I Recommend This


This plugin allows your visitors to simply like/recommend your posts instead of comment on it.

Features of I Recommend This

  • A counter to display the number of “like” and to vote.
  • A widget and a function to display the X most liked posts.
  • Saves Cookie as well as users IP address to disable voting on the same post again.
  • Displays Number of likes on Post Edit page along with sorting option. HSG
  • A preference pane with some options.

** Advanced Options **

  • Hide count if count is zero
  • Set a default messages when count is zero, one or more
  • Choose between a “Thumbs Up” or a “Heart” icon to allow post recommending.
  • Disable plugin CSS to allow you to add your own styling rules
  • Disable saving of IP address in the table.

** Shortcodes **

  • Add the voting link to any page using shortcodes
  • Display specific number of most recommended posts of all time or from a specific time period with support for custom post types.

Examples of how the plugin has been used


If you have created your own language pack (or have an update of an existing one) you can send in your .PO and .MO files so we can bundle it into I Recommend This plugin. You can download the latest POT file, and PO files in each language.

This plugin is based exactly on Benoit “LeBen” Burgener’s “I Like This” Plugin and has been modified after getting requests for the changes I had made on my website.

Please report any bugs you find via Support Forum or via comment on http://www.dreamsonline.net/wordpress-plugins/i-recommend-this/

** For Developers **

If you’re a developer and want to contribute, head over to I Recommend This plugin on GitHub

My Links

If you love the plugin, please consider rating it and clicking on “it works” button.


  1. Upload the directory /i-recommend-this/ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Click on the Settings link below the plugin name on the plugins page

To display the recomment/like link other than at the bottom of individual post, you would have to add below code in your template


To display the most recommended posts you can below code in your template

[dot_recommended_posts post_type=’post’ container=’div’ number=’10’ year=’2013′ monthnum=’7′]


Take a look at the official “I Recommend This” FAQ.

You can also visit the support center and start a discussion if needed.


September 13, 2018
Really awesome plugin I love to use on my sites!
September 3, 2016
I really like this plugin. I would add some more features to get a five stars rating (for instance the option to choose more simbols, colors and size)
Read all 35 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“I Recommend This” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“I Recommend This” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “I Recommend This” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


= 3.8.1
* Added data sanitization
* Separate & recoded widget
* Support for multiple widget instance

= 3.8.0
* Added data sanitization
* Made IP saing options
* Restructured plugin code

= 3.7.8
* Vulnerabilities fixed by DannyvanKooten

= 3.7.7
* Dutch Translation added by Tim de Hoog
* Added support for IPv6

= 3.7.6
* Fixed version number in dot-irecommendthis.php

= 3.7.5
* Updated Readme

= 3.7.4
* The template tag now accepts a POST ID, thanks to Oskar Adin.

= 3.7.3
* Fixed a Possible SQL injection vulnerability reported by Oskar Adin and fixed by Danny van Kooten.

= 3.7.2
* Updated ‘dot_irecommendthis.js’ file to make plugin work even when the like button is on a hidden element. Thanks to forthewinn. Support Ticket

= 3.7.1
* Spanish translation added. Thanks to Andrew Kurtis from WebHostingHub

= 3.7.0
* Added to remove resolve wrong tags set for this plugin earlier. My sincere apologies for the extra update mess.

= 2.6.5
* Removed deprecaed JQuery function live with on in dot_irecommendthis.js

= 2.6.4
* Moved enqueued JS from wp_head() to wp_footer().

= 2.6.3
* Fixed 3 undefined index errors for disable_unique_ip, link_title_new & link_title_active. Thanks to sebabornia

= 2.6.2
* French translation added. Thanks to Murat from wptheme.fr

= 2.6.1
* Updates to Persian translation

= 2.6.0
* Added Persian translation – Thanks to HSG
* Now you can see number of likes on Post Edit page along with sorting option. Thanks to HSG

= 2.5.3
* Fixed PHP error in Widget.
* Converted text strings in widget to be translatable.

= 2.5.3
* Fixed textdomain problem. Added portuguese translation. Thanks to @Darlan ten Caten.

= 2.5.2
* Replaced ‘before’ & ‘after’ attributes in shortocde ‘dot_recommended_posts’ with a single attribute ‘container’

= 2.5.1
* Change shortcode name from dot_recommends_posts to dot_recommended_posts

= 2.5.0
* Added new shortcode with multiple options to display most recommended post / post_type of all time or from a specific date

= 2.4.2
* Bug fix. Thanks to @mmaxim

= 2.4.1
* Fixed undefined index error.

= 2.4.0
* Added filter dot_irt_before_count to be able to allow custom content or icons before the count.

= 2.3.0
* Added option to hide count if count is zero
* Added option to disable saving of IP address in the database

= 2.2.0
* Added option to customize the link title. You can now remove the word recomment and add anything you like. Ideas suggested by Krystina Montemurro.

= 2.1.5
* Support URL update for new plugin details page.

= 2.1.4
* Removed 2 instances of double quotes. Thanks to boyevul

= 2.1.3
* Fixed errors shown when Debug mode was on. Thanks to Air

= 2.1.2
* Fixed CSS Disable issue. Thanks to Nicolas Mollet.

= 2.1
* Fixed Naming Errors. Thanks to Marian Hillmar.
* Fixed Shortcode name & Added support to place like button anywhere pointing to any post. Thanks to Bryant Williams for the code.

= 2.0
* This is a major revamp. The entire plugin structure is now based on OOP
* Settings are now stored using Settings API and Settings page is created based on WordPress standards.
* This plugin contains code from “Zilla Like” plugin developed by Orman Clark of www.themezilla.com.
* Translation files are finally added.

= 1.4.3
* All deprecated functions removed. Plugin might not work on WordPress versions older than 3.

= 1.4.1
* Fixed bug that broke update.

= 1.4
* Added feature to display custom text when a post is liked.

= 1.3
* Removed 2 functions “register_widget_control()” & “register_sidebar_widget()” deprecated in version 2.8 with latest functions

= 1.2
* More bugs fixed.

= 1.1
* Fixed Bug that did not allow displaying text next to the counter.
* Updated code using branch of original plugin on GitHub

= 1.0
* Removed JQuery loading style when heart is clicked.
* Modified CSS & Images of LeBen’s “I Like This” plugin based on what many users requested.
* This is the first version