Support » Plugin: Shibboleth » Password Protect Specific Pages

  • Resolved mikecorreia


    I am building out a new WordPress site at my work. Most of the pages on the site will be public, but we would like some pages to be password protected. We use Shibboleth to manage our user accounts and ideally we would like specific pages to force a visitor to have to log in using their account username/password.

    Is this something this plugin can do? If not, is there a plugin that exists that can work with Shibboleth to do that? I apologize if this is not the place to ask these questions and appreciate any information provided. Thanks!


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  • Plugin Contributor Jonathan Champ


    Hi Mike,

    It sounds like you’re asking about Content Visibility:

    Content Visibility

    My read of that article is that if you only want logged in users with appropriate permissions levels to see some pages, you can mark them as Private and they will be “Privately Published” (however, that doesn’t sounds 100% like what you are asking, because it may not allow basic WordPress users to access the private content).

    From the plugins linked on that page, the one that seems to do what you are asking is Page Restrict:

    Hopefully this addresses your question. For now, I’ll mark it as resolved unless I hear otherwise.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    Thread Starter mikecorreia


    Hi Jonathan
    Thank you for reaching out. Using our existing user/account authentication set up, I found a solution by allowing people at the “subscriber” level to view pages that were set as private. This way, if they click on a URL for a page set as private they are automatically prompted to log in.

    Thanks again for reaching out and following up on this, much appreciated!


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