Support » Plugin: Relevanssi - A Better Search » Relevanssi and GDPR

  • Resolved abrightclearweb


    How compliant is Relevanssi with the GDPR?

    I know that it can track IP addresses, and I’ve turned that option off. Is there any other personal data collection or storage I should be aware of?

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  • Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    IP address logging is the only place where Relevanssi collects personal data. Other than the logs, Relevanssi doesn’t really collect any data from the users.

    If you have personal data in your posts or user profiles and index them, Relevanssi index will also contain that same data, but since that’s stored in the same database, just in slightly different form, it should not make much difference.

    Thread Starter abrightclearweb


    Thanks, Mikko.

    Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    Actually, now that I took a closer look at this, Relevanssi does log the user ID number for logged-in users, even if the IP address logging is disabled.

    Next version will include an option to disable that as well, and will include tools to remove all the logs from particular user using the WordPress privacy tools.

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