Support » Plugin: WP LCache » Error with Formidable Forms

  • Resolved rdanamcd


    I’m getting a reproducible error with Formidable Forms and WP LCache.

    Create a Form, Goto Settings, and click on Reports:

    Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column ‘address’ at row 1 in /srv/bindings/e39874a9dbab0539/code/wp-content/plugins/wp-lcache/vendor/lcache/lcache/src/DatabaseL2.php:242 Stack trace: #0 /srv/bindings/e39874a9dbab0539/code/wp-content/plugins/wp-lcache/vendor/lcache/lcache/src/DatabaseL2.php(242): PDOStatement->execute() #1 /srv/bindings/e39874a9dbab0539/code/wp-content/plugins/wp-lcache/vendor/lcache/lcache/src/Integrated.php(56): LCache\DatabaseL2->set(‘…’, Object(LCache\Address), ‘s:25851:”a:12:{…’, 1486928148, Array) #2 /srv/bindings/e39874a9dbab0539/code/wp-content/plugins/wp-lcache/object-cache.php(1001): LCache\Integrated->set(Object(LCache\Address), ‘a:12:{i:0;O:8:”…’, 300) #3 /srv/bindings/e39874a9dbab0539/code/wp-content/plugins/wp-lcache/object-cache.php(710): WP_Object_Cache->call_lcache(‘set’, Array, ‘a:12:{i:0;O:8:”…’, 300) #4 /srv/bind in /srv/bindings/e39874a9dbab0539/code/wp-content/plugins/wp-lcache/vendor/lcache/lcache/src/DatabaseL2.php on line 242

    I uninstall WP LCache, remove object-cache and everything works fine. This is the first error I’ve seen with WP LCache installed. Hope it’s something that can be reproduced on your end. I even deleted All forms thinking it was form related. Still same error.

    Please let me know what else to try.


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  • Plugin Author Daniel Bachhuber


    Thanks for the report, @rdanamcd.

    Based on what you’ve shared, I’m reasonably confident the problem is that WP LCache’s address column is too short for the key Formidable Forms is attempting to write. I’ve filed a GitHub issue to start working out a solution.

    In the interim, if you need a persistent object cache, you’re welcome to use WP Redis on Pantheon.

    Thread Starter rdanamcd


    Hi Daniel,

    Great thanks.


    @rdanamcd is this a premium version of the Formidable Forms plugin?

    I have a fix ready but cannot reproduce the exact issue you described, which I’d like to verify ASAP.

    Any insights for me on the exact steps I can take to reproduce?

    Thread Starter rdanamcd


    Hi Frankie,

    Yes, it’s Formidable Forms Pro.

    I was going to recreate the error but I’m having a time installing the wp-lcache plugin. Following the instructions but must be missing something. WordPress keeps popping up I need to Repair the database, missing tables. I restore from Backup and back fine. Here’s my steps just to install it:
    1. Install WP-LCache as normal from the wp-admin dashboard ( in SFTP Mode ).
    2. The instructions say to active first, so I active and it says I’m missing Object-Cache.
    3. I’m guessing the plugin Deactivate’s itself after the error. It says it’s active though.
    3. I create the Object-Cache from the instructions, switch to GIT and upload.
    4. Anything I do now Database needs repair. I hit repair and get the following ERROR:

    Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /srv/bindings/cc64389f9f5144258544379922c0be20/code/wp-content/plugins/wp-crontrol/wp-crontrol.php on line 409 Notice: register_taxonomy was called incorrectly. Taxonomy names must be between 1 and 32 characters in length. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 4.2.0.) in /srv/bindings/cc64389f9f5144258544379922c0be20/code/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4138 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /srv/bindings/cc64389f9f5144258544379922c0be20/code/wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz/class.WpdiscuzCore.php on line 951

    Allow automatic database repair
    To allow use of this page to automatically repair database problems, please add the following line to your wp-config.php file. Once this line is added to your config, reload this page.

    I’ve tried several different ways to install this plug in to re-test but no luck.

    Any suggestions?


    Thread Starter rdanamcd


    Hi Frankie,

    I updated to version 0.5.2 . I double checked the mysql tables and noticed that the table wp_lcache_events had old information in it when I previously had it installed. I deleted both tables wp_lcache_events and wp_lcache_tags.

    I then activated the WP LCache plugin. Double checked MySQL and the tables were recreated and empty. I uploaded the Object-Cache.php file.

    Everything seems great. No Database error this time. I went into Formidable Pro Forms, went to Reports ( where the error was occurring ). Works great and looks fine.

    Seems to be fixed! I appreciate it.


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