Your Own Extremely Fast WordPress Server,
Spun Up in Minutes

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SpinupWP is a Modern Cloud-Based Server Control Panel

No software installation necessary. Just give SpinupWP access and you can manage your server remotely.

It’s like a remote control for your server, designed for WordPress.

SpinupWP header image

Run WordPress Lightning Fast on



Amazon Web Services


Google Cloud Platform

Works with Any and All Providers

Any server with a public IP and Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 will work with SpinupWP.

The Best of Both Worlds

Managed Hosting Self Hosting SpinupWP
Speedy but Affordable
Stress Level

Start Your 7-Day Free Trial

Start your SpinupWP journey today and spin up your first server within minutes.

Clifton Griffin Founder and Dev Lead at Objectiv

Shout out to SpinupWP for actually understanding how devs deploy sites. The ability to validate SSL before pointing your domain is a KILLER feature.

Freelancers & Agencies:
Start Generating Monthly Recurring Income

Bundling hosting into a monthly maintenance plan for clients is a great way for freelancers and agencies to earn recurring monthly income and reduce the “feast or famine” cycles in their business.

You could achieve this by signing up with a managed WordPress host, but the cost would be so great that you would only make peanuts. Hardly worth doing. A server managed by SpinupWP would be far more cost effective and allow you to make significant profit.

Brought to you by Delicious Brains Inc.

Corey Maass Web Developer

Unsolicited 5-star review: I've moved all of my WordPress sites to @digitalocean / @spinupwp and I couldn't be more impressed. A small learning curve to think differently after 20 years of managed hosting, but the experience and guidance has been great. #WordPress #webhosting

Josey Howarth Director of Love Sudo

I've managed my own servers and setups and also worked with hosting companies. SpinupWP is literally the perfect solution that allows me the control I want, without the extra overhead. My sites are fast, the support is second to none, and their response to security notices helps me sleep well at night.

Samuel Pedraza PM at Iterate Marketing

I just wanted to say thank you for continually improving SpinupWP. It's my favorite WP related product, I recommend it to everyone, and think it's great! I especially love the new redesign.

Scott Hill General Manager Dojo Digital

Being Able to update plugins here now is AWESOME. I just want you guys to know that SpinupWP is the best thing we've done in a long time. You continue to exceed my expectations.

Michael Maberry Director of Operations

So far I am 100% in love with SpinupWP! Fully ready to go in minutes and 1000's of keystrokes saved!

Iakovos Frountas WordPress Developer

SpinupWP deserves a 5-star rating. They provide an ASTONISHING service to host any WordPress site. I have been using this service for 6 months and I really like the overall performance of this software!

Cristian Antohe Cofounder of Translate Press

Combined with Cloudflare wildcard subdomains it works like treat. Can even have a template that we can keep on cloning when a new instance is needed.

Colin OBrien Developer at Pocket Outdoor Media

Just wanted to say thanks a million for the clone feature. This saved me hours today, and I can see it saving me hours in the future. Kudos!!

Johnathan Lyman Developer & Writer

So @dliciousbrains has done it again with @spinupwp. It's literally the best way to start new @WordPress sites

Jonathan Martínez Web Developer

I'm really excited about @spinupwp because it feels like it is the state of the art for WordPress development.

Jonathan Wold WordPress Evangelist

I love WordPress. Thanks to @spinupwp, @richard_tabor's Grille theme, and @ConvertKit I was able to get an MVP for Plugin Curator up and running within an hour.

Ben Meredith

I moved 4 sites over to @spinupwp recently, and as a faithful user of one of their competitors, allow me to confirm this from @polevaultweb. This service bridges the gap between scary self-hosting and expensive managed hosting.

Bryce Adams Creator of Metorik

I've been playing around with SpinupWP for over 6 months now and have been consistently blown away. An incredible tool that will make your WP life 100x better! 🚀

Mark Rowatt Anderson Business, Strategy & Technology

SpinupWP has been great - a huge improvement for us over Cloudways, which was in turn a huge improvement over Siteground!

Jack McConnell Web Designer & Front-end Developer

Moved the @_bnfw site to @spinupwp yesterday. Much faster and much more accessible (for me as a dev). Really smooth sign-up process, great help, clean interface. Really pleased.

Jordon Rupp Independent Web Developer

I'm loving what the @dliciousbrains team has done with @spinupwp - spinning up #WordPress on a @digitalocean droplet has never been easier or more fun!

The WP Steward

SpinupWP because if you aren't making sites on @spinupwp, what are you even doing?

Michael Nicolle Solutions Architect

Spinning up the first site was so easy and straight forward. Definitely the best tool I've come across to date

Simon Blackbourn WordPress Developer

I've been using it since beta launch, it is very, very good. Customer service has been top notch, as has listening to and acting on feedback and feature requests (in particular the new 'isolated sites' feature).

Nathan Conley

Amazingly easy. Everything that I want for working with a WordPress site. Your documentation is top notch. I can't wait to show this off to the rest of our team and to the local WP meetup.

John Coleman

SpinupWP has been the answer to several wishes I've had for years.

Andy Feliciotti

It's been INCREDIBLE the speed and setup is fantastic.

Max Azarcon Web Designer

I've been using SpinupWP pretty much since it was announced, and it's an absolutely amazing piece of software. Managing WordPress servers/sites has never been more user intuitive!

Darren Pinder

I've spent the day migrating sites onto the @spinupwp platform (hosting via @digitalocean). I have to say I'm blown away by how easy and feature-filled the platform is. It was a pleasure to use and I'm looking forward to migrating the rest of our sites over! #wordpress #devops

Morgan Estes Lead Developer at BigWing Agency

Did my first server maintenance with SpinupWP and I'm floored. Such a great experience all around: email notification, dashboard UX, and update speed.

Jackie D’Elia UX Designer

Taking @spinupwp for a ‘spin' today deploying a site to Digital Ocean. Nice job on the interface. Easy to understand and you've done all the work for me. No haggling with configurations in @digitalocean - I like it. 😍 Good #UX.

Enrico Mingiacchi Web Designer

SpinupWP is AWESOME!!!! I LOVE IT!!! Works like a charm and I'm looking forward to new development.

Start Your 7-Day Free Trial

Start your SpinupWP journey today and spin up your first server within minutes.

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