Simple Job Board


The plugin is available in English, French(Français), Arabic (العربية), Brazilian Portuguese(Português do Brasil), Italian(Italiano), Russian(Русский), Chinese(简体中文), Dutch(Nederlands), Serbian(Српски језик), Swedish(Svenska), Urdu(اردو), Japanese(日本語), Polish(Polski) and Galician(Galego).

Looking for an easy, user-friendly and robust Job board plugin?

Simple Job Board by PressTigers is an easy, light weight plugin that adds a job board to your WordPress website.
This plugin is extendible and easy to use. A customized job board is created to manage various job offers via WordPress with the Simple Job Board. You can add multiple job listings and can show them on any page by inserting [jobpost] shortcode. You can add multiple job features and customized application forms for every distinct job listing. You can also add notes to an application right from the dashboard.



Live Demo

Please click here for Simple Job Board Demo.

Product Tour

You can have a hand’s on experience of SJB on our “demo site” and you can also review the video tutorial below on how you can install & configure the SJB plugin on your own website.

Simple Job Board Add-ons

Plugin Features

  • Add, categorize and manage all jobs using the granular WordPress User Interface.
  • Allow job listers to add job types in job listings.
  • Add job location to an individual job created.
  • Add category shortcode to any post to enlist job listing of that particular category.
  • Add job Location to any post by using specified shortcode.
  • Add Job Type to any post by using specified shortcode.
  • Add a combination of multiple shortcodes for a job listing.
  • Use the Anti-hotlinking option to enhance the security of your documents.
  • Upload documents in various extensions.
  • View Applicants’ list who applied for a particular job.
  • Set job listing, job features, application form, filters and email notifications for a job through global settings.
  • Compatible with WPML since SJB version 2.9.0

For more plugin documentation, see other notes section.

Can you contribute?

If you are an awesome contributor for translations or plugin development, please contact us at [email protected]


  • International Telephone Input(
  • Google Fonts(
  • jQuery UI(
  • WP Color Picker Alpha(
  • Create Guten Block by Ahmad Awais(

Configurations & Templating

Follow the following steps for a fully functional Job Board:

  1. After installation, go to “Job Board” menu in the admin panel, and add a new job listing.
  2. Add multiple job features and a fully customized application form right from the job listing editor.
  3. To list all the job listings and start receiving applications, add [jobpost] shortcode in an existing page or add a new page and write shortcode anywhere in the page editor.
  4. After someone fills an application form from the front-end, you will receive it right in the dashboard.
  5. You can add special notes to an application by opening its detail page.

Job Board Templating

The job board templating feature allows you to change the following file templates. We are providing two UI layouts named as Classical and Modern.

  1. For modifying classical layout templates, please refer to v1 directory.
  2. For modifying modern layout templates, please refer to v2 directory.
  • content-job-listing-grid-view.php
  • content-job-listing-list-view.php
  • content-single-job-listing.php
  • single-jobpost.php
  • archive-jobpost.php
  • job-filters.php
  • search/keyword-search.php
  • search/category-filter.php
  • search/location-filter.php
  • search/type-filter.php
  • search/search-btn.php
  • listing/content-no-jobs-found.php
  • listing/listing-wrapper-start.php
  • listing/listing-wrapper-end.php
  • listing/job-listings-start.php
  • listing/job-listings-end.php
  • listing/job-pagination.php
  • listing/grid-view or list-view/company.php
  • listing/grid-view or list-view/job-title-company.php
  • listing/grid-view or list-view/location.php
  • listing/grid-view or list-view/logo.php
  • listing/grid-view or list-view/posted-date.php
  • listing/grid-view or list-view/short-description.php
  • listing/grid-view or list-view/title.php
  • listing/grid-view or list-view/type.php
  • single-jobpost/job-application.php
  • single-jobpost/job-features.php
  • single-jobpost/job-meta/company-logo.php
  • single-jobpost/job-meta/company-name.php
  • single-jobpost/job-meta/company-tagline.php
  • single-jobpost/job-meta/job-location.php
  • single-jobpost/job-meta/job-posted-date.php
  • single-jobpost/job-meta/job-title.php
  • single-jobpost/job-meta/job-type.php
  • widget/job-widget-start.php
  • widget/job-widget-end.php
  • widget/content-recent-jobs-widget.php
  1. To change a template, please add “simple_job_board” folder in your activated theme’s root directory.
  2. Add above mentioned file from plugin simple-job-board >templates folder keeping the same file directory structure and do whatever you want.

Enjoy your work with Simple Job Board templating.


  • Job Board Creation: Classical Layout - Allow users to create a Job Board with ease by using a shortcode.
  • Job Board Creation: Modern Layout - Allow users to create a Job Board with icon based job features.
  • Job Categories - Categorize your similar jobs under a group of categories with the help of a shortcode.
  • Job Type - This allows users to specify the type of jobs you offer to them.
  • Job Location - Let your users create jobs according to a certain demographic location.
  • List of Applicants - You can get all the applicants applied for jobs over here, by clicking each of applicant you can get further details and download the resume.
  • Application Notes - This section helps site administrators to add additional notes to received Resumes.
  • General - Allow users to change the slug of custom post types and taxonomy.
  • Appearance - Let your users change view & typography of job listing on front-end.
  • Job Features - Allow your users to add their own set of features to a job listing or a single job post.
  • Application Form Fields - This will help in creating customized job form.
  • Filters - Give your users complete control over job listing filters.
  • Email Notifications - This section will enable various notification options for users.
  • File Extensions - Upload Documents with various extensions along with document security.
  • Privacy - Set privacy policy and terms & conditions text for your job.
  • Classical Job Listing List View - Classical layout of job listing list view.
  • Classical Job Listing Grid View - Classical layout of job listing grid view.
  • Classical Job details page - Job board detail/single page. Job features and job application form is placed on it.
  • Modern Job Listing List View - Modified layout of job listing list view.
  • Modern Job Listing Grid View - Modified layout of job listing grid view.
  • Modern Job details page - Modified layout of Job board detail/single page. Icon based job features are placed on it.


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Simple Job Board


  1. Download plugin.
  2. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory to your web server.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Add a standard WordPress page or post and use the [jobpost] shortcode in the editor to make it a Job Board.


How to show job listings on the front-end?

To list all the job listings and start receiving applications, add [jobpost] shortcode in an existing page or add a new page and write shortcode anywhere in the page editor.

Job Page Expands Across Entire Page

It’s container class naming issue. We can’t set all websites container classes because every website has its own CSS and naming conventions.

So, we are giving the facility to Job Board’s users for adding container class or Id under Settings> Appearance tab. Please add your website container class in “Job Board Container Class:” under Job Board> Settings> Appearance tab.

Where can I assign global settings for same job posts?

You can assign global job listing settings to each job post through settings.

How can I add company information for a job post?

Once you are in new job page, you can add company information in job data section.

Can I upload a resume with different extensions?

Yes, you can upload a resume document with .pdf, .odt, .txt, .rtf, .doc, .docx extensions from the settings page.

Can I show only 5 latest jobs on front-end with pagination?

Yes, you can show any number of posts on your website with pagination feature by using shortcode with “posts” attribute i.e. [jobpost posts=”5″]

Can I show job listings for particular “Category” using a shortcode?

Yes, you can use a shortcode on post page i.e. [jobpost category=”category-slug”]

Can I show job listings for particular “Type” using a shortcode?

Yes, you can use a shortcode on post page i.e. [jobpost type=”type-slug”]

Can I show job listings for particular “Location” using a shortcode?

Yes, you can use a shortcode on post page i.e. [jobpost location=”location-slug”]

Can I use combination for various shortcodes to display job listings?

Yes, you can use various combinations of shortcodes with spaces i.e. [jobpost location=”location-slug” category=”category-slug” type=”type-slug”]

How Can I view the Applicant list for a Job Post?

In your WordPress admin panel, go to “Job Board” menu and “Applicants” section

Where can I find more information about Simple Job Board?

You can visit PressTigers Website or blog page.


April 6, 2021
Simple Job Board does exactly what we were looking for. It provides our HR team with an easy way to post job openings on our website, and for people to apply for those positions, and for HR to review and manage those applications. We purchased some of the add-ons, which enhanced the user and admin experiences. A key one was the multiple attachments add-on, which allows us to capture cover letters in addition to resumés. Using my browser's CSS inspector, it was easy to throw together some custom CSS to improve the visual contrast of the job board, to improve ADA compliance for partially-sited people. Since this job board is indeed fairly simple, it probably doesn't support a fully GDPR-compliant organization, though I haven't investigate that. In addition, for USA companies, this plugin doesn't provide the diversity tracking questions that some employers use, such as race, gender, veteran status and disability status. Since we do that tracking in our HR software, it's not a problem that it's not captured at application time. The support team for this plugin were responsive and helpful when I had questions.
January 21, 2021
TigerPress burned me for $35. One of their Addon's was totally not appropriate for my site. No free trial and no refunds. Not the type of people I want to do business with.
January 14, 2021
AND their NON-TECH chat support wanted to argue with me that it was my browser and that I should clear my cache. I've tried 3 browsers that have never visited their site. I've been a web developer for 20 years!!!! I know a bad ssl when I see one. Bad ssls happen, I tried to be polite and ask them to fix it and their guy just wanted to argue. I have a paying client and we would have paid to get the extensions but not if that's the way they are going to approach support.
Read all 106 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Simple Job Board” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Simple Job Board” has been translated into 10 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Simple Job Board” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fix – Resolved the authenticated directory traversal issue.
  • Tweak – Applied filter to change the resume download capability for a user role.
  • Fix – Added search filter parameters to job & archive query filter.
  • Fix – Resolved the Typo issues.


  • Fix – Resolved the job application & features saving issue in case of new job.
  • Tweak – Applied hooks to applicant email headers.


  • Feature – Added Galician language translation.
  • Tweak – Updated .pot file with new added string.
  • Fix – Reverted changes for Job Features and Application Form Field.
  • Fix – Resolved the “Read More” button html structure issue.
  • Fix – Removed the duplicate action hook from Settings> Appearance tab.


  • Fix – Fixed the widget issue.
  • Fix – Fixed the “Read More” button issue on Classic layout.


  • Feature – Implemented new UI for SJB listing and detail pages.
  • Feature – Added WPML plugin compatibility.
  • Feature – Added Wizard for the global configuration of the Job Board.
  • Feature – Revamped the whole Settings UI.
  • Feature – Added icon based featured listing for Modern layout.
  • Feature – Added mechanism to select the settings’ job features from backend job detail page.
  • Feature – Added mechanism to select the settings’ job application form from backend job detail page.
  • Tweak – Added new French translation strings.
  • Fix – Removed the double serialization from whole SJB code.
  • Fix – Fixed the pagination conflict with search query.


  • Fix – Removed the font-awesome that was include twice.
  • Fix – Resolved the checkbox and radio buttons issue after WP 5.5
  • Fix – Resolved the data sanitization issue in case of privacy policy and term and condition settings.
  • Fix – Added missing hook in job archive page.


  • Fix – Fixed the Gutenberg block issue with WP 5.5
  • Fix – Resolved the jQuery conflicts with WP 5.5
  • Fix – Resolved the pagination issue with WP 5.5
  • Tweak – Updated .pot file with missing strings.


  • Tweak – Added compatibility for WordPress 5.5


  • Feature – Added Gutenberg Block for Job Listing
  • Feature – Added layout attribute in SJB shortcode to manage the layout independently.
  • Tweak – Removed List View Settings Section from the SJB Appearance Tab.
  • Dev Note – Removed ‘sjb_job_listing_view’ hook after introducing Layout attributes in shortcode & block.
  • Fix – Fixed SJB Shortcode Inserter issue in Gutenberg Classic Editor Block6


  • Fix – Resolved the SJB styling issue in case of theme layout settings.


  • Fix – Resolved the SJB add-ons page 404 error.
  • Dev Notes – Removed the unused template files single-job-wrapper-start.php & single-job-wrapper-end.php from simple-job-board/templates/single-jobpost directory.


  • Fixed the compatibility issues with PHP 7.3
  • Fix – Fixed the wrapping issue in Admin Script to avoid from conflict.


  • Fix – Fixed the job application HTML issue.


  • Feature – Added heading sections on job application form fields.
  • Feature – Revamped the job application HTML design.
  • Feature – Added HTML support to Privacy and Term & Condition content section.
  • Feature – Added loader image and settings for it.
  • Tweak – Removed the submitting text and added loader image there.
  • Dev Note – Added hooks to job exported and erased data.
  • Dev Note – Added hook to applicant email.
  • Fix – Display [deleted] resume error message in case of deletion.
  • Fix – Resolved applicant email issue.
  • Fix – Updated resume post meta in case of data eraser.


  • Feature – Compliance job board plugin according to GDPR rules & regulation.
  • Feature – Integrated application data export with WP core export tool.
  • Feature – Integrated & erased application data and resume with WP core eraser tool.
  • Feature – Added Privacy settings tab for privacy policy and term & condition on the job application.
  • Feature – Set REST API parameters to enable Gutenberg editor functionality.
  • Fix – Fixed the email sending issues regarding the email field.
  • Fix – Resolved the empty HR/Admin emails issue in case of email notification settings.


Feature – Added support for theme compatible HTML structure for job detail page.
Feature – Setting for the switching the job detail page layout to theme/sjb provided layout under Appearance tab.
Feature – Added job title dropdown to filter applications on the basis of job title.
Feature – Added “View Applications” link to get all applicants against each job on the admin job listing page.
Feature – Added statuses for the job application.
Tweak – Made admin email address field editable.
Tweak – Added action hooks for job features and application form fields sections.
Fix – Fixed the archive page search issue in case of no job found.
Fix – Resolved the required email asterisk issue.
Fix – Increase the year range of datepicker for utilizing it for DOB.
Fix – Resolved the backend styling conflicts of SJB plguin with other plugins.
Fix – Encoded email subject title.
Fix – Displayed default company logo on job detail page when no settings option is selected from the backend.
Note – Updated missing strings for French translations.


WP 4.9 Compatibility – Resolved the color picker issue in settings’s appearance tab.
Fix – Resolved the container class uppercase naming issue.
Fix – Added missing parameters for archive page pagination template.
Fix – Fixed the SSL certification issues for telinput.


Fix – Resolved the resume downloading issue.
Fix – Fixed the job application form builder issue with multilingual characters.
Fix – Added website Home URL instead of WordPress Site Address in email template.
Tweak – Revised French translation.
Tweak – Added post id as a parameter in the filter hooks of email notification templates for developers.
Tweak – Breakdown the HR, Amin and Applicant notification templates into modules for developers usage to make customizations easy.
Tweak – Introduced new filters in email notification templates.


  • Feature – Added translations for Serbian and Swedish.
  • Tweak – Modified the job posted date templates for making it easily customizable for developers.
  • Fix – Resolved the “File not found.” error while using theme and plugin editor.
  • Fix – Verified the user authentication before downloading a resume.
  • Fix – Fixed reflected XSS attack issues in case of keyword search.
  • Fix – Removed the duplicate arrows of job filters’ selects in Internet Explorer.


  • Feature – Translated email templates for Dutch( Nederlands ).
  • Feature – Added a widget for displaying recent jobs.
  • Feature – Enable/Disable SJB plugin fonts from Appearance settings.
  • Tweak – Improved the uploaded files(resume) security by restricting file’s direct link access.
  • Fix – Resolved the CSS conflicts.
  • Fix – Resolved the long pagination display issue.
  • Fix – Added missing datepicker scroll arrows.
  • Fix – Dimmed color for phone number placeholder.
  • Note – Updated .pot file.


  • Fix – Resolved the job listing & detail page layout issues.
  • Fix – Fixed the job listing page layout problem with the content of WP page/post editor.


  • Fix – Fixed the fatal errors in Settings sections.


  • Feature – Added email notification From & Reply-to parameters.
  • Tweak – Revised the whole HTML structure.
  • Tweak – Revised French translation.
  • Fix – Resolved the search filters issue with custom permalinks structure.
  • Fix/Tweak – Resolved applicant name issue with multilingual by providing a solution with an additional field on SJB form builder( Expose in Applicant Listing ).
  • Fix – Resolved cross-browser compatibility issue for datepicker.
  • Fix – Improved user experience on company logo & details hide/show for both job listing & detail pages.
  • Note – Updated .pot file.
  • Note – Improved plugin security.


  • Feature – Added label editable feature to job features and application form sections.
  • Feature – Logo enable/disable settings for job detail page.
  • Note – Added SJB add-ons listing section.
  • Tweak – Applied more filters for email notifications setting.
  • Fix – Resolved the job feature label auto capitalization problem.


  • Fix – Resolved appearance settings issue.
  • Fix – Resolved CSS float property issue.


  • Feature – Introduced plugin level templating.
  • Feature – Added support for RTL languages.
  • Feature – Added translation for Dutch.
  • Feature – Added more filters for email notifications.
  • Tweak – Resolved permalinks reset issue on plugin activation.
  • Tweak – Revised notification templates for Applicant, Admin, and HR.
  • Tweak – Revised Job Board CSS for optimized typography.
  • Tweak – Optimized validation for resume upload.
  • Fix – Resolved cross-browser compatibility issue for admin field types dropdown.
  • Fix – Resolved required validation issue of multiple checkboxes.
  • Fix – Resolved the application form label auto capitalization problem.


  • Fix – Resolved the pagination issue with the job search.
  • Fix – Resolved the required field validation issue in case of radio button and checkbox.
  • Tweak – Revised the uploaded resume validation.
  • Tweak – Added complete field types dropdown in application form’s settings.
  • Tweak – Added pagination as the default behavior of job listing.


  • Feature – Added “sjb_applicant_details_notification” filter in email template.
  • Feature – Added “sjb_category_filter_dropdown_after” & “sjb_job_type_filter_dropdown_after” action hooks in job filter template.
  • Feature – Made compatible with other plugin’s shortcode in job editor.
  • Feature – Job listing and detail page typography settings under Appearance tab.
  • Feature – Added translation for Chinese.
  • Feature – Added Job Board shortcode generator in TinyMCE editor.
  • Tweak – Updated anti-hotlinking rules for more specific to job board uploaded data.
  • Tweak – Set phone input default country flag to user’s country based on their IP address.
  • Tweak – Revised the job detail page template parts directory structure.
  • Fix – Resolved the Job board CSS conflicting issue with phone field country flag listing.
  • Fix – Resolved the uploaded file path and URL issues.
  • Fix – Resolved the company logo uploading issue on WP admin job detail page.
  • Fix – Resolved the HTML structure breaking issue.
  • Fix – Resolved checkboxes missing data issue on applicant detail page.


  • Fix – Resolved the single-jobpost.php templating issue.
  • Feature – Added Settings for job board templates container class and id.


  • Fix – Resolved the website sidebar break issue.
  • Fix – Resolved the CSS conflict issue.
  • Fix – Loaded the job board resources(CSS & JavaScript) only to job board pages.
  • Fix – Updated missing translations in Arabic, French, Italian,Russian and Portuguese languages.
  • Fix – Added missing Hooks and Filters.