20+ WordPress Security
Best Practices for Your Website

Protect your WordPress website with our guide
“Security Matters: 20+ Tips to Keep Your WordPress Secure”

WordPress Security Best Practices for Your Website eBook

All You Need to Know to Keep Your WordPress Safe in One Guide

Improving the security of your WordPress site is an ongoing process. Master it with our expert tips on how to build and maintain a secure WordPress website.

Single dashboard - multiple sites

Protect your Files and Databases

Learn how to keep your files and databases safe by undertaking all the necessary security measures before and after installing WordPress while also storing a backup of your website.

Fully Managed Service

Secure your Login and Sessions

Learn how to control your WordPress website’s access, activity logs, and login attempts and use HTTPS encryption, security headers, firewall plugins, and more.

Performance and security solutions

Maintain a Secure Installation

See how to choose your plugins and themes better, hide sensitive information about your WordPress, Apache, and PHP versions, as well as keep your website version up to date at all times.

Easy Management Of Client Accounts

Mitigate a Website Attack

WordPress security includes actions if you believe your website was compromised. Get to know how to reinstall free plugins, force password reset, and log out all users, if needed.

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