start a blog with my site how much water drink

    Cheers, Mike King.

  34. I’m currently running Duke. Will this throw a monkey wrench into my current configuration? I’m all about an upgrade, but is this a beta release or a stable one?

  35. Nate,

    This should be a smooth upgrade from Duke. WP 2.0.5 is stable for all who are not running PHP as FastCGI. WP 2.0.6 fixes those issues and a 2.0.6 beta is out now.

  36. I have noticed that A LOT of “Advanced WYSIWYG” functionality support is lost from the the upgrade from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5… Just wondering if you guys are looking at this?

  37. I should probably add that the “Advanced WYSIWYG” functionality is from a third party plugin; However the Tiny MCE editor by Moxiecode has full feautured functionality, but the editor in WP only shows simple support. As mentioned above, works in 2.0.4 not in 2.0.5

  38. This 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 file-diff is great, but don’t I have to
    do a database-upgrade, so that the version is upgraded also ?

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  40. In this version, there are 50 over bug fixes and all WordPress users are highly recommended to upgrade to this latest version. For more information, you can check out the development tracker, or for more details, check out Mark’s blog post.

  41. What’s new? We have about 50 or so bugfixes, which you can review on our dev tracker here, mostly minor bug fixes around feeds, custom fields, and internationalization. If you’d like a nitty-gritty view, check out Mark’s blog post on the changes.

  42. We have about 50 or so bugfixes, which you can review on our dev tracker here, mostly minor bug fixes around feeds, custom fields, and internationalization. If you’d like a nitty-gritty view, check out Mark’s blog post on the changes

  43. I am using WordPress on my web site and I find it quite good.

    I have to spend some time on it though as it is much more complicated that the Blogger one, but obviously much more powerful.

  44. Nielson/NetRatings has issued a study showing that the top 10 social networking sites saw traffic grow 47% over the last year, with MySpace seeing the biggest growth (367% increase) and MSN Spaces (286%) seeing the biggest growth. Hosted blogging systems were included in the study.

    One thing to note about those numbers is that while Classmates had one of the lowest positive growth rates at 10%, they spend loads on advertising while MySpace, Youtube, and Facebook haven’t spent a penny.

    If I recall correctly, a couple years ago was one of the 10 largest spenders on online advertising.

    There are plenty of new social networking sites poping up but what get’s me why can’t myspace there instant messenger working. $580 mill and can’t afford to fix instant messenger BAD myspace.
    There are so many better ones how about for example has all the features of myspace plus quizzes, polls, webchat with audio and video oh and hey they have instant messenger. You have a long way to go myspace.


  45. We’re going through some of these changes so fast, I can barely keep up. The new version seems fairly stable, though, and is working out just fine.

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  47. One thing to note about those numbers is that while Classmates had one of the lowest positive growth rates at 10%, they spend loads on advertising while MySpace, Youtube, and Facebook haven’t spent a penny.


  48. there are different site on which i have installed this version.

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  50. any idea if vbseo and wordpress can function together in the same subdirectory? I moved vbulletin to root and it’s killed all my wordpress urls.

  51. Smooth upgrade for us which also solved a problem we were having with spam posts being added to existing blog posts using the CSS Display Hide tags. The only reason I spotted what was gioing on was that I went to edit an existing post and it was two foot long with hundreds of spam links. WIth the latest version this has now stopped.

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  56. I am really enjoying the theme/design of your blog. Do you ever run into any browser compatibility problems? A few of my blog readers have complained about my website not working correctly in Explorer but looks great in Opera. Do you have any ideas to help fix this issue?

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