• Resolved billzy



    I’ve seen that your multiple entries deletion is a pro feature. This is absolutely crazy and a messed up way of thinking. Sure maybe if you selectively want to delete entries but to clear a whole form you should have that option at very least.

    Your plugin is bloating our databases and you’re saying that we can’t at bare minimum just clear the entire forms data unless we pay pro.

    This used to be a free feature, it’s a crazy decision to make it a paid feature only.


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  • Plugin Author Steph Wells


    Hi Bill,

    I’m sorry to hear you feel this way. As far as I can remember, bulk delete has always been a premium feature. If you would prefer, you can check the box to not save entries in your form. Would that option work for you?



    No that isnt a good option.

    I’ve been using Formidable for a very long and yer it used to have bulk delete without doubt because that’s just how Custom Post Types work, it doesn’t make sense at all why your team made that a pro feature when it’s something native to WordPress.

    This is honestly such a facepalm decision, one of the worst I’ve seen in a long time.

    Plugin Author Steph Wells


    Just in case my memory was failing me, I checked through the changelog. You can find it here:

    You can also find past releases here if you’d like to check them:

    Is it possible the premium version was running on this site? Or maybe you are thinking of the bulk delete for forms? Since the Lite version includes form importing, it makes sense to include bulk delete as well. Entry importing and bulk delete are premium features.

    I’ll make a note of your request to move bulk entry delete in the Lite version. Thanks!



    It was removed in Version 1.07.05 same time as bulk delete forms.

    And if you look further back you can see it there was regular changes to the feature.

    Yer it makes total sense to move bulk delete to the lite version or at very minimum at least a ‘clear entries for this form’ button. Then you can use the pro version to custom select the data that doesn’t clear if you really think that it’s worth it.

    But honestly a simple delete feature is not your Pro features. The features you pay for on pro isnt about deleting its about the extra fields, the dynamic fields, integrations and all the advanced shit that makes the pro version a standout compared to others.

    Plugin Author Steph Wells


    That says bulk form deletion was added in v1.07.05 (in 2014). It was a Pro feature and moved to Lite.

    Thanks for your feedback. We’ll consider changing this to a free feature for a future release.

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