Support » Plugin: Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce » Pro version not working

  • Hi I just bought a pro version, but can’t activate it. I already sent email for tech support with no luck. Could you guys response and give me a hand please? Can’t just get the money and do nothing.

    Updated on Oct 30th.
    This plugin wasn’t updated for 6 months and no any tech support when I met an issue even not able to active pro version I bought.
    Just want to remind anyone who wants to try and wants to buy this plugin.

    • This topic was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by yousosnake.
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  • Plugin Author Devio Digital


    The DDWC Pro plugin requires that the free version is also installed + activated.

    Can you verify that the free version of DDWC is active before you try installing and activating DDWC Pro?

    I apologize for the lack of email support the past couple of months and appreciate your patience. Thanks!

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