
Make WordPress Core

Opened 8 weeks ago

Last modified 7 weeks ago

#53785 new defect (bug)

Block Styles dropdown should use 'Default' instead of 'Not set'

Reported by: BjornW Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: trunk
Component: Editor Keywords:
Focuses: ui-copy Cc:


After registering a new Block Style to the WordPress Core Paragraph block I noticed the text used in the dropdown states "Not set" instead of "Default", which is used as a caption in the image. This is confusing to (new) users.

Proposed solution:
Change the text in the dropdown into default. This matches the image caption and clearly indicates that this style is the default style.

Attachments (1)

paragraph-block-EN.PNG (64.6 KB) - added by BjornW 8 weeks ago.
Screenshot of the interface in English

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

8 weeks ago

Screenshot of the interface in English

#1 @SergeyBiryukov
8 weeks ago

  • Component changed from General to Editor

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by ryokuhi. View the logs.

7 weeks ago

#3 @ryokuhi
7 weeks ago

  • Focuses accessibility removed

Hello @BjornW,
We checked this ticket today during the accessibility team's bug-scrub.

We had a look at the problem, but we don't think it's an accessibility issue.
The two controls you refer to are in fact different, so they don't have to follow WCAG 3.2.4.
The figures representing the different styles are used to select the style of the current block. The dropdown menu, on the other side, is used to set the style that will be used when the same block will be added again in the same post or page.
You can check this if you try to add an image block (I'm using the Twenty Twenty-One default theme): this block has four styles, including a Default one, but in the dropdown you'll see five options, including both the "Not Set" option and the "Default" one. As the "Default" style is also a style, it's possibly different from "Not Set".

The paragraph block doesn't have a "Default" style, so, when you add a new block style for this block, the "Default" style is automatically created (I haven't tested this, it's my guess).
I see two possibilities.

  • The "Default" style should be also added to the dropdown menu (together with the "Not set" option).
  • The "Default" style and the "Not set" ones are duplicates, in which case this issue should be addressed also in other blocks.

For now, as we don't consider this as an accessibility issue, I'm removing the accessibility focus from this ticket. Feel free to add it back in case you think that we should review it again.

#4 @BjornW
7 weeks ago

@ryokuhi Thanks for your update. I wasn't 100% sure if this would be an accessibility issue so I'm happy to hear it is not according to the WCAG guidelines. However I do think this is an issue that needs to be solved as it is confusing to users.

I belief you are right about this:

The "Default" style and the "Not set" ones are duplicates, in which case this issue should be addressed also in other blocks.

I think it would be worthwhile to see if we can use 'Default' instead of 'Not set' for other blocks as well as for the Paragraph, Image etc Core blocks. So the main question seems to be: are there Core blocks which need both Default and Not set? I'll see if I can invest some time in researching this and report back here.

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