1. Sandilya Kafle
    · Reply

    Thank you Justin for the coverage.


  2. Max Ziebell
    · Reply

    For me a major turn off was the underwhelming previews of themes over the years. Having all the org themes installed with the same conditions and dataset made for a very poor preview experience. Specially when a theme had been tailored with custom settings for landing pages or special settings to make it shine… the default WordPress preview mostly makes it look really bad or doesn’t even allow to leverage the Autor to set it up in the needed way.


    • Carolina
      · Reply

      True, the wordpress.org theme repository preview always has been almost completely useless.


    • Andre
      · Reply

      In all the years that I’ve been designing and submitting themes to the .org repo, the “Preview” has always been a major problem. Yet, even though this has been brought up in discussions in the forums and meetings, nothing ever seems to take root in solving it.

      I find it hard to believe that the preview button cannot have a link to an actual demo website, either from a link in the theme’s style.css header, or another method.

      I would love to see a completely new theme directory established–then phase out the old one.


  3. Bastian
    · Reply

    Maybe it’s time to overhaul the ancient theme submission process, too…


    • Carolina Nymark
      · Reply

      Bastian, what does that mean, exactly? What would help you submit themes?


      • Bastian
        · Reply

        Use SVN, just like the plugin repo. Or better, use GitHub.


        • Carolina Nymark
          · Reply

          OK, so do I understand correctly that your statement is not actually related to the theme requirements?

          It has two sides to it.
          Having to setup svn and using that to submit theme updates, compared to only submitting a zip file via a form, it increases the difficulty for some.
          It does not lower the entry barrier for submitting themes, which is a big part of what the WordPress leadership has asked the themes team to do.

          I hope that eventually we (theme authors) will be able to choose between the form upload and git. That both will work.

          The themes team does not work with the backend, -or even the theme directory code. The meta team does, so even if this is something that the themes team would support, the decision and implementation is not up to the team.


  4. Daniel James
    · Reply

    The theme directory is quite frankly a mess. From the available themes trying to upswell premium services to the long winded and backwards review process; it’s just not worth it.

    Plus, with blocks becoming a theme, themes really are just glorified colour palettes now because why would you want to lock yourself into a theme when you can basically build something completely custom?

    I think plugins and themes need to be reworked into some kind of extension directory because the lines between what they are are getting more blurred with each release.


    • Alan
      · Reply

      Imho when having a Woo Store I would still go with a theme from Yith or Woostify, because it is custom built for Woo. But for personal blogs and single page websites I’ll go with blocks. And many people would still opt for magazine themes as it provide all necessary feature for them.

      Personally I can’t code, so when my requirement for a theme is like the above mentioned I’ll go with a theme rather than reinventing the wheel
      from the very first.


    • Carolina Nymark
      · Reply

      These are the two opinions where the theme directory will never be able to please everyone:

      Make it easier to upsell.
      Allow themes to recommend or require third party plugins.
      This would:
      1) Lead to themes being used only for upselling these plugins.
      2) Lead to a shorter review process.

      *Don’t allow upsell. This would:
      1) Take away the incentive to submit themes from those who need food on the table.
      2) Lead to a longer review process.

      Please help me understand what you mean when you say “long winded and backwards review process”. And more specifically, what would help you submit themes?


      • Daniel James
        · Reply

        A file upload option into a proper theme database rather than uploading a zip for it to be attached and reviewed within Trac.

        Use git instead, or some other variation to allow updating only single files where needed.

        The current process takes too long and could t for the most part be automated. In fact one thing that is automated is checking certain classes exist within the style.css file which is ridiculous as it doesn’t fix an actual problem.

        I’ve submitted one theme (Nude) and even that’s that was an edge case, the whole experience has completely turned me off wanting to submit another. It takes too long, is too complicated and the directory pages don’t focus on show casing the actual theme working to it’s potential.

        That’s why the quality of themes is so low to be perfectly honest. A complete overhaul of themes (and plugins) is needed but .Org has never pushed real change.


        • Carolina Nymark
          · Reply

          I can’t remove blockers, if no one is every willing to say “this is blocking me”. I appreciate everyone who takes the time, but I still need the feedback to be specific to be able to adress it.

          I have already responded about git above. But I want to clarify again that
          the theme directory preview, the upload process and the review process are 3 separate things. They are handled by different WordPress.org teams.
          When they are seen as one, it makes it more difficult for us to separate the concerns and improve the theme review process, because it becomes unclear what they main issues are.

          The theme review queue is about one hour, so I strongly disagree on that point.


  5. Miroslav Glavić
    · Reply

    Here are my questions:

    What is going to happened to the themes currently there that don’t follow the new rules? Will they be grandfathered in or removed?

    In the plugins side, I seen some plugins that have not been updated in 6+ years. Not sure about themes but anything that has not been updated for years should be removed


    • Justin Tadlock
      · Reply

      As far as I can tell, there are no new guidelines in the current proposal. It’s a rewording and reorganization of existing guidelines minus a lot of old ones.

      As for plugins, I have some that have not needed an update in over six years. That’s generally not the case for themes. I like the current system of not showing themes/plugins older than two years in search and also putting a notice on the page.


      • Andre
        · Reply

        I often wondered if the directory should be set up to de-list or completely remove themes that are a certain age and that have not been updated. The trick would be to determine the criteria by which this would be implemented.

        However, as I just posted in a comment above to Max Ziebell, I would love to see a completely new theme directory built and then phase out the old–much easier to do it from scratch than fighting with the old one. Although, developing a new directory from scratch is a huge undertaking.


        • Carolina Nymark
          · Reply

          Andre, this de-listing already happens to themes that have not been updated in two years.

          Yes rewriting is a huge undertaking, just consider the amount of effort and time that has gone into the new pattern directory.


  6. Jenna Anderson
    · Reply

    Here is my problem. Sometimes the plugin needs an update, but does not show anywhere. This is very agitating, to me at least. When I update plugins there is always one that does not show in the list to update. I read in a thread somewhere that it is a deleted plugin that still has stuff in the database that has not been removed. So my question is this. Is there a way to find out what is causing it, and to delete it? Perhaps a plugin that will do it? I have searched for such with no results.


    • Pawel
      · Reply

      If WordPress is not on latest release (because reasons), some plugins do not show updates any longer, as they only are marked to support two releases back, e.g. Yoast SEO plugin will not show any plugin updates at all, no matter of installed Yoast SEO version, if you do not have WordPress 5.6 minimum. This can lead to unexpected situations.


    • Borhan Sakib
      · Reply

      Same here miss Jenna Anderson😕


  7. Anoop Gupta
    · Reply

    Hi Justin,

    Thank you for updating us on the next phase of the WordPress theme. Hope for a fruitful discussion, now we are eager to know the upshots.


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