
The ONLY podcast you need for keeping up to date with Gutenberg and WordPress

As a long time listener of the Gutenberg Changelog I felt it was high time I left a review!

Quite simply, if you are interested in Gutenberg (or indeed WordPress in general) then you NEED to be listening to this podcast.

Things happen very quickly in Gutenberg-land and this podcast gives you a quick and easy way to keep up with everything without having to read lots of blog posts or attend meetings.

The team strike an excellent balance of covering the various topics from the perspective of both site owners and developers. This ensures each episode has something that will appeal to everyone and it doesn’t every become too “heavy”.

One piece of feedback - I’d like to see if we can get some guests on the podcast to talk through specific features or releases. That would be great!

Thanks again to Birgit, Grzegorz (and previously Mark) for all the work they put into this. I look forward to many more episodes.

12:03 pm (EDT), May 27, 2021
via Apple Podcasts