• Resolved stanikub


    Hi, long time satisfied user here. But this error appeared this time when I selected the uploads folder to be converted to WebP.

    /uploads/ ... Error 400, trying to continue with missing images...
    /uploads/ ... Error 400, trying to continue with missing images...
    /uploads/ ... Error 400, trying to continue with missing images...
    /uploads/ ... Error 400, trying to continue with missing images...

    and it repeats and repeats…

    What could be the cause?

    Thank you.

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  • Plugin Author kubiq



    when it started happening?
    After last update?

    Is that directory writable? Didn’t you install some security plugin in last days?

    Can you downgrade to previous version and let me know if it’s still happening?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by kubiq.
    Thread Starter stanikub


    @kubiq, I installed the plugin for the first time on this website from wp repository, so it was probably the most up to date version.

    I tried to run the plugin again, to test before I’d install previous version you sent and now everything works like a charm, all images converted and browser is serving them. So idk what happened there, but it’s resolved by itself.

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by stanikub.
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