Support » Fixing WordPress » Unable to Find Saved Elements or Templates

  • Hi,

    I have inherited a website and I am having problems saving elements and templates. It allows me to save the elements and templates (and appears to do so correctly with confirmations that they’ve saved), however when I try add an element or a template to a page they do not appear in the selection options. When I try search for them they do not appear either.

    If I try to resave with the same name it won’t let me… so the elements and templates are in there somewhere.

    Appreciate any help.

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  • I am not able to understand the issue clearly. Can you please share the link of website where the issue is happening? Are you talking about the “Page Attributes” section that shows up on edit page screen or something else? Are you using any page builder or are you on default Gutenberg editor?

    WordPress does not have items named “element” or “template” that can be saved or added to pages. Are you using a page builder plugin of some kind? Or is this a feature of the theme? Either way I suggest asking the theme or plugin developer for assistance with this.

    Thread Starter michaelseddy


    Sorry yes it is the WP Bakery Page Builder Plug In for WordPress.

    I’ll ask them for support.

    Thanks for replying.

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