Support » Plugin: Analytify - Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin For WordPress » Email Reports (Bounce Rate Color is Incorrect)

  • Resolved jetxpert


    Good Day!

    The color shown in your email reports for “Bounce Rate” is incorrect.


    When the Bounce Rate increases, it means viewers are spending less time viewing a website page or pages. So, an upward trend should be “red” not “green.”

    Correcting the above prior to your next plugin update would be great.

    It wouldn’t hurt to look at all other parameters shown in your reports or dashboards to make sure they reflect the proper trend color (Green = Good; Red = Not Good)

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Author M Asif Rahman


    Nice catch! We will fix it ASAP!

    Plugin Author Adnan


    @jetxpert This has been fixed and released just now.


    Thread Starter jetxpert


    @hiddenpearls, @asif2bd,

    Thank you. Installed your update, V3.1.3. Discovered the following:

    Your dashboard still shows the wrong color. Your plugin update log shows you only fixed the email report color. Did you sweep all other parameters – as suggested – to make sure all colors are correct?

    Click here for details.

    Miscellaneous: Your dashboard still shows a misaligned drop-down box.

    Click here for details and solution.


    Thread Starter jetxpert



    Your latest update, Version 3.1.3, did not fix this.

    Email Reports show this.

    Dashboard Displays this.

    Would be great if you can update your affected plugins (codes), test them, and release a fix at earliest opportunity.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter jetxpert



    As of Version 3.1.4, this has not been fixed.

    Click here for details.

    Please verify. Help appreciated.


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