
Getting started

This is the Ample theme instruction page. We have tried our best to keep it as simple as possible. If you think it can be made even simpler let us know we will be glad to change it. Let’s start! On the left side you can see the table of contents of this documentation. Jump to the section you want, or read it all through – your choice. Let’s move on!


Installing your theme is pretty easy! After downloading you should have a file. This is a compressed file containing all of the required templates and images required for the theme to function properly.

Upload Theme

  1. Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click on the Add New button
  3. Click on the Upload link
  4. Select the file
  5. Click on Install Now button

Upload Theme – Pro

  1. Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click on the Add New button
  3. Click on the Upload link
  4. Select the file you downloaded from the ThemeGrill website.
  5. Click on Install Now button

Activate the theme

Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard.
Now, hover over the theme thumbnail and press the Activate button

Additional information: WordPress Codex – Using Themes

Custom Menu

By default, the menus will fallback to Pages. That means just after activation of the theme, you will see all the pages as menus. If you want selective menus with combination of links, pages, categories then custom menu is what you should be looking for.

Set up Custom Menu

  1. Go to Appearance > Menus in the WordPress menu
  2. Click on Create a new menu link
  3. Give a name to your menu in Menu Name and click Create Menu button
  4. Now choose the pages, categories, custom links from the leftside of your screen by selecting the checkbox and click on Add Menu
  5. To set the Custom links, enter the URL and Link Text and click on Add Menu
    Enter you URL in this formate: (http://your home page link/#Section ID used in widgets).
  6. Click Save Menu after adding required pages, categories in the menu
Additional information: Have a look here if you are still confused WordPress Custom Menu

Site Identity

This theme supports the default Site Identity section provided by the WordPress and we have integrated some options in this theme in this section.

Site Identity

Add the required logo to best suit your site from here as shown in image below:

Ample instruction header logo

Header Settings

All the options related to Header part are available in Appearance-> Customize.

Add Header Logo

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Header > Header Logo in the WordPress menu
  2. Upload the custom logo from the Select Logo button there.
  3. To display the header logo and site title options, go to Appearance > Customize > Header > show in the WordPress menu
  4. Now, click on Save & Publish button.
  5. Recomanded size of header logo is 83 X 83 Pixels.

Header Image

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Header Image in the WordPress menu
  2. Now, Upload the header image from the Add new image button there.
    Recomanded size of header image is 1500 X 400 Pixels.
  3. Now after selecting the header image, it will ask you to crop. If you like to crop it, then, you can crop else leave it as you want for your site to best suit it.
  4. Now, click on Save & Publish button.

Header Image Positions

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Header > Header Image Position in the WordPress menu and select one of the following header positions:-
  2. Position Above ( Default ) :- Display the Header image just above the site title and main menu part.
  3. Position Below :- Display the Header image just below the site title and main menu part.
  4. Now, click on Save & Publish button.

Header Title Bar

Header title bar appears in all the page, post, archive, blog, etc except from front page.

  1. In the dashboard, go to Appearance > Customize > Header > Header Title Bar Background Image.
  2. Click on Upload button and select the image. The recommended width is 1100px.
  3. If Image is not selected than the Color will display as Background.
  4. You can also change the Text color of Header Title Bar.
  5. Click Save Options.

Home Page Slider

This theme supports the home page image slider. To use it follow the steps below.

Steps :-

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize in the WordPress menu
  2. Now go to the Slider section.
  3. To activate the slider, check the Check to activate slider checkbox
  4. Upload the image # 1 for the first slider. Similarly, add the corresponding slider title, slider description and redirect link. You can link to a link within your site or outside of your site.
  5. Repeat the above step for your other slides.
  6. Now, click on Save & Publish button. That’s it, open your home page and it should be there. 🙂

Setup Business Template

The beauty of this theme is that you can add the widgets in the Business sidebar area to showcase your business for the home page.

First Step

  1. In the dashboard, add a new page.
  2. In the Page Attributes option box, choose the Business Template in the Template drop-down option.
  3. Publish the page. Yes, that’s it for the first step.

Second Step


  1. Business Sidebar Two
  2. Business Sidebar Three
  3. Business Sidebar Four
  4. Business Sidebar Five

You just need to add some widgets to these sidebars to setup the business template.

Third Step

Below are some widgets provided by the theme that you could use to make your business template look awesome.

  1. TG: Services Widget
  2. Add this widget to Business Sidebar. In this widget, add the title, description and image. Also select any of your pages in the drop down option and give the icon class for respective pages. There are 3 page dropdown options within it. The title, description and featured icon of that same pages that you select will be shown.

  3. TG: Portfolio
  4. Add this widget to Business Sidebar. In this widget, add the title and description, select the number of posts to display from certain Category as portfolio. Add the button text and it’s link to redirect it to any link or leave the Link empty to redirect it to the choosen Category. There is also the option of background color and image. If image is not selected than color will display as background, else upload image and select background attachment to scroll or fixed.

  5. TG: Call to Action Widget
  6. Add this widget to Business Sidebar. In this widget, add the text line, button text, button redirect link. There is also the option of background color and image. If image is not selected than color will display as background, else upload image and select background attachment to scroll or fixed.

  7. TG: Featured Posts
  8. Add this widget to Business Sidebar. In this widget, add the title and description. Select the number of posts to display from either the Latest Posts or Posts from the certain Category. The tiitle, featured image and excerpt of posts will be shown.

  9. TG: Testimonials
  10. Add this widget to Business Sidebar. In this widgets, add the text, name, byline, upload image and all is done.

  11. TG: Fun Facts
  12. This widget allow you to display fun title , description, icon and total number of fun count. To activate Fun Facts Widget , drag and drop this widget in Business Sidebar Area and fill all neccessary details.

  13. TG: Our Clients
  14. Our Client Widget is basically use to display your bussiness partner logo as in horizontal style in one row. Drag the TG: Our Client Widget in the Business Sidebar Area and enter the Title, upload client logo with recetion link and hover text.

  15. TG: Team
  16. Add this widget to Business Sidebar. In this widget, add the title and description. Also select any of your pages in the drop down option and give the designation, social icon url for respective pages. The title, description, featured image, designation and social icons of that same pages that you select will be shown. There is also the option of background color and image. If image is not selected than color will display as background, else upload image and select background attachment to scroll or fixed.

  17. TG: Pricing Table
  18. Add this widget to Business Sidebar. In this widget, add the title and description. Also enter the pricing column title, price, description and features.There is also the option of color which allow you to set your individual pricing column color.

Note: If you want to set this Business Page as the Home page, then follow the instruction below:

  1. In the dashboard, go to Settings->Reading.
  2. Check on the ‘Static Page’ option.
  3. Choose the business page (the page you created following the instruction above) as the front page.
  4. Save the Changes.
If you set up everything right you can make your business template look the same as the one on our demo page. Business Template

Setup One Page Template

The beauty of this theme is that you can add the widgets in the One Page sidebar area to showcase your One Page Parallex for the home page.

First Step

  1. In the dashboard, add a new page.
  2. In the Page Attributes option box, choose the One Page Template in the Template drop-down option.
  3. Publish the page. Yes, that’s it for the first step.

Second Step

Drag and drops all widgets same as business template into your one page sidebar widget area to make your one page template look awesome.
Note: If you want to set this One-Page Page as the Home page, then follow the instruction below:

  1. In the dashboard, go to Settings->Reading.
  2. Check on the ‘Static Page’ option.
  3. Choose the One-Page page (the page you created following the instruction above) as the front page.
  4. Save the Changes.
If you set up everything right you can make your One Page template look the same as the one on our demo page. One Page Template

Design Options

Design based settings are available in Appearance-> Customize-> Design Options.

Layout Options

  1. Default Layout
    This layout will be reflected in whole site archives, search etc. The layout for a single post and page can be controlled from below options.
  2. Default layout for pages only
    Select default layout for pages. This layout will be reflected in all pages unless unique layout is set for specific page. To select the unique Layout for any particular page edit that page and Choose the Layout from Layout option box.
  3. Default Layout For Single Posts Only
    Select default layout for single posts. This layout will be reflected in all single posts unless unique layout is set for specific post. To select the unique Layout for any particular post edit that page and Choose the Layout from Layout option box.
  4. Note:- If you don’t want any sidebar than select “No Sidebar Full Width” or “No Sidebar Content Centered”.

Custom CSS

    Custom CSS Box are available in Appearance-> Customize-> Custom CSS.
  1. Ample have Custom CSS which will ease your work if you need to add CSS in your site.
  2. Now, click on Save & Publish button.
  3. Note: It will strip all the tags. Also, we strongly recommend not to edit the code in the theme’s file. All you changes will be lost if you update the theme. Use child theme instead.

Color Options

    This theme supports the primary color options. Change the primary color that best suit your site.
  1. In the dashboard, go to Appearance-> Customize-> Design Options.
  2. Change the color as you like under Primary color option section.
  3. Click Save Options.

Additional Options

Additional options are available in Appearance-> Customize-> Additional.

Other Theme Related options

  1. Category to hide from Blog
    By default all of the posts will display in Blog page. You can hide posts of particular Category from Blog page.
  2. Excerpt/Full Posts Content

    Display full content or short description/excerpt on your blog and archives page.

  3. Excerpt Length

    Excerpt Length allow user to limit the number of Words you wish to show on excerpt. Default value is 40 words.

  4. Read More

    To change the Read more text in Posts Page: Blog, archive etc.

    Read More in Posts page will not appear if you choose to show Full content in the Posts Page
  5. Footer Copyright Editor

    Edit the Copyright information in your footer. You can also use shortcodes: [the-year] for current year, [site-link] for your site link, [wp-link] for WordPress site link and [tg-link] for ThemeGrill site link.

How to limit the excerpt text

Now if you want to reduce or increase the number of words that appear in services widgets or post. You can easily change that.


  1. First Go to the service widget page or post in your dashboard.
  2. Just below the page editor you will see the excerpt box
  3. If you don’t see the excerpt box. Scroll to the top and you will see the screen options on the right hand side corner.


  1. Click it and check the Excerpt box. Now you should see the excerpt box below the editor.
  2. Fill the excerpt box with the desired amount of text that you want to show.

Contact Us Page

Plugin Installation

  1. Download Contact Form 7 plugin from here Download then install and activate it
  2. Then go to plugin’s page and set it. Here is a detail on that Docs

Contact us page template

  1. Go to dashboard, then create a page. Give it a name “Contact” or “Contact us” as you wish.
  2. Now on the right hand side you can see Template Dropdown. Select Contact Page Template
  3. Copy the contact form 7 shortcode and paste it in this page.
  4. Click on Publish.

Supported Plugins

This theme support some Plugins

Plugins Supported

  1. Social Icons plugin by ThemeGrill
  2. Easy Social Sharing plugin by ThemeGrill
  3. Contact Form 7 plugin
  4. WP-PageNavi plugin
  5. WooCommerce plugin
  6. Polylang plugin
  7. WPML plugin

Recommended Images

Recommended image size (width*height) used in Ample theme in px.

Recommended Image Size

  1. Recommended image size for Slider – 1400*600
  2. Recommended image size for Featured Post (large) – 710*300
  3. Recommended image size for Featured Post (small) – 230*230
  4. Recommended image size for Service Image – 450*300
  5. Recommended image size for Portfolio Image – 330*330
  6. Recommended image size for Team Widget – 330*330
  7. Recommended image size for Testimonial – 100*120