Support » Plugin: Ultimate Member – User Profile, User Registration, Login & Membership Plugin » Registration page refreshing upon hitting register button

  • Resolved Andy Stitt


    On our website registration page:, when people fill out their information for an account and click Register, the page simply refreshes as a blank page and does not let them actually register.

    It worked fine for me and for a few other people, but it seems to not work more often than not.

    WP Engine removed caching on that page, but it still doesn’t work. I checked the configuration settings and can’t see anything that stands out as being wrong.

    Any ideas?

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  • Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @andystitt829,

    Have you performed a conflict test so we can rule out any theme/plugin conflicts that may be responsible for this issue? Please see our doc on how to perform a conflict test if you are not sure. How to do a plugin/theme conflict test?


    Thread Starter Andy Stitt


    It was something else entirely, and we figured it out and fixed it. Thanks!

    What was the solution???

    Im having the same problem

    For those having this problem, I figured it out.
    You need to go to Pages and then open the “Register” Page.
    Scroll down to Ultimate Member section on the right side of the page and click on “Apply custom access settings?” and change to “Yes”.
    Then choose “Content accessible to Everyone”.
    Finally, Publish.

    Thread Starter Andy Stitt


    My particular problem was a bit different. It turned out that users weren’t putting in strong enough passwords, but the validation messages weren’t showing up. We use Advanced Custom Fields, and the validation doesn’t show up when the form shortcode is used in an ACF field. Once I put it into the regular WordPress editor, the validation showed up just fine.

    Frustrated – none of your two fixes solved my problem.
    My behaviour is the same: registration form just refreshes and nothing is being added to the user database / no confirmation email is being sent.

    I had the same problem and finally tried disabling the “Ultimate Member – Terms & Conditions” plugin. Even though I had the terms and conditions disabled in the register form, it still somehow was messing something up.

    Hope this helps someone.

    I have exactly the same problem and nothing suggested here helped me resolve it. Any ideas?

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