Calendar Block

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The Calendar Widget block is a simple, easy-to-use widget that displays links to your posts by date.

It does not let you create a calendar of events or anything similar. You would need to use an Events calendar plugin for that.

By default, it shows this month’s days and links to the posts published on various days. You can place it anywhere on your post and with “alignment” button in the toolbar you can display it to the right or left of your other content on the post of page.

Example: Calendar Block – right aligned.

Three steps to add the calendar widget to your post or page

  1. Create a new line in your post
  2. Use the “Slash” Command to find the Calendar Widget in your inserter
  3. Press the “Enter” key.

Detailed instructions on adding blocks can be found here.

Block Toolbar Block Toolbar

The Block Toolbar for the Calendar Widget has three buttons.

Transform to:

  • Transform To
  • Change Alignment
  • More Options.

You can transform a Calendar block to a Group. This would give you the ability to change the background color around the block.

Change Alignment

  • Align left – Make the [service] post left aligned
  • Align center – Make the [service] post alignment centered
  • Align right – Make the  [service] post align right
  • Wide width – Increase the width of the post beyond the content size
  • Full width – Extend the [service] post to cover the full width of the screen.

“Wide width” and “Full width” alignment need to be enabled by the Theme of your site. 

More Options:

Hide Block Settings

The Hide Block Settings option hides (or shows)the Block Setting panel in the editor’s Sidebar

Duplicate block

Using “Duplicate Block” option, you can create a copy of the selected block.

Insert Before

“Insert before” lets you add the previously duplicated block before the selected block

Insert After

“Insert After” lets you add the previously duplicated block after the selected block

Edit as HTML

The Edit as HTML option allows you to modify the HTML code of the embed block.

Add to Reusable Blocks

Using the Add to Reusable Blocks option lets you add the selected block to a list of reusable blocks, so you can use them on other posts or pages as well.


Select the Group option if you want to create a group of blocks and treat them as a unit. You can for instance add a common background color or other blocks to the group.

Remove Block

With the “Remove Block” option you can delete the selected block from your content.

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Block Settings Block Settings

There are no further settings available for the Calendar Widget block, except for the “Advanced Settings.”


The advanced tab lets you add a CSS class to your block, allowing you to write custom CSS and style the block as you see fit.


  • Created 2020-04-28

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