Support » Plugin: Multipage » [1.5.7.] first subpage not displayed

  • reckus


    Hi, I got an issue with v. 1.5.7. on WP 5.4.2 that the first subpage, which is not preceded by any other content, is not seen.

    – Nothing is loaded in the content area in this case.

    https://myurl/pageid/subpage# (i.e. 2, 3 and so on) works fine.

    – When I added some random paragraph before the first subpage, it worked fine but this adds an “Intro” subpage.

    While I need the first subpage with custom title, not “Intro”, I’m not sure if this is a bug or other error on my side, or just the way this works.

    If not a bug or error, which line of the codes may I approach?


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