• Quiero contribuir al proyecto de WordPress, ¿Por dónde empiezo?

    ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez cómo se empieza a contribuir en el proyecto de WordPress pero no sabías ni por dónde empezar?

    ¿O tienes curiosidad por saber cómo se organizan miles de personas para trabajar en un proyecto de código abierto de forma remota y desde cualquier parte del mundo?

    Si piensas que hay que tener conocimiento técnico para poder participar en el proyecto, no es el caso!

    En esta charla contaremos e introduciremos la mejor forma y los sitios donde encontrar la información para que aprendas de algunos de los mejores profesionales del mundo a la vez que pones tu granito de arena para que WordPress sea mejor.

    Haremos un pequeño repaso a los equipos de Traducción, Core, Diseño, Marketing, Communidad (eventos), Documentación, Testing, Móvil, Accesibilidad, etc. que puedes encontrar en el proyecto de WordPress y en los que todos pueden involucrarse: https://make.wordpress.org/

    Todo el mundo es bienvenido tengas o no experiencia contribuyendo a WordPress! :)

    P.D.- Si tienes alguna pregunta que nos quieres mandar por adelantado, escríbela como comentatio en este evento, gracias!

  • Discussion Group: Introduction to Open-Source

    Online event

    Join us for a discussion on this workshop: Introduction to Open-source.

    This event is happening on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at 07:00 AM Pacific Time (10 AM Eastern Time / 9 AM Central Time / 8 AM Mountain Time / 2 PM UTC / 4 PM CET)
    Check this link to find the time in your local timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=202110121T1400

    To prepare for this discussion, please watch this workshop in advance: https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/introduction-to-open-source/.

    Even if you are brand new to open-source and WordPress, you are welcome to participate! Bring your questions, thoughts, and comments to this informal discussion!

  • Discussion Group: Who am I to be speaking? + Finding a topic for a WP event

    If you are from a marginalized or underrepresented group in WordPress in terms of gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, age, etc. join us for a discussion on this workshop: Who am I to be speaking + Finding a topic.

    To prepare for this discussion, please watch this workshop in advance: https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/diverse-speaker-training-workshop-part-1/

    We invite you to do the exercises along with the video, and bring your answers to the discussion group to get feedback.

    This workshop is geared towards people from marginalized or underrepresented groups in WordPress who are intrigued by the idea of speaking at an online WordPress event. The focus is to look at what has stopped you from speaking in the past and explore how to move past your fears, generate WordPress-related topics to give a talk on, and boost your speaking confidence.

  • Discussion Group: Organizing WordPress Meetups

    Online event

    Target Audience: All WordPress Community members and those curious about organizing WordPress Meetups. You can join the discussion even if you are an experienced community organizer!

    Join a panel of WordPress community team deputies for a discussion about organizing WordPress Meetups, including @jenniferswisher, @megabyterose, @rmarks, and @courtneypk.

    To prepare for this discussion, you can watch the following workshops:

    * Organizing WordPress Meetups: Getting Started:
    * Organizing WordPress Meetups: Supporting an Online Meetup: https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/organizing-wordpress-meetups-supporting-an-online-meetup/

    Even if you are brand new to the WordPress Community, you are welcome to participate! Bring your questions, your thoughts, comments to this informal discussion about WordPress Meetups!

    This event starts on Wednesday 13 October at 16:00 PDT (23:00 UTC).

  • Learn WordPress: Watch and Discuss User Management

    Online event


    12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern - Watch https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/user-management/
    12:25pm Pacific/3:25 Eastern - Discuss content and learnings

    In this workshop you’ll learn how to add, edit, and remove users within your WordPress website. This workshop will introduce the user roles that exist within WordPress, but will focus on the how-to of user management, and not the organizational philosophy behind deciding which users are assigned various roles and permissions.

    Learning Outcomes
    After watching this workshop, viewers will be able to…

    -Update their own profile
    -Customize the visible columns in the Users table
    -Create a new user account
    -Enable/Disable the ability for users to register their own account
    -Use the search, filter, and batch modification tools within the users table to find and/or modify existing users
    -Add and remove permissions (via Roles and Capabilities) for individual users
    -Reset a user’s password
    -Disable a user without deleting them
    -Delete a user
    -Reassign a deleted user’s content to another user

    Comprehension questions
    What roles can be assigned to users?
    How do you create a new user account?
    When deleting a user, what can you do with their existing content?

  • Cómo empezar a programar bloques para Gutenberg desde cero

    ¿Llevas tiempo queriendo aprender a programar tus primeros bloques para Gutenberg, el nuevo editor de bloques de WordPress?

    ¿Tienes ganas y motivación pero no has sacado el tiempo aún para investigar ni por dónde empezar?

    ¿Eres programador de WordPress, pero más enfocado a PHP/HTML/CSS y no estás muy puesto aún con JS?

    Si la respuesta es sí a alguna de las preguntas de arriba y quieres aprender y familiarizarte con las herramientas, documentación, tutoriales, trucos y más info sobre cómo programar bloques para el editor de WordPress... apúntate a este evento online!

    Damián Suarez, programador del core de Gutenberg, nos enseñará cómo empezar desde cero y desde dónde, y responderá a todas vuestras preguntas :)

    Si ya tienes alguna pregunta y la quieres compartir de antemano para que Damián pueda prepararlo, ponla en un comentario a este evento y la responderemos.

    Gracias a Damián por su tiempo y nos vemos el lunes 18 de Octubre! :D

  • Live Workshop: Managing Site Comments

    Online event

    Learn how your readers can communicate through comments and how you can manage those comments on your WordPress site!

    This beginner-level live workshop will show you how to:
    -Moderate your comments
    -Determine if comments are a good fit for your site

    Come prepared to explore your own dashboard, turn comments on and off in individual posts, and discuss the pros and cons of enabling comments.

    Date: Tuesday, 19 October 2021
    Time: 14:00 UTC
    Where: Zoom (link will be visible after RSVP)
    Level: Beginner

  • Discussion Group: Improving site performance

    Online event

    Join us for a watch party + discussion on the workshop: Improving site performance. The site performance workshop provides tips on how to improve the performance of a WordPress site and covers several techniques that allow users to improve the performance of their WordPress sites. Together, we will watch the video of improving site performance and discuss any questions that you have, with the group.

    This event is happening on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, at 8 AM Pacific time (9 AM Mountain Time / 10 AM Central Time / 11 AM Eastern time / 3. PM UTC / 5 PM CET) - Check this link to find the time in your local timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20211025T1500

    Please bring your questions and tips about improving site performance, and let's discuss them with the group!

  • Polyglots Training Discussion: Team Building + Giving Good Feedback

    🔵 Target Audience:
    WordPress translation contributors who are interested in building their local translation communities. The audience is expected to have some experience in using translate.wordpress.org.

    🔵 Event Summary:
    Join us for a discussion on two modules in the Translation Contributor Training course: Collaboration and Team Building + How to Give Good Feedback. You can find a link to the course below:

    In this workshop, participants will learn ways to encourage team building in their community, as well as tips for giving feedback on translations. Bring your questions and ideas!

    🔵 Time:
    This event is happening on Thursday, October 28, 2021, at 17:00 UTC - Check this link to find the time in your local timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20211028T17&p1;=1440&ah;=1

    🔵 Agenda:
    1. Go through key points of the modules: https://learn.wordpress.org/modules/collaboration-and-team-building/?course_id=4766
    2. Discuss topics and questions brought by the audience (~50 minutes).