Support » Plugin: WooCommerce Admin » not working

  • Resolved cristianciuberea



    I had this plugin installed. I uninstaled it because we had some problems with database and dont knof if from here or not.

    Now, i update to latest, and it is not workin

    I see this error

    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
    index.js?ver=0.14.0:40 Uncaught TypeError: Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance
    at e.exports (index.js?ver=0.14.0:40)
    at e.exports (index.js?ver=0.14.0:7)
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.js?ver=0.14.0:20)
    at n (index.js?ver=0.14.0:1)
    at Module.<anonymous> (index.js?ver=0.14.0:46)
    at n (index.js?ver=0.14.0:1)
    at index.js?ver=0.14.0:1
    at index.js?ver=0.14.0:1

    Thank you

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  • Timmy Crawford


    @cristianciuberea by chance could you see if you have the following option set on your local install? I was able to recreate a similar error message today which I think might be related to what you are experiencing:

    SELECT * FROM wp_options where option_name = ‘woocommerce_actionable_order_statuses’

    Thread Starter cristianciuberea


    Hi Timmy, in phpmyadmin should i look?

    If so, i dont have this option



    I have the same problem since previous version 0.13.2 i think. Is there a proper solution for this ? After checking in database SELECT * FROM wpj7_options where option_name = ‘woocommerce_actionable_order_statuses’

    I have this row

    Then what ?

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by snuffybg.


    @cristianciuberea check your quotes and test again.

    Timmy Crawford


    @snuffybg and @cristianciuberea the bug appears to be if any of the settings on the Analytics | Settings page are blank, or the option in the database table goes missing it is causing the bug.

    I have a fix in progress that will go out in next week’s release:

    Thread Starter cristianciuberea


    Ok, cool, will wait for the fix.

    Right now in the analytics settings i see nothing so i can’t fill any setting to reverse this.

    Moderator Hari Shanker R


    Hi @cristianciuberea

    Just letting you know that the fix has been deployed in the latest version of WooCommerce Admin: 0.15.0. Please feel free to update the extension to the latest version to test this out yourself.

    Since the bug has been fixed, I’m marking this thread as Resolved, but, let us know here if you have any further questions.

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