SunshinePHP Conference - February 6th-8th, 2020

It's warm and sunny in Florida. Take a break from the cold to enjoy some sunshine, and talk about PHP!


Below is the full list of speakers who will be presenting the talks, tutorials and keynotes of the SunshinePHP Developer Conference.

NOTE: In order to hear these wonderful speakers a registration is required using the Registration page. Also please note that the tutorials require an additional ticket also available using the registration page.

Adam Culp

Adam Culp (MC)


Adam Culp (@AdamCulp) author of Geekyboy, AWS Cloud Advocate at Nexmo, host of @Beachcasts on YouTube and Twitch and @RunGeekRadio, organizer of @SoFloPHP, @SoFloPython, and @SunshinePHP enjoys helping others write good code, implement standards, and refactor efficiently. He is a voting member of the PHP-Fig, and holds a seat on the Zend Certification Advisory Board. When he is not coding or contributing, he can be found hiking around the world, teaching judo, or long(ultra) distance running.

Alena Holligan

Alena Holligan


Wife, Mother, Programmer, Speaker, Leader, Designer, Teacher. Bringing 20 years of PHP experience into leading the Portland PHP users group and Cascadia PHP conference. She is passionate about helping people overcome their own barriers to excellence in order to achieve personal confidence in their ability to learn and succeed.

Talk: Environmental Variables

Angel Ramirez

Angel Ramirez


Angel Ramirez is the driving force behind the vision of Cuemby as a hands-on tech CEO. Angel has in-depth knowledge of the IT industry and its ever-changing landscape. He worked as a senior software engineer and architect in various industries including retail, e-commerce, communications, and finance, gaining extensive experience in the field, which he now shares with Cuemby's team.

He is passionate about Cloud-Native Stack and a Kubernetes Certified Administrator.

Talk: From dev to prod with Skaffold and Kubernetes.

Beth Tucker Long

Beth Tucker Long


Beth Tucker Long is a PHP developer and organizer of the Madison PHP and Madison Web Design & Development groups. You can find her on Twitter (@e3betht) or on her blog ( Beth is a firm believer in promoting community and mentoring. She runs Treeline Design, a web development company, and Exploricon, a gaming convention, along with her husband, Chris.

Talk: Consulting: Coding Is Only Half the Work

Bryce Embry

Bryce Embry


Bryce is a Senior Application Developer at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, where he writes PHP every day to help medical researchers discover new cures. Over the years he has seen IT from many different angles, working as a teacher, Technology Coordinator, manager, and programmer. He lives north of Nashville, TN with a wonderful wife, a small dessert garden, an ever-inviting woodworking shop and a guitar that's too good for him.

Keynote: First, Write The Tests

Cal Evans

Cal Evans


Many moons ago, at the tender age of 14, Cal touched his first computer. (We’re using the term “computer” loosely here, it was a TRS-80 Model 1) Since then his life has never been the same. He graduated from TRS-80s to Commodores and eventually to IBM PC’s.For the past 15 years Cal has worked with PHP and MySQL on Linux, OSX, and Windows. He has built a variety of projects ranging in size from simple web pages to multi-million dollar web applications.

When not banging his head on his monitor, attempting a blood sacrifice to get a particular piece of code working, he enjoys building and managing development teams using his widely imitated but never patented management style of “management by wandering around”.

These days, when not working with PHP, Cal can be found working on a variety of projects like Day Camp 4 Developers. He gives motivational talks to developers around the world. If you happen to meet him at a conference, don’t be afraid to buy him a shot of Rum.

Cal is based in West Palm Beach, FL – US where he is happily married to wife 1.35, the lovely and talented Kathy. Together they have 2 wonderful kids who were both smart enough not to pursue a job in IT.

Keynote: Think like a programmer

Camilo Payan

Camilo Payan


Camilo rose from the swamps of South Florida, where he taught the alligators PHP and Vim. He traveled the Sahara with the Tuaregs of Morocco, and found the SOLID design principles etched into glass beneath the sands. He then moved from Miami to Chattanooga, to teach what he could, and receive the wisdom of the ascetic programmers of Appalachia. Whether or not Camilo received a Computer Science degree from Florida International University remains a hotly contested debate among his biographers, critics, and acolytes.

Talk: The Fault In Our Code: Debugging Methods For Every Stage

Chris Tankersley

Chris Tankersley


Chris Tankersley is a husband, father, author, speaker, PHP developer, podcast host, and probably lots of other things he's forgetting to mention. He works for Nexmo as a PHP Developer Advocate, helping developers use and integrate Nexmo's communication platform into their applications. Chris has worked with many different frameworks and languages throughout his fifteen years of programming, but spends most of his day working in PHP. He is the author of "Docker for Developers," and helps developers integrate containers into their workflows.

Talk: You Got Async In My PHP!

Christian Varela

Christian Varela


Husband, Father of 3 girls. He is PHP programmer with 13 years of experience. He started working with PHP to create web applications. He's originally from Mexico and he has lived in Miami for 8 years. He created his own company Conqueror Soft. He likes to play piano and guitar.

Talk: Testing, testing and more testing, I am lost!!!

Dana Luther

Dana Luther


Dana is a Senior Web Application Architect at Envisage International. She has been developing in PHP since 2000 (yes, PHP 3), and building almost exclusively in the Yii Framework for the last several years. She is a graduate of the University of Florida, and works with a small agile group of Yii developers to meet the demands of a diverse international company that serves the needs of international students around the world with over 650,000 monthly visitors and generating over 1,200,000 page views. Dana is one of the co-organizers of the Yii-Jax Meetup group, a regular contributor to the Envisage International Blog and maintains her own blog on the Yii Framework and docker.

Talk: Integrated Feature Management - Using Feature Flags

Tutorial: Hands on Docker - Launch your own LEMP or LAMP stack

Daniel Abernathy

Daniel Abernathy


Daniel is a web developer at ReviewPush, an Austin-based startup that helps companies with online review management. He lives in Austin with his wife Emily. He has been working with PHP for 7 years, originally with WordPress and now primarily with Laravel. He also enjoys working with Vue JS whenever possible.

Talk: Powering Your API Development with OpenAPI Version 3

Tutorial: Powering Your API Development with OpenAPI Version 3

Dave Stokes

Dave Stokes


Dave Stokes is a MySQL Community Manager for Oracle Corporation

Talk: MySQL New Features

Demin Yin

Demin Yin


Demin is a staff engineer and technical lead on Glu Mobile's Design Home team, focusing on building high-performance, secure web services. He has been using PHP primarily since 2000 and has worked for a diverse group of companies throughout his career, from start-ups to some of the Bay Area's largest international corporations, including eBay, Visa, and Glu. Besides his daily job at Glu, he is an open source contributor, an evangelist of Swoole, and an occasional conference speaker on PHP.

Talk: Building High-Performance Application Servers with Swoole

Derek Binkley

Derek Binkley


Derek Binkley is a Senior Software Engineer. While getting his start fixing the Y2K date problem in Cobol, Derek quickly moved on to spend over twenty years using PHP, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, and Oracle.

He enjoys teaching others through speaking, mentoring, and writing articles. Derek works to encourage developers to write clean and testable code. When not in front of a computer he spends time with family, travels, makes pizza, and drinks beer.

Talk: Add Location-based Searching to Your PHP App with Elasticsearch

Derick Rethans

Derick Rethans


Derick Rethans is a PHP internals expert, author of Xdebug and an OpenStreetMap and mapping enthusiast.

He has contributed to the PHP project in numerous forms (Date/Time Extension, Xdebug, PHP 4.4/7.4 Release Manager, etc). He is a frequent lecturer at conferences, the author of php|architect's Guide to Date and Time Programming, and the co-author of PHP 5 Power Programming. Derick is also the host of the weekly-ish PHP Internals News podcast.

Talk: Xdebug 3.0

Doug Steinberg

Doug Steinberg


Doug is a native South Floridian and web developer for the past 15 years. He fell in love with programming when he discovered you can turn a spreadsheet full of product data into a dynamic web site and has been writing code ever since. His primary programing language is PHP, but he has an insatiable curiosity for all things code. In addition to PHP he enjoys working with Javascript, Node, and VueJS. He believes our lives as developers can be more pleasant by writing clean code and tries to spread that message. When he's not coding for fun or profit, Doug enjoys mountain biking, playing guitar, camping, wood working, and spending time with his wife and puppy.

Talk: PHP and a Serverless Future

Elisa Towbis

Elisa Towbis


Elisa Towbis (@ElisaInFla), a software engineer/consultant actively coding in the C family (C, java, javascript and php), splits her time between high throughput real time systems, full stack web development and anything else that needs done. Tired of being called out in the middle of the night, she's a proponent of testing, monitoring and performance evaluation. Elisa has been hooked on computers since learning Pascal in high school, loves gadgets and dreams of free time to build something IoT with an arduino or beaglebone.

Talk: Getting Your Head Around (Security) Headers

Eric Mann

Eric Mann


Eric is a web developer, technical leader, and polyglot with over a decade of experience working with companies and projects big and small. He's been working with PHP through his entire career, both professionally and recreationally. Today, Eric focuses his time on helping developers get started with and level up their skills with their technology of choice.

Talk: Asynchronous Awesome - Task Management in PHP

Tutorial: Evolution of PHP Security

Jason McCreary

Jason McCreary


Jason McCreary, or JMac, has been writing code for over two decades. He's the creator of Laravel Shift. author of BaseCode, and producer of Getting Git. JMac considers himself an "active geek" - with a passion for programming & the great outdoors.

Talk: Test Driving Test Driven Development

Josh Holmes

Josh Holmes


Josh Holmes is a passionate soul who gets his kicks solving problems with deep fried awesomeness. He is currently employed by Microsoft as the lead of the Web Apps and Frameworks team helping build a better browser for people to build apps around. Prior to joining Microsoft in October 2006, Josh was a consultant working with a variety of clients ranging from large Fortune 500 firms to smaller sized companies. Josh is a frequent speaker and lead panelist at national and international software development conferences focusing on web technologies on the Microsoft stack such as ASP.NET, PHP, IronRuby, JavaScript and more. Community focused, Josh has founded and/or run many technology organizations from the Great Lakes Area .NET Users Group to the Ann Arbor Computer Society and was on the forming committee for CodeMash.

Keynote: Delivering Quality Software

Tutorial: Speaking for Speakers

Kathy Forte

Kathy Forte


Kathy Forte is a Curriculum Developer for the MySQL division within Oracle where she is working with cloud technology, distributed databases, Docker and the MySQL server. She has been working in the relational databases realm for over twenty years as a developer, QA engineer, trainer, sales engineer, and technical manager. She previously worked at ParAccel as a QA lead for a massively parallel columnar database that is the foundation of Amazon Redshift , a cloud-based data warehouse.

Talk: Testing MySQL Group Replication with MySQL to Enhance Your High Availability Strategy

Katy Ereira

Katy Ereira


Geeky software developer, prolific knitter, avid allotmenteer, health seeker, 日本語 speaker. She/her.

Talk: Legacy Code - Testing and Safe Refactoring

Lisa Bock

Lisa Bock


Lisa Bock is an associate professor in the IT department at Pennsylvania College of Technology, in Williamsport, PA. Since 2004, she has been teaching everything from forensics to network security that includes: networking, security, biometrics, technical support, Wireshark, cryptography, CCNA Security, CCNA Cyberops, VoIP, Web Security and Unified Communications. She holds an MS from University of Maryland University College, along with numerous other certifications. She has had training in programming, forensics, networking, biometrics, steganography, and network security. She is involved with various volunteer activities, has evaluated professional journals, published 32 courses on LinkedIn Learning (, has recently published a book on Wireshark with Packt Publishing, and is an award-winning speaker. Lisa and her husband Mike enjoy bike riding, watching movies, and traveling.

Talk: The IoT - How Web Developers Will Change Our World

Mark Niebergall

Mark Niebergall


Mark Niebergall is a security-minded PHP software engineer with over a decade of hands-on experience with PHP projects. He is the Utah PHP User Group Co-Organizer and often speaks at user groups and conferences. Mark has a Masters degree in MIS, is CSSLP and SSCP cybersecurity certified, and volunteers for (ISC)2 exam development. Mark enjoys going for long runs and teaching his five boys how to push buttons and use technology.

Talk: Stacking Up Middleware

Tutorial: BDD API Tests with Gherkin and Behat

Matthew Turland

Matthew Turland


Matthew Turland has been working with PHP since 2002. He has been both an author and technical editor for php|architect Magazine, spoken at multiple conferences, and contributed to numerous PHP projects. He is the author of "php|architect's Guide to Web Scraping with PHP" and co-author of SitePoint's "PHP Master: Write Cutting-Edge Code." In his spare time, he likes to bend PHP to his will to scrape web pages and run IRC bots.

Talk: Effective Redis for PHP Developers

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

Matthew Weier O'Phinney


Product Manager and Principal Engineer at Zend by Perforce, where his duties include leading the Laminas Project, the open source continuation of Zend Framework, and working on Enterprise support and integrations for the Laminas Project and Zend Server, a production-ready PHP platform with advanced monitoring and code insight tools. He is a founding member and current Core Committee member of the PHP Framework Interop Group (aka PHP-FIG), a PHP standards group, where he has authored or contributed to over a half-dozen specifications. He is an expert developer and skilled communicator, often acting as a mediator to create consensus-based solutions.

Keynote: The Reign Of Quantity, or Why Reinvention Is Not Always Better

Talk: Async Middleware in PHP

Michael Moussa

Michael Moussa


Michael has nearly 20 years of experience as a PHP Web Application Developer and Linux DevOps Engineer, which he draws upon to help him understand, build, and maintain highly-available, fault-tolerant, scalable, and secure AWS environments. He is currently a Senior Technical Demo Engineer at AWS where he helps to develop demos and showcase AWS services and features at major events. In his spare time, he enjoys homebrewing his award-winning beer, riding his bike, and trying to find less expensive hobbies.

Talk: Machine Learning: A Beginner's Practical Guide

Olivia Liddell

Olivia Liddell


Olivia Liddell is a Technical Curriculum Developer at Amazon Web Services. Over the course of her career, she has created innovative teaching and technical training solutions for learners from diverse backgrounds and skill levels. A Certified Ethical Hacker, Olivia frequently speaks on topics such as social engineering and security awareness. In her spare time, she enjoys distance running, studying linguistic anthropology, and developing web applications for Arabic language learners.

Talk: Socially Engineering Your Pathway to a Better Team

Omni Adams

Omni Adams


Omni Adams has been a professional web developer for over a decade, primarily using PHP and MySQL. When not playing hockey or brewing beer, he barks at coworkers about their lack of unit tests and automates all of the boring things in his job.

Talk: Break Off a Piece of That Monolith

Paula Cucuk

Paula Cucuk


Paula is the lead backend developer at Locastic digital agency, with more than 6 years of experience in creating complex custom apps using PHP. In the last few years she has been working with Symfony, Sylius and API Platform, but she'll tell you that API platform projects are her favourite, by far.

Talk: When you get lost in API testing

Pauline Vos

Pauline Vos


Pauline is a lead developer currently employed by Werkspot in Amsterdam. She likes good, clean software design and being as efficient (lazy) as possible. Also cocktails, video games and animal memes. She lives in Amsterdam with her cat, Phife Cat, and about three plants.

Talk: Git Legit

Tutorial: Getting to Grips with Git

Rob Allen

Rob Allen


Rob Allen is a software consultant and developer with many years experience and writes code in PHP and other interesting languages. He is part of Slim Framework's leadership team and contributes to Apache OpenWhisk and other open source projects. Rob is a published author and based in the UK where he runs Nineteen Feet Limited, focussing on API development, training and consultancy. In his spare time, Rob blogs at and can often be seen with a camera in his hand.

Talk: Strict typing and static analysis

Sara Golemon

Sara Golemon


Sara is a PHP Release Manager, former FIG core committee member, long time language designer, and erstwhile defender of HackLang. Currently building MongoDB, and formerly of Facebook and Yahoo. Sara is also an electronics hobbyist, amateur radio operator, aspiring sailor, and a Gnomish mage not to be trifled with.

Talk: Eight

Talk: What the FFI?
