CM Answers


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Enables users to post questions and answers (Q&A) in a stack overflow style. Includes voting, moderation, notifications, access control and more. Updated and tested 2021 Version

The CM Answers is a questions and answers plugin for WordPress that enables users to add questions and answers (Q&A) in a stack overflow style.

The Answers plugin allows users to post questions and answers, leave comments, vote, and upload files in a discussion board format.

Users of this WordPress answers plugin have full moderation access of questions and answers, can restrict user capabilities, and create multiple forum categories.

Admins also have the ability to customize the questions and answers, filter any unwanted content, add answers, and easily keep track of users actions in the forum.

The CM Answers discussion forum plugin has many other unique features, like voting for questions and answers, which allows administrators to customize it according to his or her needs.

Additional features of this ultimate WordPress questions and answers plugin include multiple file uploads, private messages, and the ability to subscribe to categories and certain topics, as well as receive notifications when there is new content.

Add-Ons & Extensions


  • Forum – Puts a lightweight and easy to use Discussion Forum on your WordPress site or blog.
  • Support Forum – Supports your users while allowing them vote and answer existing topics that you moderate.
  • Community – Adds a discussion forum to your site that allow your members to start their own conversations and ask questions.
  • Questions & Answers – Users can answer questions sent in by other users.
  • Customer Support – Support for retail customer’s questions.
  • StackOverflow – Adds a StackOverflow style forum to your site.
  • Paid Support – Charge users for posted questions & answers.
  • Anonymous Posting – Support anonymous posting with aditional add-on

Basic Features

  • Includes a views count
  • Includes an answers count
  • Administrators can moderate question & answers and can receive email notifications.
  • Users can receive notifications when answering a question pending follow-up.
  • Sorting options in the question and answer pages.
  • Template can be easily customized according to users requirements.
  • We will be happy to add more language files and submit them to our WP community members. Currently we support: Spanish, German, Polish, Russian, French and Czech.

Pro Version Features

Pro Version Detailed Features List

  • Mobile Responsive – Adjusted design and uex for mobile devices.
  • Anonymous Posting – Support anonymous non logged-in user posting when used with Add-on.
  • Private Answers – Mark answer as private so only question author can see.
  • Private Question – Send questions privately to question author.
  • Advertisements – Integration with Ad-Sense or other Ads networks.
  • Comments – GAdd comments to question or answers.
  • MicroPayment – Grant or Charge virtual currency based on use-case.
  • Comments – Ability add comments for question and for answers.
  • Multiple Attachments – Multiple attachments in questions and answers.
  • Spam Report – User can report span questions or answers.
  • Access Control – Admin can define who can ask questions and who can answer based on user role.
  • Integration with Twitter – Users can register and post using existing Twitter account
  • Edit Question / Answers – Users can edit the question or the answer after submission.
  • BuddyPress – Stronger Integration with BuddyPress.
  • Two Levels Category Navigation – Support two level category navigation.
  • Ajax Support – Uses a Shortcode that displays the Category, supported by Ajax. Views of categories fit within the current site template.
  • Social Media Registration Integration – Integrates with Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn profiles. View Image, [See another image] (
  • Shortcodes – Generates a Questions List by using a Shortcode: cma-questions with additional parameters. For example, limit=10 author=123 sort=hottest [View Demo] (
  • User Dashboard – Adds “My Questions” and “My Answers” dashboards to the user profile page by using Shortcodes: cma-my-questions and cma-my-answers View Image
  • Categories – Ability to add categories and display them using a Shortcode. cat=catname View Demo, View Demo in Questions Index
  • Widgets – Widget integration that can sort and display hottest questions, most viewed, most recent answers and more. View Image
  • User Posting Meter – Ability to add the user’s profile of the number of posted questions and answers that the user has contributed displayed beside their user name. View Image
  • Show/Hide Views – Administrator can choose to hide or show the number of views that a topic has. View Image
  • Moderation- Administrators can define a list of users who are exempt and can post without any need of moderation. View Image
  • Multisite – Supports multisite.
  • Gravatar – Ability to display a Gravatar near the user’s name and in the user’s profile.
  • Order Answers – Shows and sorts all answers in ascending or descending order. View Image from Settings, View Demo
  • Attachment – Accepts file attachments when posting a question. Limits for file types and sizes. View Image, View Image from Settings
  • Localization Support – Frontend (user side) is localized.
  • View Count Control – Controls how a view count is tabulated (by view or by session). View Image from Settings
  • Public User Profile – Automatically generates a public profile page containing all the questions and answers a user has posted, with a link to his or her social media profile. View Image
  • Gratitude Message – Does not include our Gratitude Message in the footer.
  • Tags – Tags are fully supported. Administrators can control the appearance of tags with an available Tags widget. View Demo – Widget on the right, View Image
  • Sticky Questions – Supports sticky questions with an administrator defined background color. View Demo – First question is sticky, View Image When Admin edit question post, View Image from settings
  • Code Snippets in Posts – Support for code snippets and custom background color. View Demo of code inside a question, View Image from settings
  • Homepage – Supports options to define CM Answers as the Site or Blog homepage
  • Permalink – Customizable CM Answers permalink. View Image from settings
  • Disclaimer – Added Disclaimer support for first time users. View Image from Settings, View Image of when disclaimer appears
  • Social Share – Includes a social share widget in the question page. View Demo


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Suggested Plugins by CreativeMinds

  • CM Ad Changer – Manage, Track and Report Advertising Campaigns Across Sites. Can turn your Turn your WP into an Ad Server
  • CM Super ToolTip Glossary – Easily creates a Glossary, Encyclopaedia or Dictionary of your website’s terms and shows them as a tooltip in posts and pages when hovering. With many more powerful features.
  • CM Download Manager – Allows users to upload, manage, track and support documents or files in a download directory listing database for others to contribute, use and comment upon.
  • CM Answers Plugin – A fully-featured WordPress Questions & Answers Plugin that allows you to build multiple discussion forum systems Just like StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers and Quora, Now with MicroPayment and Anonymous posting support!.
  • CM MicroPayments – Adds the in-site support for your own “virtual currency”. The purpose of this plugin is to allow in-site transactions without the necessity of processing the external payments each time (quicker & easier). Developers can use it as a platform to integrate with their own plugins.
  • CM Restrict Content – A full-featured, powerful membership solution and content restriction plugin for WordPress. Support access by role to content on your site.
  • CM OnBoarding – Superb Guidance tool which improves the online experience and
    the user satisfaction.
  • CM Booking Calendar – Customers can easily schedule appointments and pay for them directly through your website.


  • Questions List Page.
  • Question Submission Form.
  • Question Thread Page.
  • Plugin's General Settings.
  • Plugin's Access Control Settings.
  • Plugins's Usage Statistics.
  • Admin Questions Management.
  • Plugin Shortcodes.
  • User Dashboard.


Detailed User Guide

  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Manage your CM Answers plugin from Left Side Admin Dashboard

Note: You must have a call to wp_head() in your template in order for the JS plugin files to work properly. If your theme does not support this you will need to link them files manually in your theme (not recommended).


More FAQ’s

Detailed User Guide

How can I customize the look & feel of the plugin?

In your template you can custom create a directory called “CMA”. Inside this directory you can place a structure that is similar to the one inside “cm-answers/views/frontend/”. If the file is properly able to be found in your template’s directory, then it will have priority over the default. Otherwise, the default file from our plugin directory will be used.


August 11, 2021
When I purchased, I missed the fact that many have given this product a 1 star review. I had a technical issue with the plugin that they were not able to fix. I will say that they tried, and I tried to make it work then all went quiet until I asked for a refund. Suddenly, they became interested again. When I told them I'd moved on, they didn't care and persisted with trying to fix. Ultimately, they refused to issue a refund. BEWARE. They should revise their refund policy to state they reserve the right to take as long as we want to find a resolution. Don't go near these guys. I've disputed with my bank which I said I'd do. They still didn't care and accused me of making threats. It was no threat. I asked if they really want6ed go that route. Apparently, yes. They are the first company I've run across who would not honor a refund request.
July 14, 2020
My reasons: Support: The support agents ask you to purchase development hours on virtually any issue you ask about (small or big). Updates: The updates rarely provides new features Design: The overall feel and design of the backend is better than the frontend, The single question page design looks ancient, Questions and answers in the page aren't easily distinguishable. Responsive: The index page(questions list page) design on mobile, seems like just plain text and lines, excluding tags Personally, i'll not recommend.
December 1, 2017
It is easy to get cynical about customer support. So when we approached CM about the possibility of fixing a rival product to CM Answers that had started to conflict with CM Glossary Pro + you can imagine we didn't expect much of a response. But CM not only fixed the conflict, they also gave us the tools to make some alterations to CM Answers so that we are now in a position to compare an enhanced CMA with its fully operational competitor. I, for one, am now sold on the idea that CM Answers is the most sophisticated option out there with a support team that truly goes the extra mile. Thank you.
December 7, 2016
This plugin is a good idea but the execution needs a lot of work, particularly with the Ask the Expert addon. There is hardly any documentation available, but at least if you ask a question the service team responds quickly. Too many features of the plugin can't be changed by the admin. The profile created for users can't be changed, and there are just two fields. There is very poor integration with their other plugin cm registration, with duplicate login and registration forms and no ability for the admin to choose among them. Also poor integration with Peepso, and this addon was just released. Multiple issues with the Expert addon, but this is a premium product so I don't know if I'm allowed to mention those here, but there is nowhere on their website to review the premium versions.
Read all 87 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“CM Answers” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


View Release Notes in CM Answers Plugin Site


  • Added answers shortcode [cminds_answers ids=”1,2,3″ can-add-question=”y|n”]
  • Added CM Answers Sample Page with answers shortcode
  • Added several sample questions and answers
  • Made to send notifications to comma separated list of emails
  • Sanitized $_POST, $REQUEST
  • Small bugfixes and improves
  • Fixed bug with “Show login form” option


  • Checked compatibility with PHP 7.4 and WordPress 5.4.2
  • Added compatibility with Guttenberg