Support » Plugin: BuddyVerified » Settings won’t save

  • When I try to add any verified icons through extended profile the settings just resets. Tried different BuddyVerified versions, tried changing different users from different admin accounts. Nothing works, please help!

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  • This.
    Settings still don’t save.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by McPeanut.

    Me too!

    Same here :/

    Same here.
    I am no the developer, but I will try to fix this and send PR to maintainer.
    If anyone has useful information, it would be very much appreciated.

    Me too help me please

    is not saving the setings neither!!

    Same for me too

    Plugin Author modemlooper


    This is odd, I use this plugin on many sites with no problem.

    Give some more information, try testing if other plugins are interfering.

    Just saying it doesn’t work doesn’t help a developer at all to fix something.

    Hi @modemlooper

    As the first user described. It’s not possible to save any checked checkboxes on a profile. After clicking save all boxes are unchecked again as before. So you cannot run your great plugin.

    Kindest regards πŸ™‚

    Plugin Author modemlooper


    Unfortunately, that information will not help fix your issue. This plugin is run on many sites and it works. I have no idea why it won’t save on your site.

    Could be your theme, a plugin, or maybe you run multisite.

    Without more information I can’t help you.

    Ok, I’m running WP 4.8, BP 2.8.2, BuddyBoss premium theme, with 68 activated plugins running in harmony – no multisite

    What kind of information do you need?

    Could it be an optimizing conflict of css and javascript files? Use JCH Optimize Pro or caching issue? Use W3 Total Cache Pro.

    Kindest regards πŸ™‚

    Same Problems here. The Settings won’t save.

    We use this Plugins on our Site:

    – Buddypress
    – bbPress
    – Download Manager
    – BackupBuddy
    – PixieHuge Panel (for our Theme)
    – Shortcode in Menus
    – Steam Group Widget
    – Teamspeak3 Widget for WordPress
    – WP Steam Auth
    – Loco Translate

    I disable every of them; just Buddypress, bbPress and your Plugin … and the Problem is still there, the settings won’t be saved. I look threw the MYSQL Database – i found no Lines for your plugin. Is it normal?

    No MultiSite …

    Can you please help? Or maybe tell what i should try?

    Hello! Is this plugin still supported? I also got issues when trying to save settings. And seems that thedudes already tried to disable all plugins (by the way I have none of thedudes ones) and he still has issues…

    My theme is spacious and I have wp 4.9.1. I am using multisite but I downloaded the 2.4.2 version of buddyverified like you mentionned in another topic but I still have the same issue.


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