Support » Plugin: Prevent Concurrent Logins » Set Max Amount of Concurrent Logins

  • Resolved prephoops



    We run a business with paywalled content and would like to set a limit on the number of different users that can be logged in under one account. Is there a standard limit that the plugin offers and if so, is there a way to adjust that limit to say 4 or 5 concurrent logins?

    Also, what is the message that displays to a user when they reach their limit of logins? Can that message be adjusted as well?

    Thanks in advance!


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  • Plugin Author Frankie Jarrett


    Hi Travis,

    The plugin is pretty basic and there are no advanced options to speak of beyond whitelisting certain roles or users, which can be done using a filter.

    1. The plugin honors the latest session and forces older sessions to be destroyed.

    2. No custom messages are displayed, it simply redirects users to the login screen.

    > We run a business with paywalled content and would like to set a limit on the number of different users that can be logged in under one account.

    I’d love to hear more about your use-case, specifically why it’s more desired to have 4-5 users sharing the same user rather than creating 4-5 unique users with their own credentials/profile.



    Thanks for the quick response! We run a business off paywalled content, meaning that users subscribe to view particular posts on our site. Many of these users are families, which is why it’s ideal for us to allow 4-5 users to be logged in under one account at the same time. However, we also want to limit the sharing of usernames to prevent many (5+) users from accessing the paywalled content under one subscription.

    Also, we would want to customize the message that is displayed once the logged in limit is hit so users would know why they are unable to log in. That explanation would describe that they have too many users logged in under one username. We’re afraid that if a message is not shown they could become frustrated with their inability to log in and the primary holder of the account would cancel their subscription as a result.

    Do you think it’s possible to achieve what we’re trying to do with your plugin? Or do you know of any other options out there that would give us this functionality? Thanks!


    Plugin Author Frankie Jarrett


    Hey Travis, thanks for describing your use-case.

    What you’re looking for is not currently possible with this plugin, and I can’t say I know of any that do.


    Thanks again for the response. How difficult do you think it would be to edit the plugin to add the functionality we are describing? We would only want to add a pop up message each time someone was kicked out and their session destroyed.

    Let me know what you think. Thanks!

    Plugin Author Frankie Jarrett


    Hey @prephoops,

    I’m open to the possibility down the road, but I have no plans to add anything like this right now. In fact, I’m unsure off-hand exactly how this would even work since WordPress doesn’t provide session-by-session control out-of-the-box.

    All that to say, for now you would need to find a developer to implement a custom solution for this behavior if it’s something you really need.


    Sounds good, thanks again for the feedback Frankie!

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