Support » Plugin: Advanced Addons for Elementor » my website does not work after updating

  • Resolved tarwada


    i just installed the update and my whole wordpress website is not working.
    not even the wp-admin page!
    i’m hosting my website on SSDPage webhosting
    i don’t have a backup for my design and i finished it 2 days ago.
    please help me this website is my business it’s so important!
    below is a picture of the page i see after the update !

    [ Please do not bump. ]

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by tarwada.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter tarwada


    EDIT: i had to delete the addon folder using the file manager in my cPanel
    i lost a lot of the elements on my website because of this update.
    i will never use it again

    Plugin Author Bappi



    I’m sorry for the late response. The update shouldn’t create any issue like that. What’s the PHP version your server running? Please note that you’ll need at least PHP 5.6 to run everything smoothly.

    The latest update includes many design improvements as well as 10+ new widgets. If you’re willing to try it again we’re here to help.

    Plugin Author Bappi


    Solved in the latest version

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