Support » Plugin: Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce » Customer address with Google map link instead of google map widget

  • Resolved faizulghazi


    Can we have a customer address with Google map link instead of google map widget in driver order view? It will open Google map app from that link.

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  • Plugin Author Devio Digital


    There’s not a way built-in for this feature, but you could customize the map with this filter which controls the google map display:


    This would require you write a custom function and add it to your theme’s functions.php file.

    As this is a customization feature, I am not able to provide a full code solution for you, but let me know if you run into any questions. Thanks!

    I read the code. to have it as a link. just remove the Google Map Api key from your plugin setting then it will display the customer adress and link to google map 😀

    Plugin Author Devio Digital


    Awesome, I’m glad that sorted it out and I apologize for not understanding your need correctly. Thanks!

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