Support » Plugin: Easy Meta Builder » How to show Metabox on the frontend ?

  • Hi,
    It’s nice Plugin, very simple and fast!
    But, How to show Metabox on the frontend ?

    i created Metabox with Woocommerce Product – Great!
    Saved and i can’t saw your metabox on product fontend?


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Han Suong.
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  • Template: <?php emb_meta( “ID META” ); ?>

    Meta Boxes :

    in; wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=easymetabuilder

    Add meta or edit meta
    ID META = ID is required for field to be included in metabox.

    Plugin Contributor modemlooper


    You can find the template tag to display in the admin where you build your meta box. There is a gear icon. Click it and you can copy the php code.

    You can use core get_post_meta as well. EMB data is stored in the post meta.

    If you are looking to but a meta box with the fields on the front read this tutorial. <You can find the template tag to display in the admin where you build your meta box. There is a gear icon. Click it and you can copy the php code.

    You can use core get_post_meta as well. EMB data is stored in the post meta.

    If you are looking to but a meta box with the fields on the front read this tutorial. /

    Thank you.
    Nice & simple Plugin !

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