This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Magento WordPress Integration


Magento WordPress Integration allows you to add any Magento blocks to your WordPress theme, including ones you have created yourself, and static blocks created through the Magento admin area.

The Magento WordPress Integration Plugin allows you to to the following:

  • Bring out any of the default Magento Blocks in your WordPress theme.
  • Bring out any Magento blocks that you have created yourself.
  • Bring out any static blocks that you have made in your Magento admin area.

=Add Ons=

  • Category Listing Use the shortcode button to insert a paginated category listing of your Magento products in your WordPress editor.
  • Shortcodes Use the shortcode button to insert products, layout blocks, and static blocks in your WordPress editor.

=Useful Links=

=Please Leave a Rating=

Your ratings really make a difference to me, and other users! Thanks.


  • This plugin does not allow you to completely avoid using Magento on your website, it simply helps you to get your WordPress and Magento themes seamlessly integrated.
  • If upgrading, please back up your database first!
  • Follow me on Twitter to keep up with the latest updates @gigasavvy


Please visit the Magento WordPress Integration website for installation details.


Please visit the Magento WordPress Integration website for frequently asked questions.


January 3, 2017
Problems, errors, paid twice but no support at all! Better try this plugin!
September 3, 2016
Unfortunately, neither functions.php nor those helpful shortcodes are available anymore from the coder's website...
September 3, 2016
We use this for almost all of our Magneto clients. Great plugin and works very well!
Read all 20 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Magento WordPress Integration” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



3.2.4 (21/01/16)

  • [update] Updated header image

3.2.3 (20/01/16)

  • [update] Updated header image

3.2.1 (15/06/15)

  • [fix] Change of version number

3.2.0 (12/06/15)

  • [fix] Change of version number

3.1.11 (19/03/15)

  • [add-on] NEW! Category Listing add-on now available

3.1.10 (13/03/15)

  • [assets] Attempting assets deployment

3.1.9 (13/03/15)

  • [assets] Attempting assets deployment

3.1.8 (13/03/15)

  • [assets] Attempting assets deployment

3.1.7 (12/03/15)

  • [assets] Attempting assets deployment

3.1.6 (12/03/15)

  • [assets] Attempting assets deployment

3.1.5 (12/03/15)

  • [readme] Changed readme changelog layout
  • [assets] Add new banner and icon assets

3.1.4 (12/03/15)

  • [update] Move MCE button to main plugin so it can be shared
  • [update] Add helpers class
  • [update] Add admin js for cat-listing shortcode add-on
  • [update] Add styles for pagination

3.1.3 (01/01/15)

  • [update] Recreate addon styles and assets folder structure
  • [update] New styles for new addons
  • [update] Remove and reorganise assets


  • [update] Check for valid functions.php to reduce errors from occuring


  • [readme] Updated readme


  • [update] Updated plugin structure and refined coding


  • Moved add-ons to their own plugins, available via download.


  • Added the option to set the Magento Website Code – I hope to integrate this with WPML in the near future.
  • Added option to hide out of stock products from the widgets.


  • Completely removed the multi-store view functionality – it is all now automatic
  • Removed unused functions
  • Rewrote the widget and shortcode add-ons to remove some inconsistencies
  • Button text (widgets/shortcodes) now translates if the storeview is changed.


  • Updated Variable to prevent activation issue


  • Added the Category Specific Widget


  • Updated the class structure to remove object errors


  • Added abilty to get block as an object


  • Added new functions to check if block is being implemented on a Magento page
  • Fixed issue with default storeview code not being set porperly


  • Added language translation for store view


  • Added ability to hide/show price for widget/shortcodes


  • Template functions to easily get blocks – simply enter the block name to get any block from Magento
  • Shortcodes to add products to your WordPress posts/pages (via an add-on)
  • Widgets to display products from any category on your WordPress website (via an add-on)
  • Completely rewritten code structure
  • Incoorporation of a PHP class to prevent any conflicts
  • Multiple store views
  • Gets the correct currency per store view


  • This is the first release of the Magento WordPress Integration Plugin.