ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate Link Manager



Click here: ThirstyAffiliates
Check out the PRO Version!


ThirstyAffiliates gives bloggers the tools they need to monetize their WordPress website with affiliate marketing.

We’ve made managing your affiliate links as simple as it should be:

  1. Install & activate the ThirstyAffiliates plugin
  2. Goto Affiliate Links->Add New
  3. Enter the destination URL (your affiliate link) and a title
  4. The plugin creates a new shortlink/link redirect to your long ugly affiliate link by making a pretty link with your own website URL
  5. You can then use the new “TA” button your editor to add your affiliate link to your content easily


Some features at a glance:


No complex setups. It’s just another post type in your admin and another button on your Visual editor.

When you are writing blog posts, you can highlight a word and click the “TA” button. This works just like the built in link tool, you can search for the affiliate link you created earlier by name.

You can even use the Quick Add button to add affiliate links to ThirstyAffiliates on the fly while you are writing.


You can group your affiliate links into hierarchical categories. eg. placing all Amazon links within an “Amazon” category, or all software links in a “Software” category.

Managing your links in ThirstyAffiliates means there is only one place to change the destination URL if required rather than having to go back and replace the link in potentially hundreds of articles.


You can choose from 301 (default), 302 or 307 redirects, all of which are safe link redirects.

Link redirects protect your affiliate links from being scraped and replaced by malware in your visitor’s browser.

There is also a smart uncloaking feature so if the affiliate program you are using (such as Amazon Associates) does not like your links behind a redirect, you can still use ThirstyAffiliates. Your links can be conditionally uncloaked on the front end.


Uses proper custom post types to avoid link clashes that can occur with other solutions.

Keeps it’s database footprint small to ensure you don’t over bloat your database with useless information.


You can even add images and banners to your affiliate links and recall them for easy insertion when writing your content.

Simply click the new “TA” affiliate link button on your editor, click the cog to open the Advanced Link Picker and search & choose the image you want to insert and it will be inserted pre-wrapped in your affiliate link.


Adds click tracking to your links to track every click.

Comes with built-in reports so you can explore, over-time, how much your affiliate links have been clicked and what is popular on your site.

Features at a glance

  • Inbuilt affiliate link shorter/link cloaker (creates pretty links like:
  • Commission protecting affiliate link redirection options (301, 302 & 307)
  • Click stats tracking & reports
  • Hierarchical link categorization to easily segment links
  • Affiliate link picker tool which works just like the WordPress link tool
  • Advanced link picker tool (hit the cog icon after clicking the “TA” button on your editor) for more advanced options
  • Insert standard links, shortcodes or even images! (with full instant search capabilities)
  • Makes it easy to insert affiliate links in posts, pages and even comments. ThirstyAffiliates is there everywhere there is a standard WordPress editor
  • Handy quick add tool lets you easily create new affiliate links without even leaving the post edit screen
  • Customizable link URL prefixes – change “recommends” to something else, loads of pre-done link prefixes to choose from or use your own custom prefix!
  • Choose to show category slugs in link URLs
  • No Follow option (global or per link)
  • Open in new tab (global or per link)
  • Full importing and exporting support via standard WordPress tools
  • Full backup compatibility via standard WordPress backup solutions
  • Uses WordPress approved storage techniques – doesn’t bloat your database
  • Add your graphics, banners and other images to affiliate links for easy insertion
  • In-built proactive link fixer which detects outdated affiliate links in your content and fixes them automatically
  • Completely modularized so you can turn on only the parts of ThirstyAffiliates that you need

PRO Features

We have a PRO add-on for ThirstyAffiliates that bolts on extra functionality that might be interesting to advanced affiliate marketers and bloggers looking to automate parts of their affiliate marketing.

Some of our popular PRO features include:

  • Automatic Keyword Linking – boost your affiliate income by automatically linking affiliate links to keywords throughout your site, great for monetising your back catalog of content!
  • Advanced Statistics Reports – amazing advanced reports such as performance by category, performance over 24/hr periods (to identify peak click times), Geolocation reports (where people click from) and more!
  • Geolocations – geo target your visitors based on their country of origin and redirect them to geographically appropriate affiliate URLs
  • Google Click Events – pushes a click event to your Google Analytics on click
  • CSV Import/Export – import and export affiliate links via CSV. Great for managing links across multiple sites
  • Amazon API Importing – Search and import affiliate links from Amazon’s Product Advertising API
  • High speed HTAccess redirect – Loads affiliate link redirects into your htaccess file for faster redirecting, meaning WordPress & even PHP isn’t loaded
  • Link Event Notification Emails – get notified about significant events with your affiliate links like when they reach a certain amount of clicks total or a certain amount of clicks in a period of time
  • Automatic Link Health Checker – automatically explores your affiliate links for 404’s or broken links and will notify you when it detects problems

Check out all the ThirstyAffiliates PRO features here


  1. Upload the thirstyaffiliates/ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. Visit the new “ThirstyAffiliates” menu and click ‘Add New’ to add an affiliate link.
  4. Use the new “TA” button on the Visual editor to link up an affiliate link when writing content.
  5. Visit for more information, info about the PRO version and support.


Here are some common questions/problems.

For more resources please see our Knowledge Base.

Help, my links aren’t redirecting! It just brings up a 404 error.

This is a common issue usually caused by another plugin or theme not flushing redirect rules correctly after setting up another custom post type.

To resolve the problem follow these steps:

  1. Deactivate ThirstyAffiliates, don’t worry your links are safely stored in the database.
  2. Reactivate ThirstyAffiliates
  3. Visit the Settings->Permalinks page and click save.
  4. Go back to ThirstyAffiliates->All Affiliate Links and view one of the links, it should be redirecting properly.

Are there any known conflicts?

WordPress supports a very vibrant ecosystem of themes and plugins so from time to time it’s expected that there will be some minor conflicts with other products.

See our Knowledge Base for an up to date list of known conflicts.


August 27, 2021
I very much prefer plugins that are updated and tested frequently. This one has not been updated for 8 months. Well, only a few small bug fixes in the Pro version. There is no notification when a Pro update is available. The plugin is only tested on WordPress 5.6.4, while the major new version 5.8 was released 5 weeks ago. The features I suggested many months ago have not been implemented yet. The basic functionality is ok, but experienced affiliate marketers will need more. It certainly feels like the developers have other priorities. Will be looking for an alternative if this doesn't improve.
August 25, 2021
I am using this 'ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate Link Manager' for over a month now. I had searched over the net for best link managers and found this one in many of the blogs. Then I had also checked its youtube videos and liked them too. So I decided to give it a try and now here I am. It's very easy to use and you should go for it.
August 3, 2021
Best plugin for people using affiliate marketing to generate income. Can't recommend it enough. There is a slightly steep learning curve to understand how to get the most out of the plugin but with all of the YouTube videos, things are easy enough.
Read all 170 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate Link Manager” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate Link Manager” has been translated into 6 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate Link Manager” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Bug Fix: User-specific language setting having no effect on plugin translations


  • Bug Fix: TA Link buttons missing in the block editor in WP <5.6


  • Bug Fix: Error with the classic editor in Firefox
  • Bug Fix: Duplicate scheduled events queuing up
  • Bug Fix: jQuery Migrate warnings
  • Bug Fix: The inline link editor jumping around the page on WP 5.6
  • Bug Fix: Review notice still showing after leaving review or dismissing


  • Changed: Admin UI tweaks
  • Bug Fix: Remove styles affecting WP core image block
  • Bug Fix: Notice errors when Elementor is installed


  • Bug Fix: Conflict with the SmartCrawl Pro plugin


  • Improvement: Add an action hook before the enhanced JavaScript redirect
  • Bug Fix: Security fix on the link attachment title


  • Feature: Add X-Robots-Tag header to nofollow links
  • Improvement: Add indexes to the plugin database columns
  • Bug Fix: Fatal error activating the plugin on some WP timezones
  • Bug Fix: Reports only showing results for 10 links


  • Bug Fix: Incorrect client IP retrieved from HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header
  • Bug Fix: External images not working in TA Image block


  • Bug Fix: Gutenberg Input affiliate link as shortcode should show the error to admin only
  • Bug Fix: Convert to blocks converts images on posts as ThirstyAffiliates Image block
  • Bug Fix: UTC-2 and UTC+11 Timezone produces Fatal Error when activating the plugin
  • Bug Fix: TA button style for block editor changes in WP 5.2.1


  • Bug Fix: The “convert to blocks” button is not working with Gutenberg


  • Feature: ThirstyAffiliates “Affiliate Link Images” Gutenburg block
  • Bug Fix: Editor/Author unable to access “Edit Post” when plugin visibility is set to enabled & plugin visibility settings are set to same role or higher (roles below it will be affected)


  • Feature: Gutenberg integration with core blocks
  • Bug Fix: Affiliate links with “Open In New Tab” not working correctly in Instgram’s in-app browser
  • Bug Fix: Module settings still able to be accessed even if the module was disabled
  • Bug Fix: Import/Export settings page could be accessed by non-administrator Dashboard users


  • Improvement: Gutenberg compatibility: TA Buttons are not showing up anymore on Gutenberg classic editor
  • Improvement: Gutenberg compatibility: TA buttons in wp editors present in metaboxes are not working properly.


  • Feature: Support remotely hosted images attached to affiliate links
  • Feature: Add Global value for the Redirect type setting in affiliate link editor
  • Feature: Click Tracking: track device used
  • Feature: Allow adding additional CSS classes
  • Feature: Integration with Beaver Builder
  • Feature: Integration with Elementor
  • Feature: Post edit screen: When using Shortcode link insertion method show link with a special link formatting clickable to an edit screen
  • Feature: Add category filter in Add Affiliate Link popup
  • Improvement: Add a setting to allow people to turn off the robots.txt blocking
  • Bug Fix: Link Fixer issue with query strings
  • Bug Fix: Error: Cannot read property ‘replace’ of undefined
  • Bug Fix: Query String issue with Enhanced JS redirect


  • Bug Fix: Make htaccess bots blocker script optional for customers. turn off by default
  • Bug Fix: noscript element is sent to ta_click_data_redirect AJAX as the keyword


  • Bug Fix: Disable open new tab as a special case with Facebook Messenger browser which doesn’t support it


  • Improvement: Show warning on slug edit to inform users about consequences of editing slug in regards to already inserted links
  • Bug Fix: When Statistics module is disabled hide the Enhanced JS Redirect option
  • Bug Fix: Uncaught type error on URL splitting in Link Fixer
  • Bug Fix: Add jQuery to script dependency list for front end TA script


  • Bug Fix: Saved report shows wrong graph lines placement


  • Improvement: Block bots on stats recording process for non-apache servers
  • Improvement: Remove report data query on page first load
  • Improvement: Add settings for blocking bots
  • Improvement: Ability to turn off IP address collection on stats (GDPR compliance)
  • Improvement: Move “Enable Enhanced Javascript Redirect on Frontend” setting to Link Appearance tab
  • Improvement: Code improvements
  • Bug Fix: Improve reliability of link scanner
  • Bug Fix: attachment page can be viewed with link prefix
  • Bug Fix: Improve accuracy of link performance report


  • Bug Fix: WP 4.9.6: The post editor won’t show TA buttons and shows a JS error


  • Improvement: Add render function for URL input type on settings
  • Improvement: Remove Save Changes button on Import/Export setting page
  • Bug Fix: Can only click normal links once
  • Bug Fix: Exporting CSV produces PHP notice: Undefined index: link_health_issue
  • Bug Fix: Fix settings html markup wrapper


  • Feature: Introduce Enhanced JS Redirect Feature
  • Bug Fix: Link Fixer: When a link has been inserted with category in url, and it is removed in the backend, link won’t be detected
  • Bug Fix: Link Fixer: make sure the fetched ID via url_to_postid function for a given link is of “thirstylink” post type


  • Bug Fix: Issues with link fixer for sub-directory installs and with WPML translation


  • Bug Fix: Uncloaker module sometimes stripping away query strings
  • Bug Fix: Notice: Undefined variable error


  • Improvement: Allow Force no-cache headers on 301 redirects
  • Improvement: Minor codebase improvements
  • Bug Fix: Affiliate link can redirect even with invalid category slug
  • Bug Fix: Allow valid characters on the slug box pattern match


  • Improvement: Set post type and taxonomy to non-public facing
  • Improvement: Rename the Link Performance report to Link Overview
  • Improvement: Improve codebase
  • Bug Fix: Shortcode issue with WPML
  • Bug Fix: Issue with inserting thirsty affiliate link into an existing image and hitting enter key right after
  • Bug Fix: Affiliate link category pages are accessible on the front end


  • Feature: Feature to determine what pages the current affiliate link is added to
  • Feature: Hide currently attached images from the media box to avoid inserting duplicate image to a thirsty link
  • Feature: Ability to set some link appearance settings on a per category level
  • Feature: Add ta link picker on Text Editor Widget
  • Feature: Ability to add link categories from the Quick Add form of the TA link picker
  • Feature: Polylang Support
  • Feature: WPML Support
  • Improvement: Allow sorting of thirsty links on cpt listing by link category and other headers
  • Improvement: Make settings page into a vertical orientation
  • Improvement: Set default redirect type to 302
  • Improvement: Tidy up code
  • Bug Fix: Console errors on inserting image into a thirsty link
  • Bug Fix: When editing the cloaked url, the final “/” character is not added back
  • Bug Fix: Last 7 days link performance report graph is not accurate
  • Bug Fix: Fix php notices on the log


  • Improvement: Add a small “Edit” link on read only fields on the List view
  • Bug Fix: When migrated, geolocation URLs still have the &. It needs to be changed to &


  • Bug Fix: Fix link fixer script to detect links with either http or https protocol
  • Bug Fix: If all modules requiring ta.js are off dequeue it
  • Bug Fix: isThirstyLink should recognize root relative URLs and others
  • Bug Fix: Thirstylink CPT publish status is translatable


  • Bug Fix: Change reports content display method to use callback function instead
  • Bug Fix: Update migration for new tracking script option for GCT module


  • Feature: Add REST API support
  • Feature: Automatically add link prefix in the robots.txt to prevent indexing
  • Feature: Exclude known search engine bots from stats
  • Feature: Trim stats table on a regular cron
  • Improvement: Make sure the insert buttons in link picker popup stay in place
  • Improvement: Readd the social links on the settings Help tab
  • Improvement: Improve the save click data function
  • Bug Fix: Link picker popup starts searching with only 1 character
  • Bug Fix: Uncloaker should not HTML encode & ampersand characters
  • Bug Fix: Authors and Editors cannot see the ThirstyAffiliates link picker button
  • Bug Fix: Htaccess module removes the wrong .htaccess section
  • Bug Fix: Various error messages for different user roles


  • Bug Fix: Visual editor breaks on text widgets
  • Bug Fix: Conflict with Shortcoder plugin
  • Bug Fix: Tour keeps popping up


  • Bug Fix: Link Fixer overrides existing CSS classes on the link
  • Bug Fix: Link Fixer removes any query strings from the cloaked link
  • Bug Fix: Properly handle special characters on the text in which the link is attached
  • Bug Fix: Disabling link CSS and title globally won’t work with Link Fixer
  • Bug Fix: Fix typo on search placeholder on editor
  • Bug Fix: Conflict with OptimizePress theme


  • Bug Fix: Link Fixer overrides existing CSS classes on the link
  • Bug Fix: Delete all stats data of a link when its permanently deleted
  • Bug Fix: Minor code fixes on data migration ( from V2 to V3 )
  • Bug Fix: Properly escape destination urls



  • Migration Assistant: Migrates your affiliate links to the new 3.0.0 standard on update
  • Migration Assistant: You can also downgrade your affiliate links back to the old format if you downgrade back to version 2.
  • Feature: Rewrote the entire plugin for massive improvements
  • Feature: Implemented new data storage model
  • Feature: Introduced modularization so parts of ThirstyAffiliates can be turned on/off
  • Feature: New link picker that looks and works exactly like the standard link tool in WordPress
  • Feature: New advanced link picker (press the cog icon on the link picker) for advanced searching and insertion modes (like image insertion)
  • Feature: Choose your default link insertion mode (standard link or shortcode)
  • Feature: Reworked the affiliate link edit screen for clarity
  • Feature: Reworked the entire settings area for clarity
  • Feature: Added additional link information on list view
  • Feature: Introduced Link Fixer – a tool that automatically corrects old/outdated affiliate links on the front end
  • Feature: Introduced uncloaking – lets you smartly uncloak links individually or based on their category, great for compatibility with stricter affiliate program terms (such as Amazon Associates Terms of Service)
  • Feature: Introduced click tracking & basic reports
  • Feature: Introduced keyboard shortcut commands
  • Feature: Reworked the quick add button feature
  • Feature: Added a plugin tour on activation
  • … plus many other small improvements, tweaks and bug fixes. We hope you love it!


  • Feature: Wildcard replace segments of links based on query string parameters
  • Feature: Show the link category name on the link picker search box
  • Improvement: Auto remove Yoast SEO meta box on link edit screen
  • Bug Fix: 307 global redirect option doesn’t seem to be working properly
  • Bug Fix: On brand new installs the permalinks sometimes need flushing again
  • Bug Fix: Link categories dropdown on Quick Add form not working
  • Bug Fix: Description of imported images from amazon is not positioned properly


  • Bug Fix: Make constant names non-case insensitive to support HipHop in HHVM environment
  • Bug Fix: Notices relating to newwindow and nofollow showing everywhere
  • Bug Fix: Custom prefix setting doesn’t display or save when using language other than english


  • Bug Fix: Fix critical issue with ajax permission check on function also used by Autolinker.


  • Bug Fix: Notices on settings page, add-on page and on shortcodes
  • Bug Fix: Security problem where non-admin account holders can access AJAX functions (thanks James Golovich)


  • Translation: Russian (thanks to Roman Sobol)
  • Bug Fix: Squiggly brackets are being html encoded and not html decoded for display and redirection
  • Bug Fix: Notice on link edit screens
  • Bug Fix: URLs entered into the destination URL box are not being HTML decoded on redirect
  • Bug Fix: Notices on saving
  • Bug Fix: In the settings area when you set custom link prefix, the input box showing the custom prefix isn’t shown properly after saving
  • Bug Fix: linkclass backwards compatibility on shortcodes causing notices on some installs



  • Feature: Allow user to specify link categories during Quick Add if category in slug preference is enabled. Enhanced the UI with a multi-select box.
  • Feature: Add Link ID to the list view columns as the first column for easy reference
  • Feature: Added import/export ability of Global settings to make it easy to copy pre-set settings from one site to another


  • Bugfix: Rollback of link data merging bugfix from 2.4.10, caused some issues in data persistence in add-ons, will revisit this later
  • Feature: Introduced an optional debug flag on edit screens to assist in debugging link data on sites in the wild


  • Bugfix: Fixed a nasty character escaping bug that was wiping data on save in some instances.


  • Bugfix: Additional data on thirsty data not appearing in fields on the edit page was accidentally being blown away, needed to merge data with existing on save
  • Bugfix: Use the absolute path during media metadata creation when cloning an image from the media library (thanks Olaf)
  • Bugfix: Moved the rewrite rule flushing into the activation functions as best practices have changed since


  • Bugfix: Fix compatibility issue with some page builders
  • Bugfix: Corrected bug with legacy media uploader script loading in the background when it shouldn’t be
  • Feature: Add new global setting for appending additional rel attributes to links during link insertion
  • Bugfix: Fixed image attaching problem where URL would be malformed when duplicating an existing attachment


  • Bugfix: Removed add-on notices from sidebar of edit screens. Causing too many issues, we’ll revisit this later.


  • Feature: Add ability to upload multiple images in one hit to affiliate links (thanks Mozie)
  • Bugfix: Added mechanism to only download RSS feed of add-ons at most once per day instead of during each page load
  • Other: Improved the look of the add-ons page and added meta box to link edit screens for add-on notices


  • Feature: Add option to turn of auto selection of category during save process
  • Feature: Show message to user if they have default permalinks selected (we require pretty permalinks)
  • Feature: Added an admin function for showing global notices when there is a critical configuration problem
  • Bugfix: Links without categories selected should still resolve even if the “show categories in URLs” option is enabled (thanks Olaf)


  • Feature: Add 307 temporary redirection type
  • Bugfix: Adding additional info to before redirect action to support upcoming new features in Stats add-on


  • Bugfix: Notify the plain text editor of change event after link is returned
  • Bugfix: Hardening up checks for when editor is not properly defined
  • Bugfix: Added check to see if debug index is present before using it to prevent outputting notices when wp_debug is set to true, on the settings page
  • Feature: Add switches for turning off editor buttons on Visual or Text/Quicktags editors


  • Bugfix: Add html character encoding on link name field on edit screen so link names with quotes are displayed properly


  • Bugfix: Had to retire data filtering with mysql_ escape functions in favour of using esc_sql as provided by WordPress core. Some servers now don’t support mysql_ functions at all (thanks Daniel)
  • Bugfix: If the post isn’t an affiliate link, skip slug shortening
  • Feature: Added disable slug shortening option to turn off removing stop words from affiliate link urls


  • IMPORTANT BUG FIX: Default post status is no longer set to ‘publish’ when left empty in 3.8.2 so we need to set in our custom post save box otherwise you can’t save new links.


  • New Feature: Quick Add button on TinyMCE editor lets you add new affiliate links on the fly without leaving the edit screen
  • Fixed admin site debug warning on non-ThirstyAffiliates pages


  • IMPORTANT BUG FIX: Fixed issue with special char filtering causing invalid redirects on some merchants, advise people who are on 2.3 to update to this version immediately.


  • New Feature: Added the option to choose a global redirect type (301 or 302 at this stage) and also the option to override this per link
  • Admin layout compatibility with WordPress 3.8 specifically responsiveness
  • Changed menu name to Affiliate Links as 3.8 made ThirstyAffiliates word wrap to the next line
  • Inserting images using the link picker stopped working due to imageID not being passed properly
  • Moving some core styles for the settings page to the core stylesheet
  • Improved data filtering function to selectively strip html on input data
  • Filtered data wasn’t being passed to array elements properly and hence was unfiltered


  • Tweaked add-on page layout


  • Bug fix title attribute not showing on shortcodes
  • Make shortcodes obey the global flags properly
  • Output shortcode defaults properly when no attributes specified (backwards compatibility)


  • Fixing regression in shortcode functionality (thanks Roshan)


  • Fixed link of categories a link belongs to in list view to show a list of links from that category
  • Fixed warning on settings page and added sanity checks for link prefix option
  • Added debug flag to settings page for support and testing
  • Deprecated PHP function split() replaced with preg_split(), was throwing a warning on PHP 5.3.0+ servers.


  • During link insertion check if copied text contains HTML and handle appropriately
  • Add global switch to turn off title attribute on inserted links
  • Add global switch to turn off thirstylink and thirstylinkimg link classes
  • Strip slashes from apostrophes in copied text during link insertion
  • Remove ajax url from front end (no longer used)


  • Fixing add-ons page (thanks Hesham)
  • Adding javascript layout tweak


  • Adding API hooks for future development
  • Cleaning up code structure
  • Fixing ajax calls to be fully documentation compliant
  • Fixes for the image adding including support for new media loader
  • Added better object handling for image attachments
  • Moved off some add-on specific settings to their own plugin code bases
  • Lots of other small bug fixes and improvements
  • Adding plugin to the directory!


  • Removing unneccesary data from allagents.xml
  • Adding no listing directive to plugin directory to prevent indexing


  • Bug fix for link names with quotes in them


  • Remove superfluous words from auto generated slugs on link creation


  • Allow categories in link slugs
  • Add option to force rebuild links (re-saves all existing links)
  • Fix saving bug on nofollow/new window options when not using global setting
  • Fix compatibility issue with Thesis theme
  • Other various small bug fixes


  • Fix for curly braces in links


  • Fixing incompatibilities with some premium themes


  • Fixed menu disappearing bug due to WP update


  • Introduced automatic updating
  • Improved user interface
  • Added web crawler robot blocking
  • Other various small bug fixes

Prior to 2.0

  • Initial version