Support » Plugin: LiteSpeed Cache » Version 2.9.8 conflicts with conditional menu items plugins

  • Resolved Derezomov


    Since the latest update 2.9.8. Litespeed cache is not compatible anymore with Nav Menu Roles plugin & User Menus – Nav Menu Visibility.

    These popular plugins allow menu items to be shown selectively, to logged-out users or to logged-in users. It goes like this: a non-logged user sees in the menu items like Login, Register & Lost password. If the users logs in their Woocommerce client account, the page reloads.

    Now they should see in the menu the items for logged-in users: My account, My address, My orders, Log out. But they don’t see those items, they still see the old items, so they can’t access their account! Only if I visit another page on the website, do I see the menu items for logged-in users, which is very odd.

    Settings: tried it with “blank” LS Cache 2.9.8 (no settings whatsoever, just plain Enable Cache) – I get the error. Tried it with “loaded” LS Cache (with all the settings I want :)) – NO ERROR.

    In your log for 2.9.8 you state: “🐞3rd: Login process now gets the correct role; fixed double login issue.” Maybe it is related to this?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Derezomov.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Derezomov.
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