Support » Plugin: Archived Post Status » Archived are Viewable

  • Revised – The plugin author corrected my error, and I revise my review. If you log out of WP the archived posts are not publicly visible.

    Review 1 -Not helpful if archived posts are still viewable by all! You have to add extra code in order to hide the archived posts from public view.

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  • Plugin Author Frankie Jarrett


    @pursuingtheummit One star? Really? ;(

    Not helpful if archived posts are still viewable by all!

    Archived posts are not viewable by the public.

    Are you logged into WordPress? Archived posts are visible by logged in users with specific capabilities, which is clearly explained in the FAQ.

    Thread Starter pursuingtheummit


    In an effort to be fair I did what you said and logged out. And now they are not visible. Review revised. Mea culpa.

    Plugin Author Frankie Jarrett


    @pursuingtheummit Thanks for coming back. Any suggestions for me on how I can make this more obvious or understandable? I can imagine this wasn’t a pleasant experience.

    Thread Starter pursuingtheummit


    It wasn’t pleasant, but only because I was trying unsuccessfully to solve several problems at once, none of which were the plugin’s fault. I read the description and not the FAQs (obviously!), so if you could revise the description to include the visibility conditions, that’s all I might suggest. Thank you for the plugin and the gentle correction.

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