Age Verification


Age Verification for WordPress

Add a pop-up window to your website and verify the age of the visitor before allowing them to view your content.

Customize a variety of features in the age verification box.

  • Minimum age
  • Background image
  • Logo image
  • Title text
  • Message text
  • Yes/No button text

You can customize your age verification pop up by going to Appearance -> Customize -> Age Verification in your WordPress dashboard.

There is also a cookie that gets saved for 30 days when the user selects the “Yes” button.

Age Verification Pro

Customize your age verification pop up even more by using our Age Verification Pro plugin.

Pro features

  • Set the amount of days to save cookies
  • Turn on debug to test popup changes without saving cookies
  • Customize the Success & Failure messages (title & text)

Pro color customizations

  • Page background color
  • Popup background color
  • Title text color
  • Message text color
  • “No” button colors
  • “Yes” button colors


  • Example of the background image feature
  • Example of the default age verification pop up modal box
  • All of the available customizer options in the free version
  • All of the available customizer options in the Pro version


  1. Go to Plugins -> Add New and search for Age Verification.
  2. Install & Activate the Age Verification plugin.
  3. Customize the settings by going to Appearance -> Customize -> Age Verification.


May 15, 2021
Last year I ordered the pro version. No order confirmation, no login credentials, no license key, password reset for account not working, no respons to messages via contact form and no response to email. So no support, no updates, payment gone. Don’t recommend.
October 27, 2020
User is not simply redirected when clicking on one of the two choices, but receive a cheerful "SUCCESS !" when clicking on YES… Text is not internationalized…
Read all 12 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Age Verification” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Age Verification” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Age Verification” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Added new Spanish translation in languages/dispensary-age-verification-es_ES.pot
  • Added new French translation in languages/dispensary-age-verification-fr_FR.pot
  • Added new Italian translation in languages/dispensary-age-verification-it_IT.pot
  • Updated .pot file name and updated text strings for localization in languages/dispensary-age-verification.pot


  • Added admin notice based on installed version of AVWP Pro in dispensary-age-verification.php
  • Updated public CSS enqueue to use the minified file version in public/class-dispensary-age-verification-public.php
  • Updated .pot file name and updated text strings for localization in languages/avwp.pot
  • Updated the plugin text-domain from dispensary-age-verification to avwp in multiple files
  • Updated Class names to use use the Age_Verification prefix (removing ‘Dispensary’) in multiple files
  • Updated function names to use the avwp prefix in multiple files
  • Updated CSS class names to use the avwp prefix in multiple files
  • General code cleanup in multiple files


  • Added avwp_hex2rgba helper function in includes/age-verification-functions.php


  • Updated the YES/NO button order in the customizer settings in includes/customizer.php
  • Updated the YES/NO button order in the popup in public/js/dispensary-age-verification-public.js
  • Updated the YES/NO button styles in public/css/dispensary-age-verification-public.css
  • Updated popup title to not display if the setting is empty in public/js/dispensary-age-verification-public.js
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/dispensary-age-verification.pot
  • General code cleanup in multiple files


  • Added 2 new filters for before/after the popup content in public/class-dispensary-age-verification-public.php
  • Updated the popup to include the before/after filters in public/js/dispensary-age-verification-public.js
  • Updated the popup background image CSS in public/class-dispensary-age-verification-public.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/dispensary-age-verification.pot
  • General code cleanup in multiple files


  • Added avwp_localize_script_translation_array filter in public/class-dispensary-age-verification-public.php
  • Bugfix for empty background image CSS overriding background color in public/class-dispensary-age-verification-public.php
  • Updated $translation_array data in public/class-dispensary-age-verification-public.php
  • Updated prefix for dav_redirect_on_fail_link filter to use avwp instead of dav in public/class-dispensary-age-verification-public.php
  • Updated priority order for settings controls in includes/customizer.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/dispensary-age-verification.pot
  • General code cleanup in multiple files


  • Added JavaScript functions for cookie that saves to users computer for 30 days when they verify their age in public/js/js.cookie.js
  • Added cookie that saves to users computer for 30 days when they verify their age in public/js/dispensary-age-verification-public.php
  • Added dav_redirect_on_fail_link filter for the pop up in public/class-dispensary-age-verification.php
  • Updated check for popup to remain hidden when checkbox is selected in the Customizer in public/class-dispensary-age-verification.php
  • General code cleanup in multiple files


  • Updated text strings for localization in includes/customizer.php
  • Updated .pot file with text strings for localization in languages/dispensary-age-verification.pot
  • Removed CSS and JS file from loading on admin screens in includes/class-dispensary-age-verification.php
  • General code cleanup in multiple files


  • Added a background image option to customizer
  • Added Yes/No button text options to customizer
  • Updated multiple styles for the pop up modal


  • Updated multiple styles for the pop up modal (text, titles, buttons)


  • Fixes bug where the pop up opened on every single page


  • Changed the birthday input for a simple YES/NO button selection


  • Added option to Customizer to hide the modal pop up for Administrator users


  • Fixed bug with the logo upload not displaying on the live site


  • Fixed bug with form not recognizing the right age input by the user


  • Fixed bug with [age] selector not working correctly.
  • Fixed bugs with the default customizer options not working correctly on fresh installs


  • Uploaded missing customizer.php file from version 1.1
  • Added new [age] selector in the pop up text which updates to the minimum age requirement you select in the customizer


  • Added Theme Customizer options to allow users to customize the pop up title, copy, minimum age and logo upload


  • Removed bug that redirected visitors to the wrong URL after form submissions (thanks @VanSmoke)


  • Initial release