Interviews, conversations, and collections of stories celebrating the best of WordPress
  1. Red Herring Games: Navigating a Business During a Pandemic

    How having a WordPress site helped this business survive the challenge of COVID-19.

    Courtesy of Red Herring Games
  2. Celebrating Pride at Automattic: “Every Person and Voice Has the Opportunity to Be Heard”

    In the final chapter of our Pride Month series, we talk to Niesha Sweet, from Automattic’s HR team, about Pride, DEI work, and more.

  3. Five Books Exploring Race in America

    We look at the authors of five books discussing race in America.

  4. Celebrating Pride at Automattic: “Living My Life Freely and Authentically”

    In this week’s interview in our Pride Month series, we talk with product designer Mel Choyce-Dwan on identity, diversity in the tech, and inclusive design.

  5. Black Lives Matter: Six Poems

    Poetry can often channel grief, pain, solidarity, and resistance in ways that everyday language can’t.

    Photo by Lorie Shaull (CC BY-SA 2.0)
  6. Celebrating Pride at Automattic: “Reflect What Is Given, and In So Doing Change It a Little”

    An interview with Automattic developer Echo Gregor on identity, pronouns, and celebrating Pride Month.

  7. On Injustice, Inequality, and Being Black in America: A Reading List

    Personal posts, essays, and interviews by Black writers, bloggers, and thinkers, compiled by our editorial team.

    Photo by Markus Spiske
  8. Tabitha Farrar on Eating Disorder Recovery

    Tabitha Farrar, one of the founders of World Eating Disorders Action Day, shares her experience of blogging about recovery — and supporting others in their own journeys.

    Neural Rewiring for Eating Disorder Recovery book cover,
  9. Celebrating Pride at Automattic: “In a World That Wants You to Apologize or Minimize Who You Are, Don’t.”

    In this first interview of our Pride Month series, a human resources wrangler talks about identity, building trust and support in the workplace, and more.

  10. Doodlewash: Creating an Online Watercolor Community

    How Charlie O’Shields built his own watercolor community on

  11. An Astronaut’s Guide to Self-Isolation

    Astronaut Chris Hadfield offers self-isolation advice on his WordPress site.

  12. Discover Prompts, Day 30: Grateful

    To close this monthlong event on a high note, answer this question: what are you feeling thankful for today?

    Discover Prompts
  13. Discover Prompts, Day 29: List

    Scoff at listicles all you want; lists are still among the most potent storytelling formats.

    Discover Prompts
  14. Discover Prompts, Day 28: Focus

    In an age of constant distraction, what does it take to stay focused?

    Discover Prompts
  15. Discover Prompts, Day 27: Team

    Teamwork is dreamwork? Sometimes. Today, let’s explore the idea of belonging to a team.

    Discover Prompts
  16. Discover Prompts, Day 26: Hidden

    Let’s not stop at the tip of the iceberg — let’s focus on the invisible parts today.

    Discover Prompts
  17. Discover Prompts, Day 25: Magic

    Presto! Let’s wave our magic wands to inspire today’s post.

    Discover Prompts
  18. Discover Prompts, Day 24: Elixir

    Today, our word is “Elixir.” What breathes life into you?

    Discover Prompts
    Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels
  19. A Ramadan Story: From Blogging to Books

    Reem Farqui used her website to help her publish her first book.

    Courtesy of Reem Faruqi
  20. Discover Prompts, Day 23: Note

    Today’s Discover prompt is all about notes, musical, secret, and otherwise.

    Discover Prompts
    Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels
  21. Discover Prompts, Day 22: Tempo

    Today, we’re putting you through your paces with the word, “Tempo.”

    Discover Prompts
    Photo by TruShotz from Pexels
  22. Discover Prompts, Day 21: Instrument

    Today, we’re all about instruments — musical and otherwise!

    Discover Prompts
  23. Ways to Participate Online for Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary — and Take Action Every Day

    Ahead of Earth Day on April 22, browse environmental publications and get involved in digital initiatives.

    Photo by Markus Spiske
  24. Discover Prompts, Day 20: Music

    Tell us all about the music you love.

    Discover Prompts
    Photo by Stas Knop from Pexels
  25. Discover Prompts, Day 19: Three

    Rumor has it that good things come in threes. Do you agree?

    Discover Prompts