A note on Nano 2021

I’ve thought about this a lot, and have come to the conclusion that I just can’t authentically manage NanoPoblano in its 30-days-in-a-row form this year. Last year’s combination-style was also chaotic for me as a host, because it felt like managing two different projects at once. So I’m separating them. This year for November, I’ll be doing NanoNanoPoblano: ten days of posting, ten days of … Continue reading A note on Nano 2021

yikes: i think what i was trying to say

Yesterday’s post was written half-a-gummy in, and even though reading it today makes me cringe, I’m leaving it up because it will remind me to stop taking the gummies as soon as they are no longer crucial to my ability to consume food. I don’t want to numb myself and armor myself at the same time, walk out the door with too-soft thumbs and thimbles … Continue reading yikes: i think what i was trying to say


My physical therapist responds to the break up and says I can have a revenge body if I want one. I ask him instead to help me build a forgiving body. I’ll need muscles, I say, for self-forgiveness. There’s a lot to carry. I bought everything I think I need to make a linocut print. I’m not certain why or what I’ll do with it, … Continue reading linocut