

DebugPress is an easy to use plugin implementing popup for debugging and profiling currently loaded WordPress powered website page with support for intercepting AJAX requests. The main debugger window is displayed as a popup, activated through the button with the Bug integrated into WordPress Toolbar, or floating on the page.

The plugin currently has total of 22 tabs in the popup debugger window, showing all kinds of information relevant to current page, WordPress setup, background AJAX calls and much more.

The plugin doesn’t modify or replaces any WordPress files or functions.

Home and GitHub

Quick Overview Video

Pretty Print for objects

To display the content of objects or arrays, plugin has pretty print functionality through use of simpler PrettyPrint library, or more robust third-party library Kint. You can choose one or the other from the plugin Settings, Advanced tab.

Debugger Panels

Currently, the plugin has following panels:

  • Basic
  • Request (optional)
  • Admin (for admin side only)
  • Query (for frontend only)
  • Content (optional)
  • Roles (optional)
  • Constants (optional)
  • SQL Queries (if SQL queries logging is enabled)
  • User (optional, if user is logged in only)
  • PHP (optional)
  • Server (optional)
  • HTTP (optional, if HTTP API calls are captured)
  • bbPress (optional, on bbPress forum pages only)
  • Plugins (optional, if plugins store data)
  • Enqueue (optional)
  • Errors (if PHP errors are captured)
  • Deprecated (if PHP deprecated warnings are captured)
  • Doing It Wrong (if WordPress Doing It Wrong warnings are captured)
  • AJAX (if AJAX calls are captured while page is active)
  • Store (if there are user stored objects to show)
  • Tools (internal and external tools links)
  • Debug Log (load content on demand from WordPress ‘debug.log’)

SQL Queries

This panel lists all the queries WordPress has run, and it allows you to order the queries by execution order or length of execution, and all queries can be filtered by the query type, database table it targets or the WordPress function that called it. Every query displays the the execution time, order, caller functions stack and fully formatted SQL query that is easy to read.

PHP and WordPress Errors

Plugin has 3 panels dedicated to showing PHP and WordPress errors and warnings. Plugin captures this information during the page load, and it shows full debug trace as returned by the PHP debug tracing function.


The plugin tracks every AJAX call coming through WordPress admin-ajax.php handler, and with every response, it returns HTTP headers with AJAX request basic execution information. Right now, plugin is not returning list of logged errors or SQL queries, because both can produce huge output that goes over the HTTP header limits. Plan is to introduce these in the future plugin versions.

Info Panels

In the administration Tools menu, plugin adds DebugPress Info page showing several panels

  • PHP Info: full formatted results from phpinfo() function
  • OPCache Info: full settings and statistics for the OPCache PHP extension
  • MySQL Variables: full MySQL settings retrieved from the database

Plugin Settings

The plugin has various options controlling the plugin activation, button integration position, user roles that can see the debugger window, options to attempt overriding WordPress debug flags and options controlling the visibility of optional debugger panels.

Documentation and Support

To get help with the plugin, you can use support forums, or you can use support forums.


  • Debugger popup: Basic debugger panel
  • Debugger popup: Current page Query
  • Debugger popup: Captured AJAX calls
  • Debugger popup: SQL Queries
  • Debugger popup: WordPress debug log
  • Debugger popup: Responsive layout
  • Settings: Activation
  • Settings: Panels
  • Settings: Advanced
  • Tools: PHP Info
  • Tools: OPCache Info
  • Tools: MySQL Variables


General Requirements

  • PHP: 7.0 or newer

WordPress Requirements

  • WordPress: 5.0 or newer

Basic Installation

  • Upload folder debugpress to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  • Plugin settings are available under WordPress ‘Settings’ panel


Where can I configure the plugin?

Open the WordPress ‘Settings’ menu, there you will find ‘DebugPress’ panel.

How can I open Debugger popup?

If you have enabled debugger (for admin side and/or frontend), Debugger is activate via Bug button placed in the WordPress Toolbar or as a float button (depending on the settings).

How can I enable WordPress Debug Mode?

To enable WordPress debug mode via wp-config.php, check out the article here: WordPress Setup.


April 27, 2021
Don't let the low # of ratings fool you, this plugin is AWESOME and has become my new favorite debugging plugin. I went from DebugBar, to DebugThis, to DebugPress....and I'm quite happy with this plugin. It is part of my "essential tools" I add to every site I develop. Even for someone who does not touch code at all, it can still help you track down errors and potential future errors, including which plugins/parts are the culprits. Perfect for development, troubleshooting, and even for bench-marking/speed-testing. THANK YOU FOR THIS PLUGIN! Easy 5 stars!
September 25, 2020
Great plugin for developers. Thank you for building and sharing this with the community.
Read all 3 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“DebugPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “DebugPress” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


1.7 (2021.04.03)

  • New: debugger panel – Plugins
  • New: plugins panel – log specially formatted objects from plugins
  • New: settings panel shows Tracking tab
  • New: settings group to select Pretty Print engine to use
  • New: third party pretty print Engine: Kint
  • Edit: various improvements to the debugger popup styling
  • Fix: few Info methods have wrong names
  • Fix: few warnings thrown by the Tracker object

1.6 (2021.01.06)

  • New: requires PHP 7.0 or newer
  • New: requires WordPress 5.0 or newer
  • New: debugger panel – Roles
  • New: roles panel – shows registered user roles
  • New: changed the loading order and activation priority
  • Edit: few improvements to the readme file
  • Fix: tools panel – broken links to all of the plugin panels
  • Fix: tracker loading causes problem with some plugins changing user roles

1.5 (2020.11.14)

  • New: debugger panel – Tools
  • New: tools panel – links to the individual plugin info panels
  • New: tools panel – links to the individual wordpress tools panels
  • New: tools panel – links to test with Google PageSpeed Insights
  • New: tools panel – link to test with GTMetrix website
  • New: contextual help tab for the plugin settings
  • New: contextual help includes information about debug mode activation
  • Edit: various styling changes and tweaks
  • Fix: few minor typos in various parts of the code
  • Fix: few external links were missing REL noopener attribute
  • Fix: minor issue with CMS version INFO method

1.4.1 (2020.11.06)

  • Edit: support for the edge case HTTP request missing valid URL
  • Fix: HTTP panel could still fail in some edge case requests

1.4 (2020.11.03)

  • Edit: improvements to the way HTTP panel displays logged data
  • Fix: HTTP panel shows duplicated content type entry
  • Fix: HTTP panel attempts to display data that doesn’t exist
  • Fix: error log loading fails due to file offset calculation
  • Fix: problem with returning error log via AJAX method

1.3.2 (2020.10.03)

  • New: link to plugin Tools (Info) page added to Debugger popup footer
  • Edit: improvements to documentation for pretty print functions
  • Edit: renamed existing System class to Server for potential file name conflict
  • Fix: debuglog tab doesn’t scroll to the end of the list after the list is loaded
  • Fix: test for Pear presence can throw warnings on some hosts

1.3.1 (2020.10.01)

  • Edit: minor changes to the main plugin class
  • Fix: one constant was not defined

1.3 (2020.10.01)

  • New: additional Info page added into WordPress admin Tools
  • New: tools info page shows the content of PHP Info
  • New: tools info page shows the content of OPCache Info
  • New: tools info page shows the content of MySQL Variables
  • New: plugin settings panel uses tabbed interface to organize settings
  • New: option to control AJAX tracking data save into debug.log
  • New: filters to control AJAX tracking activity and data returned
  • New: filter to control every plugin settings returned value
  • New: ability to print SQL formatted string for the user stored queries
  • New: improved documentation for all the functions
  • Edit: refactored functions and improved the functions organization
  • Edit: refactored pretty print function to use different name and classes
  • Edit: uniform return of rendered results from ErrorFormat class
  • Edit: expanded plugin readme.txt and added new screenshots
  • Removed: several unused methods in the ErrorFormat class

1.2.1 (2020.09.27)

  • Edit: various improvements to errors and warnings tracking handlers
  • Fix: missing argument for the deprecated tracking handler

1.2 (2020.09.25)

  • New: debugger activator: show number of captured HTTP API calls
  • New: debugger Log panel: renamed to Store
  • New: debugger Log panel: rewritten rendering to match other panels
  • New: debugger HTTP tab: shows number of calls in the tab button
  • New: settings to control AJAX calls tracking on active page
  • New: settings to control errors and warnings tracking
  • Edit: various minor improvements and changes
  • Fix: wrong class name in the backtrace tracker processor
  • Fix: few small issues with the deprecated tracker processor
  • Fix: several issues with displaying AJAX calls results

1.1 (2020.09.23)

  • New: debugger panel – Debug Log
  • New: using CSS variables for some of the debugger styling
  • New: filters to modify CSS variables
  • New: improved the look of the plugin settings page
  • Edit: expanded some of the information for plugin settings
  • Edit: changed plugins own actions and filters for uniformity
  • Edit: many improvements to the debugger styling
  • Edit: various improvements to the SCSS organization
  • Edit: various tweaks and changes

1.0 (2020.09.15)

  • First official release