Thank you so much for your interest in reviewing Learn WordPress workshop applications.

Please share your details below and reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions.

Name *

Email address * username *

Where can we find you online? *

Please share links to your website(s) and as many social media accounts as
applicable, including but not limited to Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, etc...

Please provide your timezone as a UTC/GMT offset (e.g. UTC-7, UTC+2, etc.) *

In what language(s) are you comfortable reviewing applications? *

What type of workshop applications would you be most comfortable reviewing? *

What qualifies you to review workshops for approval? *

Is there anything else you think we should know?

I agree to the WordPress open source project volunteer expectations and Code of Conduct. *

Learn WordPress Workshops are associated with the WordPress open source project. Speakers, Reviewers, and Discussion Leaders are subject to the same expectations and Code of Conduct as speakers and volunteers within the WordPress Meetup and WordCamp programs