Send System Info


Send System Info is a handy WordPress plugin that displays System Information for debugging. This information can be downloaded as a .txt file, sent via email directly from the plugin, and/or remotely viewed via generated URL. This plugin is a must-recommend for those who deal with support every day.

This plugin displays WordPress, Server and Browser information, including fields like PHP version, active plugins, current browser, etc. It also tests for FSOCKOPEN, cURL, SOAP client, as well as many other features.

Plugin Features

  • Quickly and easily presents a snapshot of the user’s site configuration
  • Send System Info via email
  • Download System Info as .txt file
  • Option to allow remote viewing of System Information
  • Multisite Support

Full List of Information Displayed

  • Multisite
  • WordPress Version
  • Permalink Structure
  • Active Theme
  • Registered Post Stati
  • Platform
  • Browser Name
  • Browser Version
  • User Agent String
  • PHP Version
  • MySQL Version
  • Web Server Info
  • WordPress Memory Limit
  • PHP Safe Mode
  • PHP Memory Limit
  • PHP Upload Max Size
  • PHP Post Max Size
  • PHP Upload Max Filesize
  • PHP Time Limit
  • PHP Max Input Vars
  • PHP Arg Separator
  • PHP Allow URL File Open
  • WP Table Prefix
  • Show On Front
  • Page On Front
  • Page For Posts
  • WP Remote Post
  • Session
  • Session Name
  • Cookie Path
  • Save Path
  • Use Cookies
  • Use Only Cookies
  • cURL
  • SOAP Client

Contribute to Send System Info

Send System Info on GitHub


  • The Send System Info "Send as Text" Screen (Tools > Send System Info)
  • The "Send as Email" screen (Tools > Send System Info > Send as Email)
  • The "Send as URL" Screen and the actions available (Tools > Send System Info > Send as URL)


Install Send System Info just as you would any other WP Plugin:

  1. Download Send System Info from

  2. Unzip the .zip file.

  3. Upload the Plugin folder (send-system-info/) to the wp-content/plugins folder.

  4. Go to Plugins Admin Panel and find the newly uploaded Plugin, “Send System Info” in the list.

  5. Click Activate Plugin to activate it.

More help installing Plugins

After installation and activation, this plugin’s administration screen can be found under Tools > Send System Info.


October 12, 2017
I work supporting WP plugins and child themes and until I found out about THIS jewel of a plugin it was a real migraine to get sufficient data from any client. Now I have more than enough. Simply ask them to install/activate the plugin and send you a URL... Voilà! Life is so much the easier. Thanks Matt Cromwell, I'll never forget this 😉
September 3, 2016
This plugin is awesome. It is invaluable when troubleshooting problems on WordPress. This plugin is easy to use and includes some awesome features. I highly recommend it!
March 4, 2018
Just stumbled on this today. Absolutely love how simple it is. The bonus ability to email the info directly, or post a public link is really excellent. Thanks for creating this and making it available to the community at large! (Full Disclosure:) I loved this plugin so much, and I noticed it wasn't being maintained, so I adopted it and am now maintaining it.
Read all 7 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Send System Info” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “Send System Info” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


1.4 (March 2021)

  • Added the Debug info from the Health Check status to the System Info Output
  • Set version of assets to plugin version via SSI_VERSION.

1.3 (October 11, 2017)

  • ADOPTION DAY: Matt Cromwell has officially adopted Send System Info and will be maintaining it and developing it further. See issues on Github to contribute.
  • NEW: New tabbed interface and general UI clean-up (Issue #10)
  • NEW: Delete the generated URL with a click of a button (Issue #14)
  • NEW: Added filters to paths for view for plugin authors to extend the views. Thanks Josh! (PR #7)


  • Updating method for determining MySQL version
  • Minor Bugfixes


  • Inital Release