• The error messages I was getting was due to code in the functions file that must be incompatible with the updated woocommerce. Once I took that code out, this plugin worked perfectly. I also want to thank the author for letting me know what to look for so I could fix it. I apologize for the incorrect review. This is my updated review.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by dreamdancerdesign.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by dreamdancerdesign. Reason: I mistakenly blamed this plugin for an error I made
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  • Plugin Author Prem Tiwari


    Hi @dreamdancerdesign,

    Thanks for your feedback, but it does not seem like after installing this plugin your entire site was broken, because this plugin simply hides the SKU part using the Woocommerce filter add_filter( 'wc_product_sku_enabled', '__return_false' ); and this filter will not break your site. It might be some other reasons to break your site.

    The review you have written here is totally not valid.

    Thread Starter dreamdancerdesign


    I was incorrect that this plugin was the cause of my troubles, I have changed my review. Thank you for the feedback, I was able to find the cause and now I am using your plugin to turn off the SKUs instead of code that no longer works.

    Plugin Author Prem Tiwari


    Thank you @dreamdancerdesign

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