Support » Plugin: ConvertKit » Default form doesn’t work?

  • Resolved Maciej Ma?kowiak



    I’ve noticed that the default form doesn’t work, looks like there is some problem with API call the plugin makes.
    It fetches url like this one:{form_id}.html?api_key={API_KEY}&v=6
    And this url return 404 error.
    Can you help me out?

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  • Indeed, something’s up with this. Embedding [convertkit] with a blank form, while having a default selected in the settings, produces no form, but if a form ID is provided, it works.

    Plugin Author ggwicz


    Hey folks,

    If you are experiencing an issue like this please contact us at [email protected] so we can dig into the specifics of your account and work with you privately; issues like this are usually the result of a specific issue with your WordPress site and/or something like your ConvertKit account’s subdomain configuration.

    Both of those things are highly specific to individuals so this community forum is not a good place to sort those out.

    Thank you for your understanding, and please do email [email protected] if you encounter issues like this!


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