• Since I made some changes on the configuration the fields that have to be sync between BP and WP, I have a message “Not connected” appearing on the profile screen of every member.

    On the link I send you will not see that because you can only see that if you’re logged in.

    I tried to solve that in different ways, including deactivating and reactivating the plugin, and the message persists (even when the plugin was deactivated.

    How can we solve that?

    Thank you in advance

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Sergio De Falco


    Sorry but connected Is not a bp2wp message.

    Thread Starter alexbosch


    Thank you for your quick answer, Sergio.

    It’s strange because it appeared when I did a change on the configuration of your plugin… Maybe it caused a change on another plugin. I’ll need to do some trials to find out why it is happening.

    If you have any idea it will be appreciated.

    I’ll use this email to ask you if you have a plan to sync more fields between BP and WP.

    Thank you so much

    Plugin Author Sergio De Falco


    This could be another plugin, I can confirm that there is no “not connected” in the BP2WP Full Sync translations.

    For your question, yes, but unfortunately I cannot say when, sorry.

    Thread Starter alexbosch


    OK. Thank you Sergio for your support. We’re still trying to found why this message appears… If it’s OK for you, we’ll share our findings here to help other users that they may have the same problem.

    And we’ll wait patiently for future updates of your plugin.

    Thank you so much

    Thread Starter alexbosch


    We found it!

    It was a problem with the plugin Newsletter – BuddyPress Integration, displaying not connected users to the Newsletter.

    Thank you again and sorry to bother you with a problem caused by another plugin.

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